尽管早些年《The Lawyer》杂志就致力于为《亚太地区150强(the Asia Pacific 150)》及《中国顶级律所报告(China Elite reports)》收集律所收入及盈利的数据,但一些律所拒绝公开他们的财务数据。
虽然如此,158亿人民币的收入仍然低于英国的四所“魔圈律所(magic circle firms,指英国的顶级律所)”在2013/14财政年度的19亿英镑的收入。
在所有被调查的律所中,位于北京的汉坤律师事务所的年收入获得了最大幅度的增长,其2014年的收入跃升了78%,达到了2亿人民币。位于成都的泰和泰律师事务所年收入增幅位居第二,与上年同期相比增长了50%。而在“红圈”(red circle,中国顶级律所)律所之中,中伦以43%的年收入增幅位居第一,从2013年的10.3亿人民币涨至2014年的14.7亿人民币。而10所增幅最大的中国律所的平均年收入涨幅为25%,这样的增速在全球法律市场都是极为稀少的。
这是中伦近十年来发展最快的一年,吴鹏的团队今年贡献了两千多万人民币,并列成为历史之最。平均每位股东合伙人的收入也首次突破了七百万人民币。方达、天元、立方三家律所也在2014年有显著的员工和收入增长。在横向招聘方面,方达最引人注目的举动是为它的北京办公室招募了Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer的中国反垄断主管Michael Han。
君合的管理合伙人之一华晓军表示,为了新制度的改革君合已经进行了长时间的准备,包括向诸如Slaughters and May和Mayer Brown等国际律所取经。
“上一年度我们的利润有增长。这主要是我们要求所有合伙人和律师在他们所擅长的领域将能力发挥到极致,如此即使在激烈的竞争中他们也能提高代理费用,” 刘苏说到。
涉足海外业务的律所已经获得了回报。2013年金杜律师事务所与英国律所SJ Berwin合并,坐稳了海外企业并购领域法律服务提供商的交椅。据汤森路透2014的交易数据显示,金杜所累计为18桩海外企业并购案中的中方企业们提供了法律服务,其交易额使得金杜成为该领域最活跃的法律服务提供商。这也使得它在这场竞争中击败了对手英国欧华律师事务所(DLA Piper),该所完成了17桩案子的法律服务。
金杜律师事务所海外法律服务交易的战绩包括它在国有企业广东省广晟投资集团有限公司欲以报价11亿澳元(5亿英镑)收购澳洲上市铜金矿开采商PanAust案件中的代理,潍柴动力以1.87亿欧元(1.36亿英镑)取得德国上市公司凯傲集团一部分股权的法律咨询以及为中国的私募股权公司厚朴基金(HOPU)对帕拉丁能源(Paladin Energy)投资中的代理。
然而,将金杜所的收入累加后情形就不容乐观了。它所完成的这18个交易共计42亿美元,每桩交易取得的代理费为2.33亿美元。相比而言, Freshfields完成了价值202亿美元的13桩交易--每桩交易额在15亿美元。
大成律师事务所与Dentons的合并以及Baker & McKenzie与小型律师事务所奋迅于上海自由贸易区(SFTZ)设立联营办公室是去年广泛报道的两宗头条事件。虽然这两宗合并案例在组合结构和规模类型上有很大的不同,但无一不显示了中资律所扩展海外市场的决心和外所对进一步发掘中国市场的浓厚兴趣。
就如世界基金组织(IMF)在2014年将中国列为世界排名第一的经济大国所显示出的信号一样,中国对世界经济的增长有深远而持久的影响。毫无疑问,成为国际律所进军的核心市场是非常重要的。在过去的18个月中,陆续有新的律所进入中国市场--美国的Alston & Bird,Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle, Duane Morris Selvam 和 Fenwick & West只是其中几例。同时,Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan为入驻上海市场展开了合并行动。
根据中国司法部最近发布的数据显示,在2014年中国有170家外所共计225处办公室(参见下面的图表)。上海仍然是外资所最集中的流入地,这一点从它拥有124处办公室就可以看出,而北京只有87处。这170家外所里有54家在北京和上海两地拥有2处办公室,115家在中国有1处办公室。只有总部在巴黎的德尚律师事务所(DS Avocats)在北京、上海和广州拥有三处办事处。
这些数字中略有下降的部分是由于近年来全球兼并和某些跨国所的倒闭。例如,澳大利亚的Allens 与 legacy Mallesons Stephen Jaquesduo两家所都关闭了在中国的办公室,就是因为这两家所分别同Linklaters 和金杜达成联盟进行合并。现在,defunctBingham McCutchen 的北京办公室也在去年关闭。
然而,其他的一些外所决定退出中国,比如美国的Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson 和Chadbourne Parke, 巴西的Duarte Garcia Caselli Guimar?es e Terra Advogados 以及瑞典的 Advokatfirman Vinge。
也有一些律所决定减少其在中国的“存在感”,英国的Stephenson Harwood 近期关闭了它在广州的办公室,转而同广州的伟途律师事务所联盟,以便继续在那儿服务他们的客户。在关闭之前,该所是极少数在中国大陆设有三个办公室的外所之一。
英国一家从事保险业务的律师事务所 Kennedys就是一个很好的例子,在2015年1月,该所同一家主要从事保险业务的中国所安杰达成了合作协议,而没有在大陆开设自己的办公室。
今年四月份,意大利的一家律所 Gianni Origoni Grippo Cappelli & Partners 采取了相类似的方式,同中国的汉坤所组成正式的联盟,而汉坤凭借其高营收已成为中国成长最快的内所。
一些进入中国市场已久的跨国所也都决定去联系一个国内盟友,以便增强他们在中国市场的影响力。 Baker & McKenzie与上海自由贸易区的本地所奋迅组成的合资所就是很好的例证。
在更大规模上,Dentons与大成运用“瑞士法律下社团组织结构(a Swiss Verein model)”模式进行联盟反映了类似的动机。Joe Andrew主席解释说,相较于找一个“红圈”合作伙伴,Dentons更想找个把国内的重点放在二线城市的大所。道理在于,这些所虽然没有做到专注于国际业务,却与国内的客户保持着良好的关系,而这些客户大部分立足于北京、上海之外,尽管迄今为止北京与上海是聚集着众多跨国所的地方。
2014-2015年上海交通大学排名 第4名2014-2015年Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)排名第11名 2014-2015年上海交通大学世界大学学术排名第100名2014-2015年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第136名2014-2015年Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)世界大学排名 第171名2015年USNews全球高校排名 第110名 2014-2015年上海交通大学世界大学学科领域排名理科 第151-200名生命 第76-100名医科 第40名社科 第47名2014-2015年Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)世界大学学科排名生命科学和生物医学专业大学排名 第133名艺术和人文科学专业大学排名 第141名技术专业大学排名 第296名自然科学专业大学排名 第230名社会科学专业大学排名 第150名
做市场调研的方法主要有:电话访问法、计算机辅助电话访问(CATI)、入户访问、拦截访问、小组(焦点)座谈、深度访谈法、投影技法、在线访问法、邮寄或传真调查表。1、电话访问法企业内部的销售代表或专业的第三方调研公司的人员通过电话对客户进行有条理的访问。电话访问的优点是由于人性化的、与客户直接的访谈,一般会有高的参与度。电话访问的缺点由于拒绝率的上升而降低效率;如果委托第三方专业公司可能涉及较高的费用;更重要的是消费者越来越讨厌接到影响其生活、工作的电话使得电话访问越来越困难。传统的电话访问就是按照样本名单,选择一个调查者,拨通电话,询问一系列的问题。访问员(调查员)按照问卷,在答案纸记录被访者的回答。调查员集中在某个场所或专门的电话访问间,在固定的时间内开始面访工作,现场有督导人员进行管理。调查员都是经过专门训练的,一般以兼职的大学生为主,或其他一些人员。2、计算机辅助电话访问(CATI)在发达国家,特别是在美国,集中在某一中心地点进行的计算机辅助电话访问比传统的电话访问更为普遍。国内有少数调查公司采用。计算机辅助电话访问使用一份按计算机设计方法设计的问卷,用电话向被调查者进行访问。计算机问卷可以利用大型机、微型机或个人用计算机来设计生成,调查员坐在CRT终端(与总控计算机相联的带屏幕和键盘的终端设备)对面,头戴小型耳机式电话。CRT代替了问卷、答案纸和铅笔。通过计算机拨打所要的号码,电话接通之后,调查员就读出CRT屏幕上显示出的问答题并直接将被调查者的回答(用号码表示)用键盘记入计算机的记忆库之中。计算机会系统地指引调查员工作。在CRT屏幕上,一个问答题只出现一次。计算机会检查答案的适当性和一致性。数据的收集过程是自然的、平稳的,而且访问时间大大缩减,数据质量得到了加强,数据的编码和录入等过程也不再需要。由于回答是直接输入计算机的,关于数据收集和结果的阶段性的和最新的报告几乎可以立刻就得到。3、入户访问入户访问指调查员到被调查者的家中或工作单位进行访问,直接与被调查者接触。然后或是利用访问式问卷逐个问题进行询问,并记录下对方的回答;或是将自填式问卷交给被调查者,讲明方法后,等待对方填写完毕或稍后再回来收取问卷的调查方式。4、拦截访问拦截访问是指在某个场所(一般是较繁华的商业区)拦截在场的一些人进行面访调查。这种方法常用于商业性的消费者意向调查中。拦截面访的好处在于效率高,但是,无论如何控制样本及调查的质量,收集的数据都无法证明对总体有很好的代表性。这是拦截访问的最大问题。5、小组(焦点)座谈小组(焦点)座谈(Focus Group)是由一个经过训练的主持人仔细选择邀请一定数量(6–15个)客户,以一种无结构的自然的形式与一个小组的被调查者交谈,了解与客户的满意度、价值相关的内容。这种调研的优点是根据提供的讨论指南和时间表对客户的偏好和顾虑有全面深入的了解;便于与客户建立良好的关系。小组座谈法的主要目的,是通过倾听一组从调研者所要研究的目标市场中选择来的被调查者,从而获取对一些有关问题的深入了解。这种方法的价值在于常常可以从自由进行的小组讨论中得到一些意想不到的发现。这种调查的缺点是由于调研主持人的偏见而得到有曲解的结果;为了鼓励被调研者的参与每次小组座谈会的参与人数有限制;如果扩大抽样的人数所投入的成本就很高。6、深度访谈法深度访谈法是一种无结构的、直接的、个人的访问,在访问过程中,一个掌握高级技巧的调查员深入地访谈一个被调查者,以揭示对某一问题的潜在动机、信念、态度和感情。比较常用的深度访谈技术主要有三种:阶梯前进、隐蔽问题寻探以及象征性分析。深度访谈主要也是用于获取对问题的理解和深层了解的探索性研究。7、投影技法所谓投影技法是一种无结构的非直接的询问形式,可以鼓励被调查者将他们对所关心问题的潜在动机、信仰、态度或感情投射出来。在投影技法中,并不要求被调查者描述自己的行为,而是要他们解释其他人的行为。在解释他人的行为时,被调查者就间接地将他们自己的动机、信仰、态度或感情投影到了有关的情景之中。因此,通过分析被调查者对那些没有结构的、不明确而且模棱两可的"剧本"的反应,他们的态度也就被揭示出来了。剧情越模糊,被调查者就更多地投影他们的感情、需要、动机、态度和价值观,就象在心理咨询诊所中利用投影技法来分析患者的心理那样。和心理学中的分类一样,投影技法可分成联想技法、完成技法、结构技法和表现技法。8、在线访问法企业利用在线的调查、免费的网上文字评语、在线的调研收集客户的信息。在线访问的优点包括由于便利而有比传统邮寄调查更高的反馈率;对客户和公司都有成本上的优势;借助软件便于快速分析数据。在线访问的缺点是如果客户自己发起的在线访问有可能产生扭曲的结果;可能产生不准确的回复(自动回复系统通常自动寻找关键字而发送自动的回复)从而忽略客户顾虑中细微差别;除非绝大部分客户使用网上渠道提供反馈意见,否则收集的信息不完整。9、邮寄或传真调查表公司通过直邮或传真向抽样的客户进行调研。这种调研的优点包括由于被访问者有足够的时间回答问题而收集到精确的、高质量的问卷;可提供便于量化的结果;由于大批量邮寄而成本较低。这种调研的缺点是调研的完整性取决于被访者的意愿;由于回收率一般较低或迟缓而统计效果不佳。扩展资料:市场调研报告的主要要素:1、必须掌握符合实际的丰富确凿的材料,这是调研报告的生命。丰富确凿的材料一方面来自于实地考察,一方面来自于书报、杂志和互联网。在知识爆炸的时代,获得间接资料似乎比较容易,难得的是深入实地获取第一手资料。这就需要眼睛向下,脚踏实地地到实践中认真调查,掌握大量的符合实际的第一手资料,这是写好调研报告的前提,必须下大功夫。2、对于获得的大量的直接和间接资料,要做艰苦细致的辨别真伪的工作,从中找出事物的内在规律性,这是不容易的事。调研报告切忌面面俱到。在第一手材料中,筛选出最典型、最能说明问题的材料,对其进行分析,从中揭示出事物的本质或找出事物的内在规律,得出正确的结论,总结出有价值的东西,这是写调研报告时应特别注意的。3、用词力求准确,文风朴实。毛泽东的《湖南农民运动考察报告》是很好的典范。写调研报告,应该用概念成熟的专业用语,非专业用语应力求准确易懂。通俗应该是提倡的。特别是被调查对象反映事物的典型语言,应在调研报告中选用。盲目追求用词新颖,把简单的事物用复杂的词语来表达,把简单的道理说得云山雾罩、玄而又玄,实际上是学风浮躁的表现,有时甚至有“没有真功夫”之嫌。4、逻辑严谨,条理清晰。调研报告要做到观点鲜明,立论有据。论据和观点要有严密的逻辑关系,条理清晰。论据不单是列举事例,讲故事,逻辑关系是指论据和观点之间内在的必然联系。如果没有逻辑关系,无论多少事例也很难证明观点的正确性。结构上的创新只是形式问题,不能把主要精力放在追求报告的形式上。调研报告的结构可以不拘一格。5、要有扎实的专业知识和思想素质。好的调研报告,是由调研人员的基本素质决定的。调研人员既要有深厚的理论基础,又要有丰富的专业知识。一项政策往往涉及到国民经济的许多方面,并且影响到不同的社会群体,只有具备很宽的知识面,才能够深刻理解国家的大政方针,正确判断政策所涉及的不同群体的需要;才能看清复杂事物的真实面目。6、要对人民有感情,对事业、对真理有追求。任何事物都是一分为二的,调研报告带有一定程度的主观性。作者所处的立场决定了报告的主题和观点,也决定了报告素材选取的倾向性。巴金说,“不是我有才能,而是我有感情”。深入实际搞调研,一定要有为老百姓、为国家解决问题的强烈愿望和感情。参考资料来源:百度百科-市场调研参考资料来源:百度百科-市场调研报告
求有关 Physical Attractiveness 一篇 英文的
Physical attractiveness
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Physical attractiveness is the perception of the physical traits of an individual human person as pleasing or beautiful. It can include various implications, such as sexual attractiveness and physique. Judgment of attractiveness of physical traits is partly universal to all human cultures, partly dependent on culture or society or time period, and partly a matter of individual subjective preference.
Despite the existence of universally agreed upon signs of beauty in both genders, both heterosexual and homosexual men tend to place significantly higher value on physical appearance in a partner than women do.[1] This can be explained by evolutionary psychology as a consequence of ancestral humans who selected partners based on secondary sexual characteristics, as well as general indicators of fitness (for example, symmetrical features) enjoying greater reproductive success as a result of higher fertility in those partners, although a male's ability to provide resources for offspring was probably signalled less by physical features.[1] There appear to be universal standards regarding attractiveness, such that raters agree who is and isn't attractive both within and across cultures and ethnicity.[2]
Physical attractiveness can have a significant effect on how people are judged, in terms of employment or social opportunities, friendship, sexual behavior, and marriage.[3] In many cases, humans attribute positive characteristics, such as intelligence and honesty, to attractive people without consciously realizing it. Physical attractiveness is distinct from sexual attraction; humans often regard children and young individuals—both human and animal—as being highly attractive for various reasons, but without sexual attraction.
Contents [hide]
1 Determinants of male physical attractiveness
1.1 Build
1.2 Height
1.3 Variability in preferences
2 Determinants of female physical attractiveness
2.1 Signals of youth
2.2 Breast size
2.3 Proportion of body mass to body structure
2.4 Waist-hip ratio
2.5 Height
2.6 Prototypicality as beauty
2.7 Skin tone
3 Social effects of attractiveness
4 See also
5 Notes
6 References and bibliography
7 External links
[edit] Determinants of male physical attractiveness
The Carlson Twins are typically judged as being highly physically attractive for their slim waists and muscular chests.
[edit] Build
Research has found that male physiques with slim waists are rated as being attractive, particularly by females. [4] Participants also identified physiques with relatively broad shoulders as being attractive. In addition, chest muscularity resulted in slightly higher attractiveness ratings.[4] Preference can also emerge for muscularity, though research has shown that Western men have a tendency to overestimate the amount of muscle considered ideal by women by as much as thirty pounds, whereas Asian men collectively do not exhibit such a misconception.[5] A normal level of the hormone testosterone is a possible indicator of good sexual health. In the absence of normal testosterone levels, a man may exhibit physical symptoms of less muscle development and physical height reduction.
A near-universal sexually attractive feature of a man is a v-shaped torso: a relatively narrow waist offset with broad shoulders. While some cultures prefer their males huskier and others leaner, the rule of a v-shaped torso generally holds true. Consistently, men with a waist-to-shoulder ratio of 0.75 or lower are viewed as considerably more attractive than men with more even waists and shoulders. [6]
[edit] Height
Female's sexual attraction towards a male can be partly determined by the height of the man.[7] Women seem more receptive to an erect posture than men, though both prefer it as an element of beauty; this fact appears correlated to the preference for males who demonstrate confidence, physical strength, and a powerful bearing. This preference can be explained by evolutionary psychology as the fact that ancestral women who were attracted to tall, physically powerful men benefited from better protection and therefore gained evolutionary fitness.[8] Additionally, height in men is associated with status in many cultures, which is beneficial to women romantically involved with them. This preference was passed on genetically. As a corollary, short men are viewed as unattractive for both casual and intended long-term relationships. Studies of women's personal ads support the existence of this preference; in one study of ads requesting height in a mate, 80 percent requested a height of 6 feet or taller. However, this percentage only was of ads specifying height in the first place, and therefore possibly self-selected and/or biased by a third factor such as female height.[8]
Recent research has found that women are statistically more likely to be attracted to men of average height when looking for long-term commitment, while the opposite is true when a short-term relationship is intended.[9] Cosmopolitan Magazine published an article stating that women are most attracted to men who are 1.1 times their own height. In addition, it was found that women have these different preferences for height depending on the phase of their menstrual cycle at the time. While women usually desire men that are at least the same height as themselves or taller, other factors also determine male attractiveness.[9]
[edit] Variability in preferences
It has been shown that women prefer more masculine men during the fertile period of the menstrual cycle and more feminine men during other parts of the cycle.[10] This distinction supports the sexy son hypothesis, which posits that it is evolutionarily advantageous for women to select potential fathers who are traditionally masculine rather than the best caregivers.[11] Masculine facial features are characterized by a strong brow, a strong nose, a high forehead[citation needed] and a broad jaw whereas feminine features are less pronounced.
[edit] Determinants of female physical attractiveness
Features such as a symmetrical face, full lips, and low waist-hip ratio are commonly considered physically attractive when part of a female, because they are thought to indicate physical health and high fertility to a potential mate. The determinants of female physical attractiveness include those aspects that display health and fitness for reproduction and sustenance. These include correlates of fertility such as youth,[12] waist-hip ratio,[13] mid upper arm circumference,[14] body mass proportion[15] and facial symmetry.[16][17]
[edit] Signals of youth
Because female fecundity typically declines after the late twenties, youth is an important aspect of physical attractiveness[18]. One study across 37 cultures showed men desire, on average, a woman 2.5 years younger than themselves for a wife, with men in Nigeria and Zambia at the far extreme, desiring their wives to be 6.5 to 7.5 years younger. As men age, they also desire a larger age gap from their mates.[12] The reasons for this preference are currently debated.
This preference for youth has also led to a preference of neotenic and youthful-appearing features. Full lips, clear, smooth skin, clear eyes, lustrous hair, and good muscle tone are all viewed as attractive in women.[12]
[edit] Breast size
Large breasts have also been shown to be attractive to men in Western societies, with the explanation that larger breasts will more explicitly show the aging process, hence an "honest" indicator of fertility.[19] Another explanation is that large breasts increase the size of the chest, and thus decrease the relative size of the waist; to an observer, a woman’s waist looks thinner if she has large breasts.[20]
The sexual selection based on breast size is one of the many reasons for the growing average breasts volume over the generations, together with changing nutrition habits and increased hormone levels.[21]
[edit] Proportion of body mass to body structure
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is another important universal determinant to the perception of beauty.[15] The BMI refers to the proportion of the body mass to the body structure. However, the optimal body proportion is interpreted differently in various cultures. The Western ideal considers a slim and slender body mass as optimal while many historic cultures consider an embonpoint or plump body-mass as appealing.[22][23] Men don't seem to have evolved to hold a particular build as more attractive, but rather to be drawn to whichever build associates with social status.[23]
However, it should be noted that, in the United States, women overestimate men's preferences for thinness in a mate. In one study, American women were asked to choose what their ideal build was and what they thought the build most attractive to men was. Women chose slimmer than average figures for both choices, though when American men were independently asked to choose the female build most attractive to them, they (the men) chose figures of average build, indicating that women may be misled as to how thin men prefer women to be.[23]
The attraction for a proportionate body also influences an appeal for erect posture.[24]
[edit] Waist-hip ratio
Main article: waist-hip ratio
Notwithstanding wide cultural differences in preferences for female build, scientists have discovered that the waist-hip ratio (WHR) of any build is very strongly correlated to attractiveness across all cultures.[23] Women with a 0.7 WHR (waist circumference that is 70% of the hip circumference) are usually rated as more attractive by men from European cultures. Such diverse beauty icons as Jessica Alba[25], Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, and the Venus de Milo all have ratios around 0.7.[26] In other cultures, preferences vary,[27] ranging from 0.6 in China,[28] to 0.8 or 0.9 in parts of South America and Africa,[29][30][31] and divergent preferences based on ethnicity, rather than nationality, have also been noted.[32][33]
[edit] Height
Most males exhibit a preference for females of shorter physical stature than themselves, and studies indicate that women of below average height have greater reproductive success.[34] An advantage to smaller size may be that it is seen as more youthful, and males find pedomorphic characteristics in females attractive.[35] Another possible (but unproven) explanation is that shorter females may reach sexual maturity earlier than their taller counterparts.[34]It can also be argued that a shorter, and often generally smaller, female is more attractive to males by bringing out the traditional instincts of protection.
[edit] Prototypicality as beauty
See also: Koinophilia
See also: Averageness
Besides biology and culture, there are other factors determining physical attractiveness. The more common features a face bears, the more highly it is usually judged to be attractive. This may be a result of the familiarity of common facial features, an example of the mere exposure effect. When many faces are combined into a composite image (through computer morphing), people usually view the resulting image as more familiar, attractive, and beautiful than the faces that were combined to make the composite.[36] One interpretation is that this shows an inherent human preference for prototypicality. That is, the resultant face emerges with the salient features shared by most faces, and hence becomes the prototype. The prototypical face and features is therefore perceived as symmetrical and familiar. This may reveal an "underlying preference for the familiar and safe over the unfamiliar and potentially dangerous."[16] However, critics of this interpretation point out that compositing computer images also has the effect of removing skin blemishes such as scars, and generally softens sharp facial features.
Classical conceptions of beauty are essentially a celebration of this "prototypicality." This may show the importance of prototypicality in the judgment of beauty, and also explain the emergence of similarity of the perception of attractiveness within a community or society, which shares a gene pool.
[edit] Skin tone
In his foreword to Peter Frost's 2005 Fair Women, Dark Men, U. of Washington sociologist Pierre L. van den Berghe summarizes:
"Although virtually all cultures express a marked preference for fair female skin, even those with little or no exposure to European imperialism, and even those whose members are heavily pigmented, many are indifferent to male pigmentation or even prefer men to be darker."[37] A consequence of this is that, since higher-ranking men get to marry the more attractive women, the upper classes of a society generally tend to develop a lighter complexion than the lower classes by sexual selection (see also Fisherian runaway).[38]
Another feature is skin color on the spectrum of dark to light. As with many determinants of attractiveness, there are cultural differences: lighter tones are preferred by some cultures, while in others, tanned or darker skin is preferred.[citation needed] For some time after the Victorian era, lighter skin was preferred, as it was considered a marker of a more "cultured" individual or "gentlewoman" who did not have to engage in outdoor labor.[citation needed] In the 20th and 21st centuries Western world, tanned skin has often been considered highly attractive for both men and women. Here, the tan has come to carry with it connotations of having an active outdoor lifestyle or frequent vacations in the sun, thus better (implied) physical health or wealth.[citation needed]
In eastern parts of Asia, including Southeast Asia, this preference for lighter skin remains prevalent. In East Asia in particular, fair skin is associated with youth, since skin darkens with exposure to the sun and aging. This conflation of youth and beauty is not exclusive to East Asia, and can be linked to the phenomenon of neoteny. Thus, sales of skin whitening cosmetic products are popular in East Asia. A preference for fair skin however is not a recent development, and in China, for example, can be traced back to ancient drawings depicting women and goddesses with fair skin tones.
[edit] Social effects of attractiveness
When a person is seen as attractive or unattractive, assumptions are brought into play. Across cultures, what is beautiful is assumed to be good. Attractive people are assumed to be more extroverted, popular, and happy, and attractive people do tend to have these characteristics. However, this is may be due to self-fulfilling prophecy; from a young age, attractive people receive more attention that helps them develop these characteristics.[39][40]
Physical attractiveness can have various effects. A survey conducted by London Guildhall University of 11,000 people showed that those who subjectively describe themselves as physically attractive earn more income than others who would describe themselves as less attractive.[41] People who described themselves as less attractive earned, on average, 13% less than those who described themselves as more attractive, while the penalty for being overweight was around 5%. It is important to note that other factors such as self-confidence may explain or influence these findings as they are based on self-reported attractiveness as opposed to any sort of objective criteria; however, as one's self-confidence and self-esteem are largely learned from how one is regarded by their peers while maturing, even these considerations would suggest a significant role for physical appearance. Although one reason that unattractive people might not have friends is because they have low self-esteem.
Some have proposed that discrimination against or prejudice towards others based on their appearance should be referred to as Lookism[citation needed].
Many have asserted that certain advantages tend to come to those that are perceived as being more attractive, including the ability to get better jobs and promotions, receiving better treatment from authorities and the legal system, having more choices in romantic partners and, therefore, more power in relationships, and marrying into families with more money.[42][39][40]
Both men and women use physical attractiveness as a measure of how 'good' another person is. However, in terms of sexual behavior, some studies suggest little difference between men and women. Symmetrical men and women have a tendency to begin to have sexual intercourse earlier, to have more sexual partners, to engage in a wider variety of sexual activities, and to have more one-night stands. They are also prone to infidelity and are more likely to have open relationships.[43] Symmetrical men and women are also best suited for their environment, and their physical characteristics are most likely to be inherited by future generations.
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