
时间:2024-03-18 07:12:10编辑:优化君


dragonfly ['dræɡənflai]1、蜻蜓蜻蜓,无脊椎动物,昆虫纲,蜻蜓目,差翅亚目昆虫的通称。一般体型较惖大,翅长而窄,膜质,网状翅脉极为清晰。视觉极为灵敏,单眼3个;触角1对,细而较短;咀嚼式口器。蜻蜓是世界上眼睛最多的昆虫。蜻蜓的眼睛又大又鼓,占据着头的绝大部分,且每只眼睛又有数不清的“小眼”构成,这些“小眼”都与感光细胞和神经连着,可以辨别物体的形状大小,它们的视力极好,而且还能向上、向下、向前、向后看而不必转头。2、主要分布常见的蜻蜓如蓝面蜓多分布于浙江、四川等省;长痣绿蜓分布在华北一带;黄蜻全国多省有分布;玉带蜻仅产于中国,主要分布于北京、江苏和福建等省市。3、文艺作品宋代著名诗人杨万里以蜻蜓为题的诗词《小池》:“泉眼无声惜细流, 树荫照水爱晴柔。 小荷才露尖尖角, 早有蜻蜓立上头”。近现代杰出的美术家朱宣咸以此创作了中国画作品《小荷才露尖尖角》,非常生动与形象地反映了蜻蜓,自然与人构成的一组诗情画意。4、黑纹伟蜓(乌带晏蜓)Anax nigrofasciatus Oguma,1915 黑纹伟蜓,一种中国广泛分布的大型蜓科品种,成年雄虫会在山间水草茂盛的溪流以及山区的小型静水池飞行,其主要特征是额顶的T字型斑以及腹部鲜艳的蓝色斑纹。雌性2种色型,有同色型个体。雄性有护卫产卵的习性。此种与同属的斑伟蜓以及常见的碧伟蜓都有迁飞的习性。在华北区以及东北的辽宁,5-8月可见;华南区则3-10月可见。现已知其另一亚种也在东南亚出没。


蜻蜓。复数: dragonflies。dragonfly的读音是英【ˈdræɡənflaɪ】 、美 【ˈdræɡənflaɪ】 。dragonfly的双语例句1、A dragonfly came to bid us farewell.最后一位看到的朋友,是这个蜻蜓。2、The dragonfly feeds on flies.蜻蜓以苍蝇为食。3、Cork,fabric or faux leather upper with embellished dragonfly vamp design for added style.软木制品,布料或人造皮革鞋面点缀蜻蜓鞋面添加样式的设过。4、A dragonfly is seen settled over a rock near a little river in Tegucigalpa,Honduras.洪都拉斯特古西加尔巴,一只蜻蜓正在石头上休憩。5、The dragonfly is flying over the water.那只蜻蜓在水上飞翔。6、How fast the dragonfly flies!那只蜻蜓飞得真快啊!


根据语言学家Eden Emanuel Sarot的考证(见其著作“Folklore of the Dragonfly: Linguistic Approach“),dragonfly这个名字起源于罗马尼亚的一个传说。据说魔鬼把圣乔治(那个著名的骑白马杀死飞龙救出公主的英雄)的坐骑变成了一只巨大的昆虫。于是罗马尼亚人就把这种昆虫叫“圣乔治之马“(St. George's horse)或“魔鬼之马“(Devil's horse)。因为它会飞,所以也被叫作“魔鬼之蝇“(Devil's fly)。“蝇“和“龙“在罗马尼亚语里都是drac,于是翻译为英语时就被误译为dragonfly。

M. Craft - Dragonfly的歌词

M. Craft ----- Dragonfly

I can see it all tonight underneath a perfect sky
Where the universe revolves around the pupil of an
And infinities stretch out from infinities within
And I'm a part of everything, I'm a part of

Am I falling asleep? is it all just a dream?
Well, the cars are like water and the road is like a
Rolling down through the city, flowing out into the
Going nowhere like me, going nowhere like me

When the morning starts to glow out in the corners of
the sky
And the people come, and the time just passes by
Then I'm only gonna see it from the corner of my eye
When the planet spins it sings like the wings of a

I can see it all tonight
I can see it all tonight
I can see it all tonight
I can see it all tonight

Blondie的《Maria》 歌词

歌曲名:Maria歌手:Blondie专辑:LividMaria-BlondieShe moves like she don't careSmooth as silk, cool as airOoh, it makes you wanna cryShe doesn't know your nameand your heart beats like a subway trainOoh, it makes you wanna dieOoh, don't you wanna take her?Wanna make her all your own?MariaYou've gotta see her!Go insane and out of your mindMedinaAve MariaA million and one candlelightsI've seen this thing beforeIn my best friend and the boy next doorFool for love and fool of fireWon't come in from the rainSees oceans running down the drainBlue as ice and desireDon't you wanna make her?Ooh, don't you wanna take her home?MariaYou've gotta see her!Go insane and out of your mindReginaAve MariaA million and one candlelightsOoh, don't you wanna break her?Ooh, don't you wanna take her home?She walks like she don't careWalking on imported airOoh, it makes you wanna dieMaria, You've gotta see her!Go insane and out of your mindMedina, Ave MariaA million and one candlelightsMaria, You've gotta see her!Go insane and out of your mindRegina, Ave MariaA million and one candlelightsMaria, You've gotta see her!Go insane and out of your mindRegina, Ave Maria...http://music.baidu.com/song/7489037

