
时间:2024-03-17 13:28:35编辑:优化君

damien rice什么意思

  Damien Rice 来自爱尔兰,出生于七十年代早期,绘画与写歌是他青年时期的兴趣,也因此让他有了组团的念头,在"O"的专辑内页有些插画便是 Damien Rice 自己的作品。在 1997 年他组了一个名为 Juniper 的团,前后发行了三张 EP,"The World Is Dead" 和 "Weathermen" 这两首单曲也成为电台热门歌曲,但因为合约问题无法录制完整的专辑,于是在 99 年 Damien Rice 离开乐团前往 Tuscany,并从此在欧洲流浪了一年,之后又回到了都柏林,想办法筹钱录了一张 Demo,寄给了制作人兼电影配乐家的 David Arnold,Arnold 很喜欢他的 Demo,于是便安排 Damien Rice 在他的录音室录了第一张 EP -- "The Blower's Daughter",在 2001 年发行后这张 EP 登上了排行榜前 20 名,也促成了接下来 "O" 这张专辑的发表,果不其然,"O" 在 2002 年发表以后立刻获得广大的好评,除了举行了六周的巡回演出之外,也出现在许多乐评的年终投票名单上。(以上数据参考 AMG 与其它网络数据)

  这张专辑的成功,除了 Damien Rice 充满真挚的歌声外,女声歌者 lisa hannigan 与大提琴手 vyvienne long 也功不可没,lisa 的歌声非常地动听,在专辑里时而主唱时而合音,与 Damien Rice 搭配地极佳,也让整张专辑听来更为完整而动人。而 vyvienne 每一下都好像直接拉在心房上的大提琴,更是完全衬托出这两位歌者那直接而真诚的歌声。

  Damien Rice声音的渲染力,甚至可以将歌曲的情绪化为实质,然后直接传到听者的心上,他对乐器的感觉和协调性也非常出色, 可能是他小时候学过画的缘故,除了专辑封面和内页的插图出自他手之外,在他的吟唱之下,那些背景音乐仿佛组成了一幅异常美丽的图画,这一点在第六首《Amie》中表现到了极致.当然专辑中的《Cheers Darling》《The Blower"s Daughter》《 Cold Water 》《Volcano》等其他歌曲,不夸张的讲,都是让人一听就疯狂为之吸引的养耳歌曲,特别一提的是《The Blower"s Daughter》《 Cold Water 》被美国电影《CLOSER》(中文译名《偷心》)收录为其片头结尾插曲,对于《The Blower"s Daughter》来说,之前已被美国热映电视剧《THE L WORD》第一季结尾处作为整季SHOW的终曲,可见是首多么打动人心的作品了。此外,《Delicate》亦被热门美剧《LOST》season1 收录为其中一首插曲。


Damien Rice和lisa hannigan是什么关系?

  Damien Rice是乐队负责人,Lisa Hannigan是乐队成员。Lisa Hannigan最初在Damien Rice的乐队伴唱而为人所知,并于07年3月退出了乐队。
  Damien Rice生于1973年12月7日,男, 爱尔兰歌手。
  绘画与写歌是他青年时期的兴趣,也因此让他有了组团的念头,在"O"的专辑内页有些插画便是 Damien Rice 自己的作品。在 1997 年他组了一个名为 Juniper 的团,前后发行了三张 EP,"The World Is Dead" 和 "Weathermen" 这两首单曲也成为电台热门歌曲,但因为合约问题无法录制完整的专辑,于是在 99 年 Damien Rice 离开乐团前往 Tuscany,并从此在欧洲流浪了一年,之后又回到了都柏林,想办法筹钱录了一张 Demo,寄给了制作人兼电影配乐家的 David Arnold。
  Lisa Hannigan,1981年出生于爱尔兰一个名叫Kilcloon, Country Meath的小镇。爱尔兰民谣女歌手。目前Lisa Hannigan已发布两张专辑。


一、英国电影《closer》,翻译名《偷心》中有首插曲,请问歌名是《World Outside》。

所属专辑:Waiting 演唱者: The Devlins 作曲: Devlin
Tell me your secret
What you desire
I will still be there for you
And tell me you need it
Tell me something you're not
I will still be there for you
And say you believe it
All of your lies
Tell me you feel it
And don't compromise,oh no
I will still be there for you
Your light in my dreams
Light up my skin
You're so far away
You're holding it in
I'm looking around
Watching it spin
Got my world outside
It's changing
Something within
Tell me you'll reach it
Some of the time
What you're searching for
Cos the love that's around you
Gets you down
Kick you to the floor
So tell me you see it
With your own eyes
Tell me the sky is falling now
In your world
I will still be there for you
Your light in my dreams
Light up my skin
Waiting so long
Time to begin
I'm looking around
Watching it spin
Got my world outside
It's changing
Something within
So tell me the reasons
Show me the signs
Say you desire
Desire only now
In this world
It's our world
Your light in my dreams
Light up my skin
You're so far away
You're holding it in
I'm looking around
Watching it spin
Got my world outside
It's changing
Something within
It's our world
Time moves on
And time moves on
In our world


Damien Rice的 the blower's daughter(男声)  And so it is  Just like you said it would be  Life goes easy on me  Most of the time  就是这样  就像你曾说过的一样  在大多数时候  我的人生就是如此(我的生命在我身边轻易溜走)  And so it is  The shorter story  No love, no glory  No hero in her sky  就这样  像个小故事一样没什么好说的  没有爱情,也没有光辉  她的天空里没有(她的)主角  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes...  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视...  And so it is  Just like you said it should be  We'll both forget the breeze  Most of the time  就这样  就像你曾说过的一样  大部分时间里  我俩的往事将会像微风飘逝(我俩会忘记那阵微风)  And so it is  The colder water  The blower's daughter  The pupil in denial  就这样  学会冷漠(冰冷的河水)  学会说谎(吹牛者的女儿)  学会拒绝面对现实(抗拒的小学生)  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes off you  I can't take my eyes...  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视着你  我无法(停止)凝视...  (女声)  Did I say that I loathe you?  Did I say that I want to  Leave it all behind?  我有说过我厌恶你吗?  我有说过我想要离开你吗?(我有说过我要把它全部忘记吗?)  (男声)  I can't take my mind off you  I can't take my mind off you  I can't take my mind off you  I can't take my mind off you  I can't take my mind off you  I can't take my mind...  我无法停止想你  我无法停止想你  我无法停止想你  我无法停止想你  我无法停止想你  我无法停止想...  My mind...my mind...  'Til I find somebody new  想...想...  直到我找到另外的一个人




1. 光辉岁月 2. 青春纪念册 3. 朋友别哭 4. 野百合也有春天
5. 同桌的你 6. 美丽心情 7. 玻璃杯 8. 明天会更好
9. 完美世界 10. 丁香花 11. 分飞 12. 你的样子
13. 那些花儿 14. 奔跑 15. 回家 16. 祝你一路顺风
17. 千千阙歌 18. 童年 19. 回到过去 20. 水手
21. 下沙 22. 大约在冬季 23. 在他乡 24. 我的未来不是梦
25. 蜗牛 26. 祝福 27. 离别 28. 一生有你
29. 一路上有你 30. 再回首 31. 琥珀 32. 你的眼神
33. 忘忧草 34. 流年 35. 完美生活 36. 最想念的季节
37. 踏浪 38. 萍聚 39. 窗外 40. 真心英雄
41. 生如夏花 42. 一生何求 43. 烛光 44. 同一首歌
45. 龙的传人 46. 栀子花开 47. 我是不是该安静的走开 48. 秋日恋歌
49. 我是一只小小鸟 50. 相逢是首歌 51. 毕业生 52. 掌心
53. 橄榄树 54. 鲁冰花 55. 执着 56. 睡在我上铺的兄弟
57. 一无所有 58. 故乡 59. 两只蝴蝶 60. 再回到从前
61. 蝴蝶花 62. 兰花草 63. 你在他乡还好吗 64. 夏虫
65. 光阴的故事 66. 其实不想走 67. 放心去飞 68. 潇洒走一回
69. 家乡 70. 送别 71. 有没有那么一首歌 72. 思念谁
73. 我愿你知道 74. 大学自习室 75. 友谊地久天长 76. 让世界充满爱
77. 十七岁的雨季 78. 驼铃 79. 中学时代 80. 外婆的澎湖湾
81. 明年今日 82. 勇敢一点 83. 两只老虎 84. 梦驼铃
85. 花木兰 86. 被遗忘的时光 87. 好人一生平安 88. 七子之歌
89. 蜗牛与黄鹂鸟 90. 偶然 91. 在那遥远的地方 92. 路灯下的小姑娘
93. 难舍难分 94. 轻舞飞扬 95. 我是女生 96. 当我想起你
97. 青苹果乐园 98. 跟往事干杯 99. 我们的纪念册 100. 祝你平安
101. 明月千里寄相思 102. 似水年华 103. 我怎么哭了 104. 永夜
105. 少年壮志不言愁 106. 捉泥鳅 107. 寂寞的自由 108. 单眼皮女生
109. 春天在哪里 110. 青春无悔 111. 离开 112. 歌声与微笑
113. 蝴蝶飞呀 114. 耶路撒冷的星空 115. 干杯朋友 116. 爸爸的草鞋
117. 流浪歌手的情人 118. 大中国 119. 恋恋风尘 120. 想把我唱给你听
121. 往事随风 122. 执著 123. 三月里的小雨 124. 成吉思汗
125. 小螺号 126. 未来的未来 127. 只要你过得比我好 128. 娃哈哈
129. 学习雷锋好榜样 130. 且行且珍惜 131. 寂寞是因为思念谁 132. 朋友首日封
133. 星光依旧灿烂 134. 卖报歌 135. 乡间小路 136. 蒲公英
137. 乡间的小路 138. 读书郎 139. 兄弟情深 140. 别人都说我们会分开
141. 张三的歌 142. 小小少年 143. 今天我们要走了 144. 难兄难弟
145. 模范情书 146. 乡愁 147. 闪亮的日子 148. 忘了我是谁
149. 骊歌 150. 白桦树 151. 有一个美丽的传说 152. 纯真年代
153. 雨中即景 154. 青春日记 155. 中国少年先锋队队歌 156. 好爸爸坏爸爸
157. 白衣飘飘的年代 158. 恋曲1980 159. 女孩与四重奏 160. 早班火车
161. 生命之诗 162. 冬季校园 163. 老屋 164. 垄上行
165. 松花江上 166. 墓志铭 167. 那时花开 168. 我们的田野
169. 希望你明年冬天会来 170. 再见(小虎队) 171. 青春正传 172. 红河村
173. 毕业旅行 174. 恋人岛 175. 单车岁月 176. 冲出你的窗口
177. 关于现在关于未来 178. 爱的叮咚 179. 秋蝉 180. 我们的一生
181. 思念总在分手后 182. 我是猫 183. 来自我心 184. 文科生的一个下午
185. 爱人同志 186. 当我老了 187. 在劫难逃 188. 我去2000年
189. 昨天今天 190. 流浪的承诺 191. 樱园梦 192. 阿美阿美
193. 告别的年代 194. 雨滴 195. 秋梧桐 196. 关于理想的课堂作文
197. 时间快转 198. 你那好冷的小手 199. 我们去远方 200. 音乐虫子
201. 归去来兮 202. 火车开往冬天 203. 却上心头 204. 生命中的精灵
205. 没有想法 206. 我们多么幸福 207. 飞鸟与冬天 208. 鹿港小镇
209. 蓝色理想 210. 赶海的小姑娘 211. 踏着夕阳归去 212. 爷爷为我打月饼
213. 春分 214. b小调雨后 215. 百分之百女孩 216. 丁香姑娘
217. 未央歌 218. 命运之变奏 219. 珍惜(苏有朋) 220. 朋友(周华健)
221. 第一次(光良) 222. 爱已成歌 223. 妈妈的黑头发 224. 何年何月再相逢
225. 恋恋同学情 226. 好风长吟 227. 冒险小子 228. 故事里的树
229. 第五个季节 230. 俏姑娘 231. 为你难过 232. 年轻人的心声
233. 未名湖是个海洋 234. 方便面精装版 235. 久违的事 236. 心愿(四个女生)
237. 上班族 238. 歌唱王二小 239. 赤足走在田埂上 240. 小小牵牛花
241. 车窗 242. 时光牧童 243. 花雨伞 244. 北京的冬天
245. 小雨滴 246. 你不在的北京还下着雨 247. 彝家娃娃真幸福 248. 青春(沈庆)
249. 郎心似铁 250. 那天(艾敬) 251. 我们相识 252. 嘿,不要叫醒我
253. 雨恨云愁 254. 纷纷飘坠的音符 255. 红月亮(李蓓) 256. 停电的晚上
257. 匆匆别后 258. 忆儿时 259. 九月(许巍) 260. 我没醉
261. 等人就象在喝酒 262. 随你而去 263. 伞的宇宙 264. 我居住的地方
265. 我踏浪而来(沈雁) 266. 云知道你是谁 267. 西风的故事 268. 午后的雷雨
269. 已是盛夏 270. 岁月(沈庆) 271. 湖边含羞草 272. 为什么要走
273. 来不及呼吸 274. 月亮(老狼) 275. 昨夜没有留下梦 276. 青青河边草
277. 请到天涯海角来 278. 兰花花 279. 红蜻蜓 280. 逛新城
281. 思乡曲 282. 恰似你的温柔 283. 深深的海洋 284. 花儿与少年
285. 紫竹调 286. 星星索 287. 小背篓 288. 洗衣歌
289. 美丽的姑娘 290. 春分立秋冬至

求Damien Rice的Amie这首歌的英文歌词和中文翻译

我来翻译试试吧 呵呵 可能没有原词好了 翻译水平有限
Nothing unusual, nothing strange
一如既往 没有异常
Close to nothing at all
The same old scenario, same old rain
And there's no explosions here
Then something unusual, something strange
然后些许不平常 些许奇怪
Called from nothing at all
I saw a spaceship fly by your window
Did you see it disappear?
Amie come sit on my wall
爱人 坐过来靠着我
And read me the story of old
Tell it like you still believe
That the end of the century
Brings a change for you and me
Nothing unusual, nothing strange
一如既往 没有异常
Just a little older, that's all
只是更长久了 就这样
You know when you've found it
There's something I've learned
Cos you feel it when they take it away
Hey hey 嘿~~~
Something unusual, something strange
些许异常 些许奇怪
Comes from nothing at all
But I'm not a miracle, and you are not a saint
但是我不是奇迹 你也不是圣人
Just another soldier on a road to nowhere
Amie come sit on my wall

And read me the story of O
Tell it like you still believe
That at the end of the century
There's a change for you and me

求Damien rice-cold water 歌词翻译

Cold, cold water surrounds me now
And all I've got is your hand
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Or am I lost?
Love one's daughter
Allow me that
And I can't let go of your hand
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Or am I lost?
Cold, cold water surrounds me now
And all I've got is your hand
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Or am I lost?

Damien Rice的《Cold Water》 歌词

歌曲名:Cold Water歌手:Damien Rice专辑:Ocold waterdamien riceCold, cold water surrounds me nowAnd all I've got is your handLord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Or am I lost?Love one's daughterAllow me thatAnd I can't let go of your handLord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Or am I lost?Cold, cold water surrounds me nowAnd all I've got is your handLord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Lord, can you hear me now?Or am I lost?http://music.baidu.com/song/7928853

damien rice elephant歌词翻译

This is got to die 这将会死亡
This is got to stop 这将会停止
This has got to lie down 这必须躺下
Someone else on top 其他人在顶端
You can keep me pinned 你能让我无法动弹
It's easier to tease 更容易挑逗
But you can't paint an elephant 但你不会画一只大象
Quite as good as she 安静和她一样好
And she may cry like a baby 她可能像婴儿一样哭泣
And she may drive me Crazy 她可能促使我疯狂
'Cause I am lately lonely 因为我近来很寂寞
So why d'you have to lie? 为什么你必须躺下
I take it I'm your crutch 我拿走了它,我是你的拐杖
The pillow in your pillow case 在你枕头盒里的枕头
It's easier to touch 更容易触摸
And when you think you've sinned 什么时候你会认为你违背了上帝
Do you fall upon your knees? 你抓住你的膝盖了吗?
And do you sit within your picture? 你和你的画一起坐着吗?
Do you still forget the breeze? 你忘记微风了吗?
And she may rise, if I sing you down 她可能站起,如果我唱她坐下
And she may wisely cling to the ground 她可能聪明地贴近大地
Cause I'm lately horny 因为我近来很兴奋
So why would she take me horny? 为什么她把我带向兴奋?
What's the point of this song? Or even singing? 这首歌有什么意义?或者甚至歌唱?
You've already gone, why am I clinging? 你已经离开,为何我仍在纠缠
Well I could throw it out, and I could live without 我能把它扔出去,没有你我能生活
And I could do it all for you 我能为你做一切
I could be strong 我能变得强壮
Tell me if you want me to lie 告诉我如果你想我躺下
'Cause this has got to die 因为这必须死亡
This has got to stop 这必须停止
This has got to lie down, down 这必须躺下
With someone else on top 和在顶端的其他人一起
You can both keep me pinned 你能让我无法动弹
'Cause it's easier to tease 因为更容易挑逗
But you can't make me happy 但是你不能让我开心
Quite as good as me 安静和我一样好
Well you know that's a lie 你知道这是个谎言

求Damien Rice专辑9中Elephant中文歌词翻译(附英文歌词)

但您不可能绘大象 象她一样的安静
和她也许哭泣得像个婴儿 和我晚了是孤独的
我采取我是您的拐杖的它 在您的枕头盒的枕头
而您仍然忘记微风? 如果我唱您击倒, 而她也许起来
但是为什么会她采取我有角? 点这首歌曲是什么? 甚至唱歌?
但您不可能使我愉快 象我一样的安静您知道这是谎言


Damien Rice 0 歌词

We might kiss when we are alone
When nobody's watching
We might take it home
We might make out when nobody's there
It's not that we're scared
It's just that it's delicate

So why'd you fill my sorrows
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why'd ya sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why'd you sing with me at all?

We might live like never before
When there's nothing to give
Well how can we ask for more
We might make love in some sacred place
The look on your face is delicate

So why'd you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place that you've known
And why'd you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why'd you sing with me at all?

And why'd you fill my sorrows
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place that you've known
Why'd you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why'd you sing with me at all?

Don't hold yourself like that
cause You'll hurt your knees
well I kissed your mouth, and back
But that's all I need
Don't build your world around
Volcanoes melt you down

And What I am to you is not real
What I am to you, you do not need
What I am to you is not what you mean to me
You give me miles and miles of mountains
And I'll ask for the sea

Don't throw yourself like that
In front of me
I kissed your mouth, your back
Is that all you need?
Don't drag my love around
Volcanoes melt me down

What I am to you is not real
What I am to you, you do not need
What I am to you is not what you mean to me
You give me miles and miles of mountains
And I'll ask
What I give to you is just what I'm going through
This is nothing new, no, no just another phase of finding
what I really need is what makes me bleed
But like a new disease, Lord, she's still too young to treat
Volcanoes melt you down
She's still too young +what iam to you+you do not need+is not real
I kissed your mouth
You do not need me

3.The Blower's Daughter
And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her skies

I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you...
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
My mind...my mind...
'Til I find somebody new

There� still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
There� still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
It� still a little hard to say what's going on

There� still a little bit of your ghost your witness
There� still a little bit of your face i haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
That I can愒 say what愀 going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love, it taught me to lie
Life, it taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball

There� still a little bit of your song in my ear
There� still a little bit of your words i long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close that I can愒 see what愀 going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So its not hard to fall
When you float like a cannon.

Stones taught me to fly
Love, it taught me to cry
So come on courage, teach me to be shy
'Cause its not hard to fall,
And I don't want to scare her
Its not hard to fall
And i don't want to lose
Its not hard to grow
When you know that you just don't know

5.Older Chests
Older chests reveal themselves
Like a crack in a wall
Starting small, and grow in time
And we all seem to need the help
Of someone else
To mend that shelf
of too many books
Read me your favourite line

Papa went to other lands
And he found someone who understands
The ticking, and the western man's need to cry
He came back the other day, yeah you know
Some things in life may change
And some things
They stay the same

Like time, there's always time
On my mind
So pass me by, I'll be fine
Just give me time

Older gents sit on the fence
With their cap in hand
Looking grand
They watch their city change
Children scream, or so it seems,
Louder than before
Out of doors, into stores with bigger names
Mama tried to wash their faces
But these kids they lost their graces
And daddy lost at the races too many times

She broke down the other day, yeah you know
Some things in life may change
And some things they stay the same

Like time, time, there's always time
On my mind
So pass me by, I'll be fine
Just give me time,
Time, there's always time
On my mind
Pass me by, I'll be fine
Just give me time

Nothing unusual nothing strange
Close to nothing at all

The same old scenario the same old rain
and there's no explosions here

Then something unusual something strange
comes from nothing at all

I saw a spaceship fly by your window
did you see it disappear?

Amie come sit on my wall and read me the story of Of O
Tell it like you still believe that the end of the century brings a change for you and me

Nothing unusual nothing's changed
Just a little older that's all

You know when you've found it there's something I've learned
'cause you feel it when they take it away hey hey

Then something unusual something strange
comes from nothing at all

But I'm not a miracle and you're not a saint
just another soldier on a road to nowhere

Amie come sit on my wall and read me the story of O
tell it like you still believe that the end of the century
brings a change for you and me

Amie come sit on my wall and read me the story of o
tell it like you still believe that the end of the century
brings a change for you and me

7.Cheers Darlin
Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover boy
Cheers darlin'
I got years to wait around for you
Cheers darlin'
I've got your wedding bells in my ear
Cheers darlin'
You gave me three cigarettes to smoke my tears away

And I die when you mention his name
And I lied, I should have kissed you
When we were runnin' in the rain

What am I darlin'?
A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I, darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?

Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover man
Cheers darlin'
I just hang around and eat from a can
Cheers darlin'
I got a ribbon of green on my guitar
Cheers darlin'
I got a beauty queen
To sit not very far from me

I die when he comes around
To take you home
I'm too shy
I should have kissed you when we were alone

What am I darlin'?
A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I, darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?

Oh what am I? What am I darlin'?
I got years to wait...

8.Cold Water
Cold, cold water surrounds me now
And all I've got is your hand
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now,
Or am I lost?

No one's daughter allow me that
And I can't let go of your hand
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
or am I lost?

oooo, I love you
Don’t you know I love you
And I always have
Will you come with me?

Cold, cold water surrounds me now

Women:cold cold water surrounds me now

And all I've got is your hand
Lord, women :can you hear me?
Lord, women :can you hear me now?
Lord, women :can you hear me?

Am I lost with you?
Am I lost with you?
Am I lost with you?

9.I Remember
I remember it well
The first time that I saw
Your head around the door
'Cause mine stopped working

I remember it well
There was wet in your hair
I was stood in the stairs
And time stopped moving

I want you hear tonight
I want you hear
'Cause I can't believe what I found
I want you hear tonight
I want you hear
Nothing is taking me down, down, down...

I remember it well
Taxied out of a storm
To watch you perform
And my ships were sailing

I remember it well
I was stood in your line
And your mouth, your mouth, your mouth...

I want you hear tonight
I want you hear
'Cause I can't believe what I found
I want you hear tonight
I want you hear
Nothing is taking me down, down, down...

Except you my love. Except you my love...

Come all ye lost
Dive into moss
I hope that my sanity covers the cost
To remove the stain of my love
Paper mach?

Come all ye reborn
Blow off my horn
I'm driving real hard
This is love, this is porn
God will forgive me
But I, I whip myself with scorn, scorn

I wanna hear what you have to say about me
Hear if you're gonna live without me
I wanna hear what you want
I remember december
And I wanna hear what you have to say about me
Hear if you're gonna live without me
I wanna hear what you want
What the hell do you want?

Tiredness fuels empty thoughts
I find myself disposed
Brightness fills empty space
In search of inspiration
Harder now with higher speed
Washing in on top of me
So I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
When I'm down, down, down.

Rain it wets muddy roads
I find myself exposed
Tapping doors, but irritate
In search of destination
Harder now with higher speed
Washing in on top of me
So I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
When I'm down, down, down.

[Opera Diva (Finnish)]
Kosketa minua [touch me]
Halua kasillasi [not with your hands]
Mua niin etta tunnen sinut [but the way I can feel you]
Halua minua
Halua kasillasi
Huuto sielussa [but within your soul]
Mina kaipaan
Mina kaipaan
Mina kaipaan

When I'm down, down, down.
When I'm down, down, down.

请笑纳呀~~ ^^

damien rice 《delicate》中文翻译

We might kiss when we are alone

When nobody's watching

We might take it home

We might make out when nobody's there

It's not that we're scared

It's just that it's delicate

So why do you fill my sorrow

With the words you've borrowed

From the only place you've know

And why do you sing Hallelujah

If it means nothing to you

Why do you sing with me at all?

We might live like never before

When there's nothing to give

Well how can we ask for more

We might make love in some sacred place

The look on your face is delicate

So why do you fill my sorrow

With the words you've borrowed

From the only place you've know

And why do you sing Hallelujah

If it means nothing to you

Why do you sing with me at all?

Damien Rice-Delicate

We might kiss when we are alone
When nobody’s watching
We might take it home
We might make out when nobody’s there
It’s not that we’re scared
It’s just that it’s delicate
超爱Damien Rice吉他谱?不晓得诶

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you’ve borrowed
From the only place you’ve know
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to ya
Why do you sing with me at all?

We might live like never before
When there’s nothing to give
Well how can we ask for more
We might make love in some sacred place
The look on your face is delicate

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you’ve borrowed
From the only place you’ve know
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to ya
Why do you sing with me at all?

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you’ve borrowed
From the only place you’ve know
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to ya
Why do you sing with me at all?

