
时间:2024-03-24 04:13:35编辑:优化君


rave:初为一种活动,锐舞可以说是一种英国的现象,最早是出现在80年代末90年代初。2001年日本出版同名漫画。不及物动词 vi1.胡言乱语;狂骂;激烈地说,She ravedin her fever.她发高烧,胡言乱语。2.狂热赞扬,极力夸奖,The guests ravedabout dinner.客人们极力夸赞可口的饭菜。3.(风等)呼啸,咆哮The wind ravedthrough the mountains.风呼啸着掠过群山。及物动词 vt1.语无伦次地说,狂乱地说[(+out)],His mother ravedout her grief.他的母亲语无伦次地倾诉心中的悲痛。2.叫嚷(或呼啸)得使……The boy ravedhimself hoarse.这男孩嚷得嗓子都哑了。名词 n1.胡言乱语;狂骂;呼啸,咆哮[U][C]2.【口】热烈赞美;赞扬,吹捧[C][U]His new play received ravesin the paper.他的新剧本在报纸上受到赞扬。3.【主英】喧闹的宴会形容词 a1.【口】赞扬的关于rave的造句:1、rave about one's misfortune.2、The play received rave reviews.3、The drunkard began to rave again.4、March with grief doth howl and rave.5、After meeting a young girl at a rave party.6、I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups.7、 Do you think rave culture should be promoted? Why?8、The play received rave reviews from the critics. 9、We don't go and rave about anybody, or celebrate destroy them.10、I read rave reviews on it, but it has battery recharge issues.11、It is useless to rant and rave at the injustices in the world.12、The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out.13、If you continue to rant and rave at me like this, I'll just leave the room.14、And then she began to rave about her lover, the movie director whom she had seenon the dance floor.15、Do not believe the rave vowed at the time of love, that are written in wine will soonbe evaporation.16、You can go to the boss for a rant and a rave but it won't change anything.17、If you rave about the benefits of XP for 10 minutes, a typical boss will focus on one.18、Since then, sales of the Mondeo has always been among the best, the parties to rave reviews, but also twice received the "World Car of the Year" title.19、It doesn't matter if you listen to opera, classical or the latest rave music. It's the speed of the beat that counts.20、Though the system received rave reviews, and many stood by it, HP failed to attractthe developers necessary to build an ecosystem of apps.21、This isn't to say you can't rant and rave about a bad day, but doing so without consideration of your partner's life is self-centered.22、Life is like dust, heaven and earth are full of feelings, because I will be drunk, I will be drunk and rave.23、It rave nights in the leading role, whether you went to that corner there, and you will see all kinds of red hats, some still shiny hat tip, and some glittering.24、Over time I found that he started turning to me. He knew I wouldn't rant and rave at him, nor kiss up. Instead, I would offer candid, helpful advice.25、The boy wants to join the army. This is enormous shock to his dad, who would havepreferred to rant and rave about his wanting to become a painter.26、I, who preached contentment with a humble lot, and justified the vocation even of hewers of wood and drawers of water in God's service — I, His ordained minister, almost rave in my restlessness.27、Cook. Do people rave about your food? Offer to cater events. Provide food for a picnic, for a cocktail party, for a sit-down dinner. Sell cookies and cakes.28、The billion dollar success of plastic pop, clumsy metal and predictable, playa style rap has left little to rave about, and caused parents to shake their heads in disgust, stupefied at the bland or even bad taste of their very own kids.29、Chia-chu scowled and screwed up his face with exasperation. He sat up abruptly onthe couch and was just going to rave at his wife, when he saw that the child was scrabbling his feet on the book he had just brought in.


“Rave Party”传统的意思是:喧闹的狂欢舞会。“Rave Party”的网络释义是:1、锐舞派对:新潮一族迷上了锐舞派对(Rave Party),在DJ(专业唱片师)播放的强劲电子音乐声中跳舞狂欢直至通宵达旦。2、三大锐舞派对:每个月定期都要在这里举行,让帕岸岛而风靡世界。3、三大电音派对:世界三大电音派对(Rave Party)。“Rave Party”是集音乐、舞蹈、乐队、灯光、音响、DJ为一体的新时代年轻人最愿意参加的大型户外活动。1、1988年,4个来自绅士之国的英国DJ,在美丽的西班牙度假岛屿阿利巴里群岛发现BALEARIC音乐风格,当地DJ阿尔费多将来自芝加哥的HOUSE舞曲加入多种西班牙及其他音乐元素播放出来,让4位DJ享受了极为精彩的一夜。当他们回到英国之后,他们决定将这种派对带入故乡,这就是RaveParty——源头。2、跳舞文化掀开了新的一页。随着英国众多优秀俱乐部、DJ、派对高手的出现,这种青年层次文化现象终于从地下走到地上,并在英国成为主流。这种互动式的文化模式让人们的想象空间无限扩大,为数码时代的青年人带来了新鲜的动感快乐。3、“Rave Party“应在野外、停车场、仓库、航空港这类开阔地带举行,年轻人身着闪亮、性感的时髦服装,从城市各处走到一起,在专业DJ的现场混音和打碟表演中疯狂起舞,由强劲的音乐节拍、极富震撼感的音频以及镭射灯光交织出一片飘忽迷离、五彩缤纷的未来数字空间。


raver,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“(Raver)人名;(英)雷弗”。(often humorous) 喜欢社交活动的人;喜欢寻欢作乐的人:a person who likes going out and who has an exciting social life;参加狂欢聚会的人:a person who goes to raves;单词用法柯林斯英汉双解大词典raver /ˈreɪvə/ ( ravers )1.N-COUNT A raver is a young person who has a busy social life and goes to a lot of parties, raves, or nightclubs. 社交场常客; 寻欢作乐者 [非正式] 短语搭配realizedeortality raver 实际死亡率I am a raver, and this is my manifesto. 我是一个锐舞客,这是我的宣言。

snarl rave rant shout 区别 各举例一个句子

snarl: To speak angrily or threateningly; To utter with anger or hostility.
动物作主语的话就是“吠/嚎”,人做主语就是“厉声地说”:two dogs snarled at each other. He snarled a retort.(厉声反驳)
rant: To speak or write in an angry or violent manner; To utter or express with violence or extravagance 大喊大叫、夸夸其谈(偏重喧闹、粗野、夸张)例子:a dictator ranted his vitriol onto a captive audience。

rave: To speak wildly, irrationally, or incoherently; To utter or express in a frenzied manner瞎说、疯了似地说、语无伦次地胡说,吼叫发怒(常用于rave and rant短语):The storm raved along the coast

shout: To say with or utter a shout高声有力地说 he shouted at me.

总结:snarl偏重“愤怒地有敌意地大声” rave和rant常并列用偏重“喧闹、胡言乱语地大声” shout中性词就是“大声”


锐舞(Rave)更多的是一种party形式,当然它也是一种音乐曲风属于电子音乐,它是指播放酸性歌剧或硬核唱片的、大量使用药物(特别是迷幻类药品)的地下派对。最早的锐舞出现在20世纪80年代末至90年代初的英国。大部分在锐舞上播放的曲目都具有迷幻的性质,即使是在药物成为此种场景下的主要元素之前亦是如此。在锐舞上,都是由DJ把歌剧与电子单曲中断续的音乐混合在一起,所以锐舞历史中最被记住的名字都是DJ们的,而不是录制唱片的艺人本身。它们多是在很大的场地下举行的,特别是废弃的仓库或户外的旷野。最终,英国政府发现锐舞是一种必须制止的、危险的反社会的活动,但是派队却从未停止,特别是关于此种活动的消息通过口头和自制传单的方式被流传开来之后。锐舞在90年代初的时候袭入了美国,但即使是按地下的标准,它也从未赢得过什么大的关注。贯穿整个90年代,那些直接受到锐舞文化影响的乐队 - 特别是布袋乐队(baggy bands),如 the Stone Roses, Happy Mondays, 和 Charlatans;英伦流行团体,如 Pulp and Oasis;以及一些电子音乐艺人,如 the Prodigy - 都在不断地努力将自己的音乐打入主流,并且到90年代晚期的时候,这种文化还在持续地捕获英国青年的关注。


“字以溯源”的意思是:汉字应该从它的根源开始研究,追根溯源,鉴古至今。字以溯源:zì yǐ sù yuán《开学第一课》,开题人:王宁 (北京师范大学文学院教授)王宁教授讲述致力于研究汉字六十余年的故事,带领我们领略汉字的魅力。追根溯源,鉴古至今,只有更好地认识过去,才能更好地拥抱未来。从源远流长的汉字说起。在这节课上,撒贝宁带着一个仿制的甲骨上台,讲述中国汉字强大的生命力。甲骨上是“雨”的象形文字,不少小朋友现场认了出来。撒贝宁说,这个字穿越了三千多年历史,到今天依然能够认出来。汉字是我们中华文明的源头,它的流传演变记录着中国漫长的文化历史。理查德·西尔斯,1950年出生,美国人。他花了20年的时间将甲骨文、金文、小篆等字形整理好并放到网上,中国网友深受感动,因此称呼他为“汉字叔叔”。一次心脏手术差点夺去了“汉字叔叔”的生命,在病榻上,他开始思考要做一些有意义的事情,由此萌生了电子化《说文解字》的念头。2002年,“汉字叔叔”创建了汉字字源网,由于得不到关注和资助,他陷入贫困潦倒、旅游签证到期、护照被没收、第一次面临限期离开中国的窘境。“汉字叔叔”并没有因此放弃。所幸的是,他得到了北京师范大学的一份教职,可以边教物理边研究汉字,他为能在中国做老师而骄傲:“我总觉得我能改变这些年轻人的生活,哪怕只是一点点。”一个年近七十岁的外国人,都在不断为我们的传统文化而努力奋斗,我们又有什么理由不去保护我们自己的历史文化呢?王宁,1954年毕业于北京师范大学中文系,从事汉语研究与教育工作长达六十余年,是现代著名的文字训诂学专家,中国传统语言学的重要继承人之一。上世纪60年代,王宁教授去到了青海牧区开展扫盲工作,她深深地被老百姓对文化的渴望震撼,这一停留便是28年。王宁教授说,汉字和汉字文化能够绵延不绝,生命就在民间。为了将传统文化巩固在每个人的血液中,王宁教授尽其所能,研究汉字从未停歇。其中,“甲骨文”也是王宁教授研究的汉字之一。王教授现场演示了“正”、“直”两个字的演化和造字思路。行不离轨就是正,目不斜视就是直。汉字造字的意图告诉我们:看清道路,奔向目标。一笔一划中涵盖丰厚的历史底蕴,汉字带领我们感受过去,思考未来。它不仅是智慧的结晶,更是传统文化中不能缺失的根基。

二语习得领域Ravem的Recapitulation Hypothesis 怎么翻译啊?求解释以及该理论的发展

这个假设追根溯源的话要先从生物学家Haeckel 1868年的假设开始谈起,''ontogeny is a concise recapitulation of phylogeny'' 简言之,Haeckel假设说,从胚胎到一个成熟的个体所经历的几个阶段正好反映了整个进化过程的几个阶段。这一假设后来有所发展,科学家们开始对各个阶段进行了对比。
这个思想被Jacobson引入到语言学界。 简言之,人类从学习一门语言,到掌握一门语言(first language acquisition),再到因为大脑受伤而丢失语言(language loss),这三个过程也反映了语言的历史变化(language change)。Jacobson主要是对发音(phoneme)做的一些研究,发现有的phonemes小孩很快就学会了,而有些phonemes要很长时间才学的会。他认为这种先后顺序也放映了phonemes在人类语言中的发展过程,并且他认为这一发展过程也反映在语法等其他语言方面。
The supposed parallels between language history and first language acquisition (or second language acquisition, for that matter) are usually labelled as the recapitulation hypothesis; the supposed parallelism between language acquisition and language loss as the regression hypothesis.我估计这一假设在SLA的意思应该和语言迁移有点一致(但我不肯定):在学习一门外语的时候,和母语相一致的地方很容易习得,不一样的地方需要时间慢慢学习。而且你应该知道外语学习的U-shape规律,这和Regression Hypothesis也有一致的地方。国内估计这方面的文章比较少,你可以看一下Gass & Selinker (2008)写的SLA的书,很全面,我记得好像提到过这个假设。这本书国内可以弄到,有PDF版本。


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