john ritter

时间:2024-03-16 23:12:11编辑:优化君





>,它诞生于1932年的法国.可惜它在1945年被毁了.因为在这首歌存在的13年里,听过的人纷纷自杀.竟数以百计.自杀者留下遗书都说自杀是因为无法忍受着无比忧伤的旋律.此间还有无数的吉他,钢琴等艺术家弹过辞曲后从此封手.作者死前深深的忏悔,他自己也没想到此曲会害死如此多的人.于是和欧洲各国联手毁掉了此曲. 它是由匈牙利作曲家 鲁兰斯*查理斯 在上世纪初创作的一首乐曲“黑色星期天”是音乐史上真正的“绝世”之作。这首曲子到现在还是全世界禁止传播的乐曲!仅这一点也足可以“前无古人”了。这到底是一首什么样的乐曲? 你可曾听说过杀人乐曲?这首“黑色星期天”是人类的最历害的无形杀手。当鲁兰斯*查理斯创作出它的时候,引起全世界的轰动,不在于它的艺术方面,却在于绝大部分听过这首乐曲的人都自杀了! 有记载第一个自杀的人是一个英国的一位军官,他在家里一个人安静地休息,无意中就开始听邮递员送过来唱盘,第一首乐曲就是鲁兰斯*查理斯的“黑色星期天”,当他听完这首曲子以后,他的灵魂受到了极为强烈的刺激,心情再也不能平静下来。不一会,他拿出家中的手枪,结束了自己的生命,枪声响起的同时,还正放着那首“黑色星期天”,这也是他留下的唯一死亡线索。警方经过彻底调查和推测,结果得出一个结论:他确是属于自杀,但这首“黑色星期天”是间接杀手!并警告人们不要去听这首乐曲----因为警方在听这首乐曲的时候也差点有人自杀!接着这件事就轰动了整个欧洲,人们感到不可思议,惊恐而好奇,不少自认为心理素质可以的人好奇地到处搜集并亲身体验,去探险。 其中一位美国的中年男子,听了几篇这首“黑色星期天”以后,开枪自杀,在他的遗言中写道:“请把这首曲子作为我葬礼的哀乐“。接着类似自杀消息一个接一个,从欧洲到美州,到亚州,整个世界为之恐慌。 当时欧洲的一位非常有身份的名人在出席一个音乐演奏会的时候,他坚决要求在场的一位音乐家用钢琴弹奏那首“黑色星期天”,钢琴家开始坚决不答应,但迫于好奇的观众的压力和要求,但只好演奏。演奏结束以后,这位钢琴家发誓:以后永远不再摸钢琴!而那位提出要求的名人从此以后也隐名埋姓,销声匿迹了 从此全世界所有的国家开始销毁所有有关这首乐曲的资料。 “黑色星期天”的作者临终时也非常内疚。他说没想到这首乐曲给人类造成了这么大的灾难,这并不是他的初衷的. 歌曲听了让我感到害怕,紧张,空虚。兴趣的朋友去下载听听吧。 五十多年前,音乐史上曾发生过一桩著名的“国际音乐奇案”:人们为听一首乐曲而自杀的 事件接连不断地发生。 当时某天,在比利时的某酒吧,人们正在一边品着美酒,一边听音乐。当乐队刚刚演奏 完法国作曲家鲁兰斯.查理斯创作的《黑色的星期五》这首管弦乐曲时,就听到一声歇斯底 里的大喊:“我实在受不了啦!”只见一名匈牙利青年一仰脖子喝光了杯中酒,掏出手枪朝 自己太阳穴扣动扳机,“砰”地一声就倒在血泊里。 一名女警察对此案进行调查,但费尽九牛二虎之力,也查不出这青年为什么要自杀。最 后,她抱着侥幸心理买来一张那天乐队演奏过的《黑色的星期五》的唱片,心想,也许从这 里可以找到一点破案的蛛丝马迹。她把唱片放了一遍后,结果也自杀了。人们在她的办公桌 上发现她留给警察局长的遗言:“局长阁下:我受理的案件不用继续侦查了,其凶手就是乐 曲《黑色的星期五》。我在听这首曲子时,也忍受不了它那悲伤旋律的刺激,只好谢绝人世 了。” 无独有偶。美国纽约市一位开朗活泼的女打字员与人闲聊时,听说《黑色的星期五》如 何使人伤感,便好奇地借了这首乐曲的唱片回家听。第二天她没有去上班,人们在她房间发 现她已自杀身亡,唱机上正放着那张《黑色的星期五》的唱片。她在遗书中说:“我无法忍 受它的旋律,这首曲子就是我的葬礼曲目。” 在华盛顿,有位刚成名的钢琴演奏家应邀参加一个沙龙聚会,并为来宾演奏。席间一位 来宾突然接到她母亲车祸身亡的长途电话,因为那天正好是星期天,便请钢琴家为其母演奏 《黑色的星期五》以示哀悼。钢琴家极不情愿地弹了这首曲子,刚演奏完毕,便由于过度悲 伤,导致心脏病发作而扑倒在钢琴上,再也没有起来。 在意大利米兰,一个音乐家听说了这些奇闻之后感到困惑不解,他不相信《黑色的星期 五》会造成如此严重的后果,便试着在自己客厅里用钢琴弹奏了一遍,竟也死在钢琴旁,并 在《黑色的星期五》的乐谱上写下这样的遗言:“这乐曲的旋律太残酷了,这不是人类所能 忍受的曲子,毁掉它吧,不然会有更多的人因受刺激而丧命。” 《黑色的星期五》当时被人们称为“魔鬼的邀请书”,至少有100人因听了它而自杀,因 而曾被查禁长达13年之久。关于作曲家本人创作曲子的动机,连精神分析家和心理学家也无 法作出圆满的解释。 由于自杀的人越来越多,美、英、法、西班子等诸多国家的电台便召开了一次特别会 议,号召欧美各国联合抵制《黑色的星期五》。 这首杀人的乐曲终于被销毁了,作者也因为内疚而在临终前忏悔道:“没想到,这首乐 曲给人类带来了如此多的灾难,让上帝在另一个世界来惩罚我的灵魂吧!”


《怪诞小镇第一季》是导演 Joe Pitt / John Aoshima / Aaron Springer的动画片作品。《怪诞小镇》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看 链接: 提取码:sqf7 暑假到了,双胞胎姐弟俩梅宝(克里斯汀·沙尔 Kristen Schaal 配音)和迪普(杰森·雷特 Jason Ritter 配音)被爸妈赶到一个偏僻小镇“重力泉”过暑假,在这里,他们的斯坦叔公经营着一家专门敲诈游客的旅游景点“神秘小屋”,其中有着各种各样稀奇古怪的东西。然而更让人感到毛骨悚然的,则是这个怪诞小镇里的森林。


奖项 获奖者
最佳影片 《贫民窟的百万富翁》
最佳导演 丹尼·保尔《贫民窟的百万富翁》
最佳男主角 西恩·潘《米克传》
最佳女主角 凯特·温斯莱特《生死朗读》
最佳男配角 希斯·莱杰/《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》
最佳女配角 佩内洛普·克鲁兹/《午夜巴塞罗那》
最佳动画长片 《机器人瓦力》
最佳外语片 《入殓师》/日本
最佳原创剧本 《米尔克》
最佳改编剧本 《贫民窟的百万富翁》
最佳摄影 安东尼·多德·曼托/《贫民窟的百万富翁》
最佳剪辑 《贫民窟的百万富翁》
最佳化妆 《返老还童》
最佳配乐 《贫民窟的百万富翁》
最佳歌曲 《贫民窟的百万富翁》
最佳动画短片 《回忆积木屋》
最佳真人短片 《玩具岛》
最佳音响效果 《贫民窟的百万富翁》
最佳音效剪辑 《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》
最佳视觉效果 《返老还童》
最佳艺术指导 《返老还童》
最佳服装设计 《公爵夫人》
最佳纪录长片 《走钢丝的人》
最佳纪录短片 《微笑的Pinki》
终身成就奖 杰瑞·刘易斯


Intermediate business of commercial banks and the development of intermediate business of commercial banks in China with a comprehensive international comparison

The middle of a commercial banking business development activities because of
1.1 an inevitable choice for commercial banks
Intermediate business of commercial banks and the rapid development of the emergence of the underlying reasons are not only driven, but also the result of external factors. First of all, the international community to enter the countries have relaxed controls, the liberalization of banking and international trends, including greatly to the middle of the business, including the pace of financial innovation; Second, market competition has also promoted the development of intermediary business, traditional business of commercial banks not only faced competition in the same industry, and along with the development of capital market countries, greatly increased the proportion of direct financing, the traditional commercial banks assets, liabilities, business increasingly showing a "sunset industry" the decline, therefore, commercial banks were forced to carry out new business innovation to create a new source of profits; again, the middle of business innovation is the result of market demand, due to frequent fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, enterprises and commercial banks in which the uncertainty of economic environment, increasing the risk of which the effective management tools, in particular, a number of financial derivatives had a demand for the development of the banking intermediary business that is risk management in order to satisfy customers, as well as other diversified financial services; Finally, the banks have their own advantages, as well as 20 practical information technology since the 80's the development and extensive use of commercial banks for the development of intermediary business possible. February 1987 at Northwestern University in the United States held a deposit-taking institutions on asset securitization and the risk of development of intermediary business seminar, a scholar on the development of commercial banks in the middle of a large number of business reasons for concluding, that is, commercial banks the development of intermediary business and technology, control, interest rate risk, customer competition, factors such as capital adequacy ratio are closely related.
1.2 The significance of the development of intermediary business
(A) can be extended into a commercial bank intermediary function, to expand their business scale.
(B) commercial banks can spread business risks, and enhance the bank's ability to resist risks.
(C) can play a variety of business, "bundling" effect to enhance the competitiveness of the banks. Intermediate business of commercial banks between other business interaction and mutual influence, and the development of intermediary business for the banks not only bring direct profits, but also with other business, the second interaction of the market to enhance the competitiveness of banks.
Second, commercial banks in the development of intermediary business
2.1 The broader business scope, a wide variety.
Western countries of the middle-run commercial banks and a wide variety of products to meet the diverse needs of customers, the commercial banks for the new business innovation. The scope of business covered by the middle of the traditional banking, trust services, investment banking, mutual funds and insurance business. They can engage in money market operations, but also can engage in discounting commercial paper and capital markets business.
Gradually expand the business scale of 2.2, rising income levels.
From 1993 to 1996 among the U.S. banking business grew from 912 billion U.S. dollars to 12.188 trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for bank assets from 78% to 142.9%, of which the seven largest banks in the middle of the business lending per cent more than doubled and more. Living in the forefront of the U.S. banking industry, Citigroup, the Americas, such as the middle of the five major banking groups involved in the operational activities of the total assets of more than 2.2 trillion U.S. dollars has the same period, assets and liabilities that banks under the total assets of 780 billion U.S. dollars for the capital sum for the 45 billion U.S. dollars; intermediary business 3 years the average growth rate to 54.2%, much higher than the 9 percent average annual total assets and total capital at an average annual growth rate of 21.6 percent. ①
2.3 Middle-income structure of the business change.
Western commercial banks from 1980 to 1990 of 10 years, the total income of non-spread revenue rapid upward trend in both. The middle of foreign banks operating income generally accounts for 40% of total revenue -50%. Acceptance in the United States, Citibank, credit investigation, credit rating companies, assets evaluation business, personal financial advisor business, long-term foreign exchange trading, foreign exchange futures, foreign exchange options, and other intermediary business represented 80 percent brought their profits deposit and lending business profits accounted for only 20% of the total profits. ②
2.4 Service means of advanced and high technology.
Improvement in the level of science and technology for the development of intermediate business of commercial banks to provide a strong foundation for technical support and innovation, especially in recent years can be at any time and any place in any way to provide customers with personalized service network of banks, the emergence of Internet banking promoted the development of intermediary business. With the international advanced banking payment system on its strong business in the middle was a huge amount of service fee revenue.

Third, commercial banks Analysis of intermediate products
3.1 Clearing-type intermediate products
Clearing products are usually divided into promissory notes, bills of exchange, the three types of checks. Settlement of funds between the time of the settlement act, for the customers, the main demand is to use the banking clearing system, security and timely transfer of funds. Settlement is therefore a means of clearing operations to ensure the successful completion of an important link. On the characteristics of the clearing business, its risk may come from three aspects: customer risk factors, risk factors of post and telecommunications sector and banking risk factors. For the banks, the first two banks of external risks, which is the bank's internal risk. ③
3.2 security type of intermediate products
With the development of international trade, the Western commercial banks faster development of the security business, including standby letters of credit, guarantee the payment, performance bond, bid security, supervision, such as payment by the common varieties. Chinese and foreign commercial banks, the security business is production of the intermediate business with commercial banks to carry out security operations is the use of banks to provide credit support, that one has to bear because of the risks associated with credit support.
Intermediate goods 3.3 Management
Mainly divided into the banking business, safe operations, Personal Financial Services. Since the last century is the era, as the world's financial system, industry structure, organizational structure, operational modalities and competition is undergoing a profound transformation. The changes in the traditional banking, securities, insurance, trust business increasingly blurred boundaries between the business, while seeking to promote and strengthen the commercial banking and financial activities of globalization and virtual organizations, the banks of the insurance industry to flourish here development. With the development of the world economy, personal financial services showing a huge space for development. And personal financial services customers of commercial banks is the core personal financial services in the commercial banks to the "financial services supermarket" the process of development, personal financial services of commercial banks at home and abroad has become the focal point of retail business one.
3.4 Advisory type of intermediate products
Intermediary business consulting category refers to the transfer, sale information and provide intelligence services to the main contents of the intermediary business. Commercial banks on their own information, talent, credibility and other areas, the collection and presentation of information and information of these customers, as well as banks and financial analysis of campaign records to form a system of information and programs made available to customers, one to meet their management or business development needs. Include: credit, corporate credit rating, assets evaluation business and financial information; business and personal financial advisor business; business consultant business investment and financing, including financing and the international syndicated loan arrangement.
3.5 bank cards, online banking intermediate products
Bank credit card is the issue of commercial banks to the community with consumer credit, debit settlement, access to cash in whole or in part, such as a credit payment function. Its fast development, many countries have become an important business, many banks and the major source of profit for variety. Internet banking is a banking service to provide customers with new tools, which the existing banking business, based on the use of Internet technology to provide customers with comprehensive, consent, security, real-time financial services. Internet banking is not only a banking innovation is the organizational structure of a bank穿心At the same time, the emergence of Internet banking so that the expansion of commercial banks to find new channels for the middle of the business.
Fourth, the middle of the latest developments in the direction of business
Securitization of credit assets 4.1
Securitization of credit assets refers to a group of poor liquidity through a portfolio of assets, so that this group of assets to generate stable and predictable cash flow proceeds through the intermediary of certain credit enhancement, the proceeds of these assets the right to change as flows in the financial markets, higher credit rating of bond-type securities. In essence, will be financing the securitization of future cash proceeds of the assets and the corresponding right to transfer the risk to investors, and the transfer of ownership of the assets may not be entirely. ④
4.2 fund business
A long time, China's commercial banks to develop intermediary business not as a main industry and the new profit growth point to run, but also our country's strict separation of management and other factors, so that the development of the banking sector has been greater restrictions. A direct consequence of these restrictions is that domestic commercial banks and weak financial innovation. Have been carried out in the middle of the retail business of the development of varieties, not to profit maximization as the goal, but as absorbing as a means of customer deposits, which resulted in business receipts in the middle of the contribution rate for banks with low profit situation. Commercial banks in China's current total income, the proportion of all interest income more than 90%. This revenue structure is to enable the assets of China's commercial banks profitability in the last century since the 90's has been in a continuous downward trend in one of the main reasons. Studies have shown that commercial banks in the U.S. the average asset profit rate of China's four state-owned commercial banks average of 12.86 times. This shows that the middle of my business cards, many types of projects though, but their purpose and profit with the situation in Western developed countries, significant differences between the modern commercial banking business and a lot of content has yet to enter our field of vision. ⑥
8, China's commercial banks lag in the middle of the reasons for business development
8.1 on the traditional state-owned commercial businesses, as well as the long-term monopoly control of the central bank's interest rates led directly to commercial banks to create a modern inadequate.
From abroad, the development of banking business, the increasingly intensified competition in the market forces and customers is to continuously strengthen the bank to speed up the expansion of the main reasons for non-margin business. China's banking industry from the historical path of development, the historical factors strangle a certain extent, the domestic commercial banks to expand their business and the autonomy of consciousness. "Unification" of thinking, as well as the banking system more rigid domestic commercial banks used to make the government's command, the lack of response to the economic situation to customers and the market as guide, based on the formulation and implementation of their own advantages for their own development strategies of motivation and ability.
8.2 the development of intermediate business of commercial banks led to a substantial risk of financial regulation will make the existing system is facing tremendous pressure.
The financial sector at the policy orientation of business limits the room for the development of intermediary business. Most of the middle of the business belonging to banks and non-bank financial institutions operating in the field of cross-cutting, so inrong the state's macroeconomic management policies of banks, non-bank financial institutions, the limited scope of business directly determines the intermediate business of commercial banks to open up space. I started in 1993 from a banking, securities, insurance, trust the strict separation of management, the banks can not create a cross-sectoral, comprehensive, multi-faceted business intermediate products, it is difficult to raise the level of business and level of intensive
8.3 Bank charges among the business and the lack of standardization.
In the absence of corresponding fees and charges based mechanism, the intermediary business difficult and hard to charge fees, particularly the phenomenon of table. Charges not specifically reflected in the financial institutions among the business no express provision charges. Difficult to charge in fees and charges due to lack of enforcement mechanism, financial institutions are afraid of arbitrary collection of charges the suspect.
8.4 China's banking industry has developed the "marketing model" and the "marketing habit" has severely constrained the development of intermediary business.
From foreign banks to expand business model point of view, primarily by the consumer to facilitate this, fast, safe and customer service benefits, are a typical "product marketing." As for the domestic banking industry, the product quality and price are often relegated to a secondary position, "relationship marketing" has become the domestic banking industry to explore the middle of the main mode of business. At present, commercial banks remain the main customer base to large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and property rights Fuzzy principal - agent problem makes enterprise managers pay more attention to the pursuit of personal interests, at this time the relationship between banks and their customers has become a successful product whether or not the key. ⑦

Main References:
① Bank for International Settlements: "International Financial Market Development Report", published in 1999
② Ho five-star: "Financial Innovation in Development", Southwest University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000
③ Yang Ming-sheng: "Commercial Bank's Intermediary Business Products practical manual." Beijing, China Financial Publishing House, 2002
④ Peter • Rose book, Liu Garden translation: "Commercial Bank Management", Beijing, Mechanical Industry Press, 2001
⑤ after lam-chun: "commercial banks intermediate innovative business risk prevention and control", containing "China's financial fortnightly" 2003
Zhang Guohai ⑥: "Commercial Bank's Intermediary Business Development Strategy in the International Comparison", in "Financial Research", 2003
⑦姚德良: "I have been the middle of the commercial business development implied by the low level of research", in "Finance and Trade Economy", 2004


学习外语好处很多,可以和外国人自由交流,获得工作的机会,也是出国留学必不可少的条件。 我从小学三年级就开始学习英语,虽然一直还算比较认真,但是因为疏于持续性练习,缺乏语感和语言环境,所以一直坚持到大学考了四六级证书之后,就没有再继续深入学习了,感觉非常的遗憾,但是我始终认为学习外语的作用非常巨大。有成就感 能够熟练的掌握一门外语,尤其是能够和外国人熟练的交流,是非常让自己有满足和成就感的。 读高中的时候,我们县城有对外国夫妻来旅游,他们两个的中文也很差(估计和我当时的英语水平差不多),因为不熟悉路线就在路边询问,结果一堆人都不能帮忙。我和几个同学从那里经过,因为穿着校服,结果路边热心的大爷就给老外指着我们,说那些学生懂英语,你可以问他们。幸好当时我们的英语教材已经学习了基本的问路和回答,所以配合着蹩脚的英语和简单的手势,好歹给外国友人指好了路。末了,那个男的还竖起大拇指说:very good!也不知道是在夸奖我们的英语,还是感谢我们帮他俩解决了问题,反正我们当时是挺有成就感的,感觉总算是对得起自己学生的身份了。就业的机会 现在很多公司,特别是涉外的以及外国的分公司,在招聘的时候都很重视英语口语,当然你能熟练的掌握其他外语也可以,所以掌握外语意味着你能够获得更多的就业机会,获得更好的平台和薪资待遇。 我老婆去亚马逊应聘报关员的时候,对英语的要求就很高,要求熟练掌握口语和能用英语发邮件,我老婆的英语水平也就一般,本来过不了的,幸好有个领导是前公司跳槽的,在她帮助下才顺利的过关。要是真的要考英语,我老婆这份工作就没戏了,可见掌握一门外语有多重要。出国留学 我们都知道,要去欧美出国留学需要考雅思和托福,对英语要求很高,所以如果大家想去深造,那么学好外语是必备的。虽然我学习的专业就注定了不用出国(汉语言文学专业),但还是希望自己的孩子以后有机会出去闯一闯,所以我现在要求他必须要把外语学好。 无论在任何时候,能够熟练的掌握外语,对我们的好处都是非常多的,希望大家要重视外语的学习,如果自己没有机会了,也要让孩子努力学好。

怎么学习外语 ? 一天因该至少学几个小时?





1934 The Continental
1935 Lullaby of Broadway
1936 The Way You Look Tonight
1937 Sweet Leilani
1938 Thanks for the Memory
1939 Over the Rainbow
1940 When You Wish Upon a Star
1941 The Last Time I Saw Paris
1942 White Christmas
1943 You'll Never Know
1944 Swinging on a Star
1945 It Might as Well Be Spring
1946 On the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
1947 Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
1948 Buttons and Bows
1949 Baby, It's Cold Outside
1950 Mona Lisa
1951 In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening
1952 High Noon
1953 Secret Love
1954 Three Coins in the Fountain
1955 Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing
1956 Whatever Will Be, Will Be
1957 All the Way
1958 Gigi
1959 High Hopes
1960 Never on Sunday
1961 Moon River
1962 Days of Wine and Roses
1963 Call Me Irresponsible
1964 Chim Chim Cher-ee
1965 Born Free
1966 The Shadow of Your Smile
1967 Talk to the Animals
1968 The Windmills of Your Mind
1969 Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head<虎豹小霸
1970 For All We Know
1971 Shaft
1972 The Morning After
1973 The Way We Were
1974 We May Never Love Like This Again
1975 I'm Easy
1976 Evergreen
1977 You Light Up My Life
1978 Last Dance
1979 It Goes Like It Goes
1980 Fame
1981 Arthur's
1982 Flashdance
1984 I Just Called to Say I Love You
1985 Say You, Say Me
1986 Take My Breath Away
1987 (I've Had) The Time of My Life
1988 Let the River Run
1989 Under the Sea
1990 Sooner or Later (I Always Get My Man)<狄克
1991 Beauty and the Beast
1992 A Whole New World
1993 Streets of Philadelphia
1994 Can You Feel the Love Tonight
1995 Colors of the Wind
1996 You Must Love Me
1997 My Heart Will Go On
1998 When You Believe
1999 You'll Be In My Heart
2000 Things Have Changed
2001 If I Didn't Have You
2002 Lose Yourself
2003 Into the West


花絮片中在运送途中遭毒贩伏击的一段场景被当作美国政府特工的受训录像,这段镜头还出现在1995年的电视剧《执法悍将》(JAG)中。片中詹姆斯·霍纳的配乐源自1986年的《异形2》。在机场总统回答记者提问的镜头中,很多媒体向总统靠近,抢在最前面提问的新闻播报员是芭芭拉·哈里森本人,她是华盛顿NBC电视台的头号精英。在影片中段出现的航母是“小鹰”号航母(CV-63)。片中的一些场景是在墨西哥城附近拍摄的。片中Ernesto Escobedo的角色原型是大毒枭帕布洛·艾斯科巴(Pablo Escobar),在影片拍摄期间,艾斯科巴在一次国际缉毒行动中被杀。片中被导弹摧毁的毒枭宅邸是制片方从一位离异的墨西哥人手中买下的,因为这片住宅留下过不愉快的记忆,所以离婚的墨西哥人允许剧组炸掉。在清理净废墟后,这个墨西哥人重建新宅。SUV的袭击画面是在伪装成波哥大的墨西哥拍摄的,最后逃脱的特技驾驶是由哈里森·福特亲自完成的。总统办公室的布景最初是为1993年的《戴夫》搭建的。穿帮镜头考特兹在巴拿马宾馆中的录音与当时的内容有出入。杰克妻子说杰克在FBI工作。对白Jack Ryan: You're going to jail, pal!莱恩:伙计,你要进监狱了!Ritter: [seeing Ryan holding a piece of paper] What is that? What is it you *think* you have there?里特:(看莱恩出示的文件)那是什么?你以为你有什么?Jack Ryan: You broke the law.莱恩:你违法了。Ritter: You are *such* a Boy Scout! You see everything in black and white!里特:你太幼稚了!一切在你眼中只以黑白区分!Jack Ryan: No, no, no! Not black and white Ritter, *right* and *wrong*!莱恩:不!不是黑与白,是对与错!Jack Ryan: I'm here to rent the Huey.莱恩:我来租架休伊。Helicopter owner: We don't rent it anymore, but it is for sale.直升机主人:我们只卖不租。Jack Ryan: How much?莱恩:多少钱?Helicopter owner: Two million dollars.直升机主人:200万美元。Jack Ryan: Uh, my pilot and I will have to take it for a test drive.莱恩:嗯,我的飞行员和我必须试驾一下。Helicopter owner: Of course, you just have to leave a deposit.直升机主人:当然,只是你必须支付押金。Jack Ryan: How much is that?莱恩:多少?Helicopter owner: Two million dollars.直升机主人:200万美元。Jack Ryan: Umm...[Shows a CIA business card]莱恩:嗯……(出示中情局名片)Jack Ryan: Would you take a company check?莱恩:你愿意收公司支票吗? 迫在眉睫的危机,追击系列的第三部,根据汤姆;克兰西的同名小说改编,主人公杰克;瑞安Jack Ryan,中情局的情报分析员。第一部《追击“红色十月”》是一部相对成功的潜艇影片,当时的Jack由亚历克;鲍德温扮演,但主要的风头却全由扮演苏联潜艇艇长的琼斯老爹肖恩;康纳利给抢走了。到了第二部《爱国者游戏》,制作方请出了Harry扮演Jack Ryan,事实证明,这一决策是多么地英明!影片获得巨大成功,第三部《燃眉危机》亦然。至今为止,Harry仍是三位Jack中最棒的一位!听说第四部《恐惧的总和》接班人是钢板本;阿弗莱克,这实在是……太~~~不可思议了!不过没看过第四部也不好发表评论,可这个年龄跨度也太大了吧!貌似Jack越活越年轻了?!关于追击系列的第三部,老早就买了这张碟,可一直没看,原因是对这类政治惊险片一向不太感冒。当年买下《爱国者游戏》和《燃眉追击》纯粹是为了Harry,不过后来才知道追击系列在国外也是赫赫有名的!小说作者汤姆;克兰西和迈克尔;克莱顿(《侏罗纪公园》)、约翰;格里森姆(《杀戮时刻》)齐名,三人分别占据了军事题材小说、科学幻想小说和社会法律小说的前沿阵地。同样,电影版的杰克;瑞安因为Harry的加盟而成为经典,而对于Harry来说,Jack Ryan也成为他塑造的一系列经典人物之一。可惜在中国却是知者寥寥,虽然前两年引进了这个系列的小说,但也没见热卖过。一部分原因当然是政治因素,毕竟美国的政治军事题材电影总归和中国人民隔得远了些。 对《爱国者游戏》印象不深了,只知道当时Jack无意中救下了英国的皇室成员,还身负重伤。在《燃眉追击》中他已经是中情局的二把手,属于和总统近距离接触的那一类人。关于剧情,说实话没什么看明白,看了这片子才知道什么样的情形叫“错综复杂”,影片起码有四条情节线索:Jack一条、总统班子一条、毒枭一条、特种部队一条,四条线索相互勾连,又引出更多的情节线。不过影片枝蔓虽多,却不见纷杂,导演的把握能力绝对一流。虽然由于我头脑迟钝,对于政治又不太敏锐,很多地方不甚了了,但基本能跟上剧情。影片最开始是由一艘海上游轮引发的剧情,船上一家三口被歹人所害,死者是总统的密友,知名的政客和商人。总统下令中情局调查此事,恰巧此时Jack的顶头上司、也是他的好友病重引退,于是Jack接管了这件案子。随着调查深入,竟发现总统密友和哥伦比亚毒枭有生意往来,包括贩毒和洗黑钱。死者是因为侵吞了毒枭一大笔赃款才被毒枭灭口。总统为掩人耳目决定尽快将这笔赃款充公,并秘密下令派出特遣部队深入哥伦比亚丛林将毒枭老巢一举歼灭。被蒙在鼓里的Jack被派到哥伦比亚进行调查,哥伦比亚方面不能同意美国政府没收赃款,另一方面,毒枭也发誓要将赃款追回。事情僵持之时,美国方面派出大使和中情局探员前往哥伦比亚谈判,谁知中途遭到毒枭偷袭,美国来使伤亡惨重,只剩下Jack大难不死、逃过一劫。当Jack回到美国,却发现有人利用中情局内部成员刺探情报,才会有偷袭一事。原来那个探子是毒枭聘请的顾问,但该顾问却另有目的。他一方面利用哥伦比亚毒枭杀害总统密友一事插手两者争斗,另一方面却又联合其他毒枭牵制哥伦比亚毒枭。偷袭美国来使一事原本并非哥伦比亚毒枭的授意,该顾问却故意做成有人意欲嫁祸的样子,为的是利用哥伦比亚毒枭和美国政府之间的争斗从中渔利。但他没料到的是,美国政府早有防范,已派出秘密部队跟踪狙击哥伦比亚毒枭,打算杀人灭口。该顾问为了自保,以哥伦比亚毒枭的贩毒事业作为交换,要挟美国政府放弃秘密部队。美国总统身边的安全顾问经过权衡,认为政府可以从贩毒业中狠捞一笔,并且还能里应外合地抓几个毒贩(当然该顾问会为了两相交易而牺牲几个自己人)以向国民交待,何乐而不为?于是美国政府毅然放弃了滞留在哥伦比亚丛林中的秘密部队,任由他们被哥伦比亚毒枭擒获。到头来,秘密部队成为了美国政府和哥伦比亚毒枭秘密交易的牺牲品。而这一切被Jack调查发现了,他威胁要将此事告发,总统班子更加决意杀人灭口,并将责任推诿给Jack。Jack察觉他们打算放弃秘密部队,富有正义感的他再次前往哥伦比亚,希望能够帮助秘密部队逃脱。但秘密部队的头领误以为此事都是Jack的责任,差一点将他杀死。幸好最后误会消除,Jack与头领深入敌穴解救士兵,并在回国后将总统班底告上了国会。呼……真的好~~~复杂!我发觉我还是没能说清楚,— —|||||……还是因为自己没搞清的缘故,有机会一定要将小说买来自己研究研究。 有很多眼熟的演员,不过我只认识一个:威廉;达福!这个人真是神奇啊!他可能是世界上唯一一位既演过耶稣,又演过撒旦;既演过神父,又演过吸血鬼的演员了!对了,蜘蛛侠的死对头绿魔同志也是他的经典形象之一哦。这个著名的反派专业户天生一副古怪面孔,看了叫人害怕,但他也是公认的一流配角,绝对的演技派明星,要不在好莱坞这样的地方,怎容你这个长相的家伙混得这样好!就在我以为Harry这次要和绿魔大人对打之时,剧情的突转却让我大跌眼镜——绿魔大人这次演得竟是个好人!不光是个好人,还和我们Harry并肩作战,更加与他出生入死、救他逃离!这可真是个奇迹啊!还有一位,虽然不熟,但他的声音可是鼎鼎大名!他就是为达斯;维达配音的黑人演员!他演得也很不错,这个人物的存在是Jack在孤立无援的处境中一道强有力的精神支柱。饰演瑞安夫人的女演员虽然不熟,长得也很普通,但气质高度吻合。喜欢他们的相濡以沫,两人之间是一种无声的心灵交流。 关于杰克;瑞安这个人,小说对他有着丰富的描写。他是一位历史学博士,父亲是个警察,母亲是个护士,两人死于一次航空事故。Jack二十几岁参加海军陆战队时所乘的直升机遇到意外坠落,使他的背部受到了很大的伤害,由于根治不力,Jack曾一度依赖于麻醉药物,并落下背部残疾。因此他对飞行有一种病态的恐惧心理,从海军陆战队退役后很不幸地成为了残疾人士中的一员。后来在做证券生意的时候赚了一大笔钱,并且结识了老板的女儿,两人一见钟情。这位未来的瑞安夫人是位医学博士,在Jack的背伤复发以后,她将自己的老师、一名著名的外科大夫介绍给了他,并帮他治好了背伤,去掉了残障人士的帽子。之后两人结了婚,有一女一男两个孩子。而Jack进入中央情报局担任情报分析工作。书中的Jack是个个头不高、相貌普通的男人,Harry除了个子高一点以外,其他方面倒是蛮符合的。想说的是,我曾一度被奥斯卡这厮给骗了,以为没拿过奖的人大概总是在演技上差了那么一点,Harry毕竟是个动作片英雄,可能在演技上确实略输一筹……可这段时间接连看了《K19》和《燃眉追击》,才发现自己的想法真是太幼稚了!我根本就是上了奥斯卡的当!Harry是个很会演戏的人,他没得奖的原因可能是因为对手更强,但更要命的原因就是奥斯卡的评委都是睁眼瞎!奥斯卡喜欢的是坏人、智障、偏执狂,最好是身心有缺陷的人。Harry饰演的人物虽然都不完美,都有性格缺点,但却绝对没有缺陷,难怪不讨评委欢心了。我超级喜欢Harry在该片中的表演!他一出现就那样与众不同,他的身上有一股凛然正气,不是居高临下的强加的正义,而是自然流露的正直。被派到哥伦比亚时,他满脸的无奈,一副骑虎难下的表情;可到了该抽身而退的时候,他却毅然逆风而行,勇敢地挺身而出,坚决不愿妥协。他从来不说大话,片中所有台词中,唱高调的加起来大概也就两句(其中一句还不是他说的),可Jack用自身的行动为他心中的“正义”作了最好的注解。他不是没有痛苦,当得知自己身陷泥淖,周围的一切只是虚伪和矫饰,他没有一句抱怨的台词,他的妻子用无声的亲吻安慰他、鼓励他,他面上痛苦的神情一闪而过,更多的是一种莫可名状的深沉悲哀和无可奈何。他最好的朋友、前任上司去世了,他接到电话,伸出手去向妻子寻求安慰,那个肢体语言诠释得太棒了!他的手臂一动,我就知道他要说什么!最精彩的一场戏是在墓地,当时Jack已经知道了一切黑幕,他心中正痛苦地挣扎着。他将目光移向每一个隐藏的政治骗子和刽子手,盯着他们的脸,仿佛要从他们的眼中读出什么来,仿佛在用目光拷问他们的良心,问他们为什么要背叛自己的信仰、抛弃自己的人民。他的目光在颤抖,眼中充满了痛苦的绝望,好像快要哭出来,但这是无泪的痛苦,是无声的绝望。就像他去世的上司说的,你以为自己做着一份与众不同、令人骄傲的工作,到头来却发现一切都只是华丽的幌子,内里早已是腐烂的、污秽的、毫无价值的。那么,之前所做的一切究竟有何意义呢?Jack将心中的痛苦吞咽下去,但他决不会同流合污。当他得知秘密部队的将士就要因为他的插手而被国家无情地抛弃了,他毅然冲入危机四伏的原始丛林去解救他们。他不是什么格斗高手、孤胆英雄,他是一个正直的人!最后的打斗,充分表现出一个普通人的勇敢机智,当他得救后如释重负地笑起来,我也忍不住跟着微笑了。片尾,Jack伸出右手,在国会面前、在民众面前、在上帝面前宣誓讲出实情。他说:我发誓。那一刻,他就是正义。一句话评论Truth needs a soldier.The war of drugs would lead him to the war of power.影片所呈现的画面与小说原著如出一辙。——INTERNET REVIEWS

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