时间:2024-03-26 00:02:21编辑:优化君





520的意思是:我爱你;521的意思是:我愿意或我爱你。1、520源于歌手范晓萱的《数字恋爱》中“520”被喻成“我爱你”,,以及音乐人吴玉龙的网络歌曲中“我爱你”与“网络情人”的紧密联系。随后,“521”也被爱情中的男女们表达为“我愿意、我爱你”的意思。2、“520”、“521”以温馨、浪漫、时尚的形象迅速在网络上走红,他们成了网络人士的新宠,他们为爱情代言。在5月20日和5月21日这两天,网虫们纷纷在论坛发帖、盖楼表白,制作网络贺卡,给爱人网购礼物,在微博发送数字情书、领取微博结婚证。扩展资料:1、5·20和5·21网络情人节这两天,送出的礼物更多倾向于“精神类”的,比如:通过网络或手机给他(她)发出爱的暗示,045692(你是我的最爱)、7758520(亲亲我吧我爱你),对方在正确破译密码时自然得到了你传递的爱意。2、如今的“5·20表白日”,也渐渐成了各大商家促销厮杀的绝佳时段,做足了礼品的营销策划。玫瑰订单增长迅猛、巧克力热销、宾馆爆棚,这些已经成了这个“节日”的标配。车商“520”也高调表白购车者。3、“520”“521”连番来袭,已成为网民狂欢的“网络情人节”,朋友圈里“红包霸屏”。有人说,这一天最直接的表白,就是发红包。互发红包成为庆祝该节日的主打方式。红包也排在女性最想要、最关注礼物之首。参考资料:百度百科_520 百度百科_521


Meaning: Its source is a Spanish expression meaning "Pretty."

Languages: This girl's name is used in Dutch, English, Italian, Spanish, Czech and Swedish.

Nickname For: Belinda

Nicknames: Lin, Lindee, Lindi, Lindie, Lindy, Linn and Lynn

Compound Forms: Arlinda, Hollinda, Lindareina, Rosalinda, Loralinda, Dorolinda, Emalinda and Timlin

Alternative Spellings: Lynda, Llinda and Lynnda

Variant Forms: Delinda, Linday, Lindita, Lynde, Lyndia, Lenda and Larinda

Popularity: The name Linda ranked 373rd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 3rd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

This name first made its appearance on state popularity lists before 1993, but is becoming less commonly used. In some cases, it has fallen off the lists altogether.

Meaning: Its source is angelos, a Greek name meaning "Messenger from God."

Popularity: The name Angella ranked 1948th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

Though this name appears on the 1990 U.S. Census lists, it is used by only a small percentage of the general population.

Meaning: Its source is veruliya, a Sanskrit name meaning "Light green semi-precious stone."

Nicknames: Berry

Alternative Spellings: Beril

Popularity: The name Beryl ranked 948th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

Though this name has fluctuated in use, it has been quietly present throughout the last century.


Meaning: Its source is Elisabeth, an English name meaning "God's promise."

Languages: This girl's name is used in Dutch, English, Italian and Spanish.

Nicknames: Bell and Bella

Alternative Spellings: Izabella, Isobella, Ysabella and Issabella

Source Forms: Elisheva

Popularity: The name Isabella ranked 23rd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 997th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

Meaning: Its source is a Kiswahili expression meaning "Black beauty."

Languages: This girl's name is used in English and Kiswahili.

Popularity: The name Lela ranked 485th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

This name is highly rated in the 1990 U.S. Census popularity survey of all ages, but after 1960 does not appear in the state data listing the most popular baby names.

Meaning: Its source is Ludia, a Greek name meaning "Woman from Lydia."

Languages: This girl's name is used in German, Dutch, English and Greek.

Alternative Spellings: Lidia

Variant Forms: Lida and Lyda

Non-English Forms: Lydie, Lidija and Lidiya

Source Forms: Ludia

Popularity: The name Lydia ranked 139th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 243rd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

This name is highly rated in the 1990 U.S. Census popularity survey of all ages, but after 1960 does not appear in the state data listing the most popular baby names.

Meaning: Its source is Fionnuala, a Gaelic name meaning "White shoulder."

Variant Forms: Nolina

Source Forms: Fionnuala

Popularity: The name Nola ranked 724th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

Though this name has fluctuated in use, it has been quietly present throughout the last century.

Meaning: Its source is Rivka, a Hebrew name meaning "To bind."

Languages: This girl's name is used in English and Italian.

Nicknames: Becca, Beck, Becka, Becke, Beckey, Becki, Beckie, Becky, Bekki, Rebbie, Beckee, Becker, Beki, Beckah and Bekkie

Compound Forms: Rheabecca

Alternative Spellings: Rebbeca, Rebbecca, Rebbecka, Rebeccah, Rebeccka, Rebecha, Rebecka, Rebeckah, Rebekah, Rebekha, Rebekka and Rebekkah

Variant Forms: Reba, Rebakah, Rebba, Rebeccea, Rebeckia, Rebecky, Rebeha, Rebekke and Rheba

Non-English Forms: Rebeca, Rebecka and Rebekka

Source Forms: Rivka

Popularity: The name Rebecca ranked 48th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics, 34th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census and 32nd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1994 US Census.

This name is highly rated both on the 1990 U.S. Census list and in state data recording the most popular baby names.

Meaning: Its source is Eirene, a Greek name meaning "Peace."

Languages: This girl's name is used in English and Greek.

Nickname For: Irene

Popularity: The name Rena ranked 504th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

Meaning: Its source is Caecilia, a Latin name meaning "Blind."

Popularity: The name Shelia ranked 374th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

Though this name has fluctuated in use, it has been quietly present throughout the last century.

Meaning: Its source is scir leah, an Old English name meaning "Sunny glade."

Languages: This girl's name is used in English.

Nicknames: Shirl

Compound Forms: Shirlynn

Alternative Spellings: Sherley, Sherli, Sherly, Shirely, Shirlee, Shirly and Shaylee

Variant Forms: Cherly, Shirelle, Shirleen, Shirlena, Shirlene and Shirlina

Popularity: The name Shirley ranked 848th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 27th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

This name is highly rated in the 1990 U.S. Census popularity survey of all ages, but after 1960 does not appear in the state data listing the most popular baby names.

Meaning: Its source is Shoshana, a Hebrew name meaning "Lily."

Languages: This girl's name is used in English.

Nickname For: Susanna and Susannah

Nicknames: Sudie, Sue, Susie, Susy, Suzi, Suzie, Suzy, Suse and San

Alternative Spellings: Suesan, Suzan and Siusan

Variant Forms: Susann, Susen, Suzelle and Suzette

Non-English Forms: ZsaZsa and Zsuzsa

Source Forms: Shoshana

Popularity: The name Susan ranked 473rd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 8th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

This name first made its appearance on state popularity lists before 1993, but is becoming less commonly used. In some cases, it has fallen off the lists altogether.

Meaning: Its source is Nikola, a Greek name meaning "Victorious people."

Languages: This girl's name is used in German, Dutch, English and French.

Nicknames: Coley, Nettie, Nicky, Nicolette, Niki, Nikia, Nikita, Nikki, Cole, Nic, Nickye and Nico

Alternative Spellings: Necole, Nichol, Nichole, Nicholle, Nickol, Nickole, Nicol, Nicolle, Nikol, Nikole, Niquole and Nykole

Variant Forms: Lacole, Nicola, Nicolasa, Nicolina, Nicoline, Nikkole and Nekoel

Non-English Forms: Nicia

Source Forms: Nikola

Popularity: The name Nicole ranked 36th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics, 68th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census and 12th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1994 US Census.

This name is highly rated both on the 1990 U.S. Census list and in state data recording the most popular baby names.

Meaning: Its source is a Latin expression meaning "Assistant to the priest."

Nickname For: Camilla



这位女车主的态度很嚣张,仗着自己开着豪车,认识很多人;便妄想“开绿灯”,让交警执法人员,放弃对她醉驾的处罚。她的行为非常不明智,正如同执法人员所讲,这时候讲出的每一个名字,都是在害对方,陷对方于不义。事情发生在江西南昌,一位玛莎拉蒂女车主,醉酒后驾驶车辆,被交警拦下。以各种理由逃避酒精检测,前后一共吹了66次,才终于测试成功。期间还想打电话,叫自己认识的人,过来帮助自己处理遇到的“麻烦”。对于这位女车主的行为,我个人有下面这两个看法存在。一、女车主没有少喝酒面对执法人员检查,还敢口出狂言的人,一般都出现在喝酒以后。被酒精麻痹后的自己,说话时候不注意分寸,而且专挑一些雷人的话语来讲。这位女子在喝酒以后,为了逃避检查,多次对着测酒驾仪器假吹,这样一个行为,证明她内心心虚,同时也说明,她当晚喝酒很多。一旦被查出真实情况,将会接受严厉的处罚。二、她的行为很嚣张,也很不理智 “酒壮怂人胆”,这是人们对酒精,一个重要的评价。喝酒以后还敢开车,这样的人胆量必然不小。因为酒精的作用,也使得他们失去了日常的理智和冷静,说话和做事都欠考虑。这位女车主,驾着豪车酒驾,玛莎拉蒂的车型,让我想到了那位年轻女孩。好在这次民警将女司机拦了下来,对其进行酒驾检测,避免其继续在酒后驾车行驶。酒后驾驶本就触犯法律,我们应该积极接受检查,并承认自己错误,听候交警处理。而不是想要找人,来替自己“摆平”这件事情。这样情况出现,背后必有豪车身影。通过这样一个情况,就能够看出,有钱的人的确拥有更多资源。常人遇到查酒驾,只能是想方设法躲避,绝不敢在警察面前嚣张。




清分机是一种高端金融机具产品, 于20世纪90年代中期进入我国,又称为钞票清分机、现金清分机、货币清分机、纸币(钞票、现金、货币)分选机。是一种专门用来清点、分选纸币的金融机具。

我国金融行业对于现钞整点清分工作的规定程序是初点(点数、鉴伪)→整点(分版、挑损伤券)→扎把→复点→封包入库。目前,除整点以外的各个环节均已实现机械化、自动化。而纸币清分机正是现钞整点、清分、提高整洁度、挑选 ATM用钞的适用装备。因此,清分机的推广应用将是一种必然趋势。


还有,记得在自己身上涂点花露水什么的 ...(呵呵...几年前我还在上海时,晚上睡觉就被它咬过多次...咬你的应该不是咬我的那几只吧...)

