The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University,or Hua Shi Fu Zhong (HSFZ) is a high school in Guangzhou, Guangdong, People's Republic of China. It is a key provincial high school directly under the Department of Education of Guangdong Province and SCNU. The school is among the first schools designated as "the A-Class School" by the Provincial Education Bureau.
If unspecified, HSFZ refers to its main campus in Gangding, Tianhe District, Guangzhou. It also has three other campuses, including two in Guangzhou, one in Foshan and one in Shanwei. The main campus is provincial public school, while the other campuses are private schools.
It also has three other campuses, including two in Guangzhou, one in Foshan and one in Shanwei. The main campus is provincial public school, while the other campuses are private schools.
The current HSFZ is the result of a series of renames and merges. The earliest origin of HSFZ can be traced back to 1888, when Dr. Andrew Patton Happer established the Christian College in China in Shaji, Guangzhou. From 1888 to 1952, along the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, and the People's Republic of China, the predecessors of HSFZ have renamed and merged a couple of times. See Chronicle for details.
In 1952, with the Disciplinary Adjustment of Chinese Higher Education, four high schools merged to form the current HSFZ: the Affiliated High School of Sun Yat-Sen University, the Affiliated High School of Lingnan University, the Affiliated High School of South China Associated University, and the Affiliated High School of Guangdong College of Arts & Science. The school was named the Affiliated High School of South China Teacher's College. From 1960 to 1961, it was named the Affiliated High School of Guangdong College of Science. During the Cultural Revolution, it was named the No. 61 Middle School of Guangzhou. It changed to the current name in 1982.
However, some alumni argued that the establishing date of the school should be 1952 instead of 1888.
From the date of merging in 1952, HSFZ located in Dongshan District, where had been merged into Yuexiu District. In 1960, it relocated to the current campus in Tianhe District. The old campus had then developed into another high school, the Guangdong Experimental High School.
In 1993, HSFZ established Guangdong Olympic School, which is a "school inside the school" providing education to gifted students in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The school has 2 classes per grade in junior high (grade 7-9) and 1 class per grade in senior high (grade 10-12). Students in the Olympic School has more chances to explore their interests in sciences.
Faculty and Staff
HSFZ claims a number of faculty who have received provincial and national recognition.[citation needed] The former Vice Provincial Governor of Guangdong, renowned educationalist, Wang Pingshan, headed the school as principal for more than twenty years. By 2004, the school staffed with more than 200 teachers, among which 81 "Senior Teachers", 17 "Master Teachers", and 4 with the title of "The ACE Teacher of the Province".[citation needed] Currently, the management team comprises Principal Wu Yingmin, Deputy Principals Yang Xiaocun, Zhu Ziping, and Li Biliang.
The motto of HSFZ is Diligent, Precise, Truth-seeking, and Creative.In most years, it is the best-performed school in the National Higher Education Entrance Examination in the province. In recent years, over 98% of its graduates had successfully been accepted by College or University, and over 80% were able to go to a key University. Every Year, about 20 students are accepted by the two top Universities in China: Tsinghua and PKU.
Over the past decade or so, more than 40 students from the school have been chosen for national training courses of International Olympiads. By September 2008, HSFZ students had won 8 gold medals, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals in International Mathematical Olympiad, 1 gold medal in International Physics Olympiad, 2 gold and 1 silver medals in International Chemistry Olympiad, 1 gold medal in International Astronomy Olympiad, 2 medals in International Geography Olympiad (the only 2 medals that Chinese students ever won), 1 gold medal in International Energy Project Olympiad, 1 gold medal in Asian Physics Olympiad, and 4 gold and 7 silver medals in Russian Mathematical Olympiad. It won the most number of medals in International Olympiads among all high schools in China.
In the 1950s and 1960s, HSFZ was honored as "a pioneering flag" in the field of regular education in Guangdong. At that time, HFSZ's exam score raised rapidly and was then treasured by government officers. Since the 1980s, the school was won honors in various respects. It received "School of National Distinction" awards successively in the following categories: its "animated campus life"; its success in comprehensive implementation of the "Regulation on Physical Education in Schools" and "Regulation on Health Care in Schools"; achievements in turning out talented sporting candidates.[citation needed] In addition, the school has achieved "Excellency in Performance" status and "Premium Education Level" status in Guangdong schools.
Admissions are very competitive. Its enrollment cutoff is the highest among all high schools in the city in most years. For example, in 2009, its cutoff is 744.Usually, only residents of Guangzhou City are allowed to enroll to HSFZ. However, its Creative Class and affiliated Guangdong Olympic School admits students from all over the province. Guangdong Olympic School holds a different entrance examination from the standard High School Enter Examination. Its admissions are even more competitive. For example, only 50 students passed the written part and entered the interview this year,and it's about 7% of all students applied.
The school turned out a large number of notable alumni all over the world, among whom are 4 fellows of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, over 2,000 professors, researchers, and senior engineers, hundreds working as leaders in different units and thousands more being backbones of various fields
托利党 Tory 英国政党。产生于17世纪末。19世纪中叶演变为英 国保守党。“托利”一词起源于爱尔兰语,意为不法之 徒。在1679年议会讨论詹姆斯公爵是否有权继承王位时, 赞成的人则被政敌称为“托利”。托利党人参加了1688 年的“光荣革命”。1714年汉诺威王朝建立后的半个世 纪中,托利党在政治上一直处于在野地位。18世纪中叶, 托利党成为以土地贵族和上层英国国教徒为核心的政治 派别。1760年,逐渐成为执政党。在法国革命时期,一 批温和的辉格党人转而支持在w.皮特(小)领导下的新 托利党。产业革命后,托利党逐渐向资产阶级保守主义 转变,以适应政治经济发展的需要。该党在教会和国家 关系、保护关税政策和反对天主教问题上仍然保持旧偏 见。到19世纪中叶r.皮尔内阁时期,托利党发展成为保 守党。也有人认为,托利党是于1833年改称保守党的 英国辉格党(Whig)是英国历史上的一个政党。1679年,因约克公爵詹姆斯(后来的詹姆斯二世)具有天主教背景,就詹姆斯是否有权继承王位的问题,议会展开激烈争论。一批议员反对詹姆斯公爵的王位继承权,被政敌讥称为“辉格”。。“辉格”(Whigs)的名称可能是“Whiggamores”(意为“好斗的苏格兰长老会派教徒”)一词的缩语。辉格党得益于1688年光荣革命带来的政治变化。它于1714年之后长期支配英国政治,他也通过捍卫包括有限君主制和议会重要性在内的“1688年原则”而获得不少支援。辉格党与其说是一个统一的政党,不如说是大致遵循上述原则的各种信仰的综合体。该党大部分领导人都是依靠政治庇护在议会内结成家族集团的大地主。辉格党获得金融界和商业阶层中许多人的支持,那些为取得宗教宽容寻求保护(常常是找错了对象)的不从国教派也是它的拥护者。1714年以后的半个世纪中,辉格党一直在政治上占优势,连续执政达46年之久。18世纪末、19世纪初一段时期,在政治上失势。1830年重新掌权,到18世纪末期辉格党势力逐渐衰退。19世纪中叶,辉格党势力大增。在当时英国工业发展、经济繁荣的条件下,辉格党的政策反映了资产阶级的利益。19世纪60年代,辉格党土地贵族的代表、保守党的罗伯特·皮尔派分子,以工商业资产阶级为基础组建自由党。也有人认为,辉格党是于1839年改称自由党的。
两个政党是竞争关系。托利党辉格党:英国政党。产生于17世纪末。19世纪中叶演变为英国保守党。托利党人参加了1688 年的“光荣革命”。1714年汉诺威王朝建立后的半个世 纪中,托利党在政治上一直处于在野地位。18世纪中叶, 托利党成为以土地贵族和上层英国国教徒为核心的政治派别,代表着英国贵族,地主和英国国教上层教徒的利益。1760年,逐渐成为执政党。在法国革命时期,一批温和的辉格党人转而支持在w.皮特(小)领导下的新 托利党。工业革命后,托利党逐渐向资产阶级保守主义转变,以适应政治经济发展的需要。该党在教会和国家 关系、保护关税政策和反对天主教问题上仍然保持旧偏 见。到19世纪中叶r.皮尔内阁时期,托利党发展成为保 守党。也有人认为,托利党是于1833年改称保守党。辉格党:辉格党(反对英国王室君主专权的党派)为美国在杰克森式民主时代的一个政党,前身是国家共和党。具体的说,辉格党拥护国会立法权高于总统内阁的执行权,赞同现代化与经济发展纲领。该党自选‘辉格’为名,附和反对英国王室君主专权的英国辉格党,反对总统专断。扩展资料:辉格党名称来源:辉格党和托利党这两个政党名称皆起源于1688年的光荣革命,一般认为他们是最早出现的资产阶级政党。“辉格”(Whig)一词起源于苏格兰的盖尔语,意为马贼,英国资产阶级革命时,有人用它来讥讽苏格兰长老派。1679年,就詹姆斯公爵(后来的詹姆斯二世)是否有权继承王位的问题,议会展开激烈争论。一批议员反对詹姆斯公爵的王位继承权,被政敌讥称为“辉格”。他们也渐以此自称。辉格党人是指那些反对绝对王权,支持新教徒宗教自由权利的人。而“托利”(Tory)一词起源于爱尔兰语,意为不法之徒。在1679年议会讨论詹姆斯公爵是否有权继承王位时,赞成的人则被政敌称为“托利”。托利党人是指那些支持世袭王权、不愿去除国王的人。辉格党瓦解原因:该党最终瓦解于因是否同意奴隶制度扩展至新领土之争。党内为此争议产生极深的裂痕,因而于1852年美国总统大选中弃现任总统菲尔摩于不顾,改提名史考特参选。辉格党自此未曾再产生出任何一位总统,其票源流失至主张保护本土文化的一无所知党(Know-Nothing)、反对蓄奴的共和党、甚至其所憎恨之民主党。参考资料来源:百度百科-辉格党参考资料来源:百度百科-托利党
简介:华中师大一附中朝阳学校是由武汉市华中师范大学第一附属中学与北京市朝阳区教委协议合办的普通公立完全中学。 华师附中一朝阳学校师资来自于总校华师一附中和北京市区级示范校的骨干教师,德高业精,团结务实,勇于开拓,甘于奉献。由2名奥数金牌教练、4名特级教师、22名高级教师、8名区级骨干和7名优青等组成的优秀教师团队。