占领华尔街 英文

时间:2024-03-15 10:53:08编辑:优化君

何谓虚位元首和 实位元首



See the americans occupied the relevant report on Wall Street.I think the origin that the root cause of the parade is that the gap between rich and poor is too big, cause polarization. People can't have dignity of life . Throughout history we can find that the center of the war for the benefits of the big economic owner, and the suffering of the people are the poor. In occupied the war on Wall Street, it is found that: people require not violence, they just wanted to work, want to change the current situation of dignity of the alive. And the government's ruling weakness, big speculators speculation, deprived the people that right. So they want to resist.
civil rights challenge the power of money, people can not win. Because there are too many obstacles
Although people can't get finally victory, it doesn't matter, failure can climb up again.Failure is the mother of success ,and the more failure ,the more you learn from experience, the pace of success is more close!
Victory belongs to the people !!!


国际金融的神经中枢 提起美国纽约的华尔街,在国际金融业可谓无人不知无人不晓。它以其魔幻般的巨大威力,对世界经济产生着巨大的影响。它是梦想家的天堂,不知有多少暴发户一夜之间从这里跨入了金融巨子的宝座;它也是企业家的地狱,又不知有多少知名企业家一夜之间也是从这里破产身亡。这时是天堂与地狱的交汇处,这里是魔鬼与天使的聚集地。巨大的诱惑,巨大的实力,使它无愧于国际金融业神经中枢的地位。华尔街位于被誉为美国的象征、纽约的精华的曼哈顿岛最南端,与纽约世界艺术表演中心“百老汇”毗邻,同著名的纽约唐人街也仅一箭之遥。

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