
时间:2024-03-24 18:59:09编辑:优化君


土风舞一词是由英文 Folk Dance 翻译而来,其字义为富有乡土风味之舞蹈。其意义则指自然形成的、受地理、地形、气候、生活习惯、风俗民情、历史背景等影响的、为地区人民深爱与地区民族传统文化有密切关联的、有自己独树与独特舞姿的舞蹈。在罗马尼亚,圆形舞(Circle Dance, also known as Hora)最为普遍,是群众 在村落广场的周末消遣。这类土风舞经常随音乐的节拍而加速。『Alunelul』的意思是「小榛子 」。频密的踏步和迅速的重心转移是模仿小果子掉落地後跳动的形态。







土风舞一词是由英文 Folk Dance 翻译而来,其字义为富有乡土风味之舞蹈。其意义则指自然形成的、受地理、地形、气候、生活习惯、风俗民情、历史背景等影响的、为地区人民深爱与地区民族传统文化有密切关联的、有自己独树与独特舞姿的舞蹈。在罗马尼亚,圆形舞(Circle Dance, also known as Hora)最为普遍。各地特色希腊希腊土风舞可分为四大类:「皮特其托」(Pidikitos)、「希尔托」(Syrtos) 、「旁狄」(Pontic)及「尼比狄哥」(Rebiko)。「希尔托」意为「拖曳」,舞蹈动作轻柔而 飘拂,鲜有跳跃动作。「蜜丝罗小姐」属「希尔托」类,站在右端为领舞者,常拿著手帕摇晃 。 希腊舞蹈具有傲慢的姿态及自然高雅的风格。习惯上是男、女分开跳,但现代已变成男女混 合跳。希腊的链状舞蹈中,半月形是尊敬月亮女神的象徵。罗马尼亚在罗马尼亚,圆形舞(Circle Dance, also known as Hora)最为普遍,是群众 在村落广场的周末消遣。这类土风舞经常随音乐的节拍而加速。『Alunelul』的意思是「小榛子 」。频密的踏步和迅速的重心转移是模仿小果子掉落地後跳动的形态。土风舞以色列以色列的舞蹈许多都从圣歌中产生,舞蹈较慢而优雅。但叶门人的舞蹈却配有强劲节奏,在鼓声、 掌声及歌声中渐渐加速。「呼拉莎达夏」是催促谷麦生长。「水舞」是庆祝寻获水源的喜悦。苏格兰苏格兰舞蹈可分为乡村舞(Country)及高地舞(Highland) 两种风格。舞蹈 的特质,尤其是高地舞,多半都是步法轻巧且带高贵及骄傲。舞步乾净利落而表现高度控制。 男、女子於社交或节日时穿著的低跟和软底舞鞋使「快乐歌顿斯」中的扑踏步更形轻巧。俄国俄国土风舞包括单圈舞、行进舞及双人舞等。其特质是充份表现感情,动作从 热带国家的缓慢动作到寒冷国家的强力动都有;但一般来说大多较具活力。俄国的舞蹈时常边 唱边跳,音乐与东方音乐相似。『Korobushka』的意思是小贩的篮子 在俄国和东欧有不同的舞 步和跳法。美国美国的土风舞音乐是很活泼和无拘束的。队形通常是四方形、圆形或行列队形 。


一、跳舞的英语是dance,音标英 [dɑ:ns]、美 [dæns]。二、释义:1、n.跳舞;舞会;舞曲;舞蹈艺术It's a terrible thing when nobody wants to dance with you 没有人想和你跳舞是一件很糟糕的事情。2、vi.跳舞;手舞足蹈;摇晃;跳跃When an atom's proton and electron numbers are uneven, the electron dance begins. 而当一个原子的质子和电子数不均衡时,电子便开始跳跃起来。3、vt.使跳舞He put another record on the turntable so that people could dance to the music. 他在唱机转盘上又放了一张唱片,使人们能合着乐曲跳舞。三、词源解说:直接源自中古英语的dauncen;最初源自古法语的danser,意为摇晃,动来动去。四、经典引文:Yniol's heart Danced in his bosom, seeing better days.伊尼奥的心在胸口跳动,看到了美好的日子。出自:Tennyson扩展资料:一、词语用法:n.(名词)1、dance一般不指抽象的“跳舞(动作)”,而是指“一个舞步”“一种舞”“一次舞会”“一首舞曲”。2、dance指“跳舞或舞蹈”“舞步”“舞曲”时,用作可数名词。表示“舞蹈艺术”时,是不可数名词,其前加the,跟单数动词连用。v.(动词)1、dance的基本意思是指有节奏地、轻快地、优美地跳动,多指“跳舞”,主要用作不及物动词,偶尔也可用作及物动词,宾语多是舞蹈的名称,也可接同形或不同形的同源宾语。2、dance在用作及物动词时,还可作“把某情节或形象用舞蹈的形式表演出来”解,这种用法多见于非正式的书面语体中。3、dance偶尔可接复合宾语。二、词义辨析:dance, ballball指正式的盛大舞会; dance一般为私人举行的小型舞会。例如:The ladies were all dressed in long gowns at the ball.舞会上贵妇人都穿着长礼服。They will give a dance for their daughter's birthday.他们将为女儿的生日举行一次舞会。


“跳舞”用英语说是“dance”。下面我带大家来了解一下dance的其他详细内容,希望对您有所帮助:一、单词音标单词发音:英 [dɑːns]     美 [dæns]二、单词释义n. 舞会;跳舞;舞蹈;舞步vi. 跳舞;手舞足蹈vt. 跳舞;使跳跃三、词语用法n. (名词)dance一般不指抽象的“跳舞(动作)”,而是指“一个舞步”“一种舞”“一次舞会”“一首舞曲”。dance指“跳舞或舞蹈”“舞步”“舞曲”时,用作可数名词。表示“舞蹈艺术”时,是不可数名词,其前加the,跟单数动词连用。v. (动词)dance的基本意思是指有节奏地、轻快地、优美地跳动,多指“跳舞”,主要用作不及物动词,偶尔也可用作及物动词,宾语多是舞蹈的名称,也可接同形或不同形的同源宾语。dance在用作及物动词时,还可作“把某情节或形象用舞蹈的形式表演出来”解,这种用法多见于非正式的书面语体中。dance偶尔可接复合宾语。四、短语搭配accompany a dance 伴舞appreciate a dance 欣赏舞蹈attend a dance 参加舞会begin the dance 领舞compose dances 创作舞曲dance a dance 跳一个舞do a dance 跳一个舞dress for dance 穿晚礼服去舞会execute dance 演奏舞曲grace dance 使舞蹈优美give a dance 举行舞会go to a dance 去跳舞have a dance 跳舞hold a dance 举行舞会五、词义辨析ball,dance这两个名词均有“舞会”之意。ball多指社交性的舞会,场面较为隆重和正式。dance指一般性的非正式舞会。六、双语例句He's still learning how to dance. 他仍在学怎样跳舞。Do you want to dance? 你想跳舞吗?There was music and dancing till two in the morning. 音乐和舞蹈一直持续到凌晨两点。We hold a dance every year to raise money for charity. 我们每年举行一场舞会,为慈善事业募捐。Find a partner and practise these new dance steps. 找个舞伴来练习这些新舞步。Couples took the floor for the last dance of the evening. 双双对对开始跳晚会的最后一支舞。


一、跳舞的英语是dance,音标英 [dɑ:ns]、美 [dæns]。二、释义:1、n.跳舞;舞会;舞曲;舞蹈艺术It's a terrible thing when nobody wants to dance with you 没有人想和你跳舞是一件很糟糕的事情。2、vi.跳舞;手舞足蹈;摇晃;跳跃When an atom's proton and electron numbers are uneven, the electron dance begins. 而当一个原子的质子和电子数不均衡时,电子便开始跳跃起来。3、vt.使跳舞He put another record on the turntable so that people could dance to the music. 他在唱机转盘上又放了一张唱片,使人们能合着乐曲跳舞。三、词源解说:直接源自中古英语的dauncen;最初源自古法语的danser,意为摇晃,动来动去。四、经典引文:Yniol's heart Danced in his bosom, seeing better days.伊尼奥的心在胸口跳动,看到了美好的日子。出自:Tennyson扩展资料:一、词语用法:n.(名词)1、dance一般不指抽象的“跳舞(动作)”,而是指“一个舞步”“一种舞”“一次舞会”“一首舞曲”。2、dance指“跳舞或舞蹈”“舞步”“舞曲”时,用作可数名词。表示“舞蹈艺术”时,是不可数名词,其前加the,跟单数动词连用。v.(动词)1、dance的基本意思是指有节奏地、轻快地、优美地跳动,多指“跳舞”,主要用作不及物动词,偶尔也可用作及物动词,宾语多是舞蹈的名称,也可接同形或不同形的同源宾语。2、dance在用作及物动词时,还可作“把某情节或形象用舞蹈的形式表演出来”解,这种用法多见于非正式的书面语体中。3、dance偶尔可接复合宾语。二、词义辨析:dance, ballball指正式的盛大舞会; dance一般为私人举行的小型舞会。例如:The ladies were all dressed in long gowns at the ball.舞会上贵妇人都穿着长礼服。They will give a dance for their daughter's birthday.他们将为女儿的生日举行一次舞会。


  你知道 唱歌 跳舞的英文单词是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。   唱歌跳舞   唱歌跳舞的英文释义:   singing and dancing   唱歌跳舞的英文例句:   她以唱歌跳舞消遣。   She diverted herself in singing and dancing.   游戏完后我们唱歌跳舞以助余兴。   We banked up the games by singing and dancing.   晚会的剩余时间是唱歌跳舞。   The rest of the evening will be given up to singing and dancing.   那晚,他们身着传统服装,为祈祷和平唱歌跳舞,帕斯特拉纳、我、切尔西也在卡塔赫纳的街道上和他们一同起舞。   They sang and danced for peace in traditional native dress, and that evening inthe streets of Cartagena, Pastrana, Chelsea, and I danced with them.   “据几位目击者说,当时这群孩子正在卡车上唱歌跳舞”汉森说。   "According to several witnesses, the boys were singing and dancing on board thetruck, " said Hasan.   我们并不害怕唱歌跳舞,把我们的喜悦表现出来,让每一个人都感到快乐。 唱歌跳舞的英文单词   We are not afraid to sing and dance, spreading our joy and including everyonewhen we are happy.   我们并不害怕唱歌跳舞,把我们的喜悦表现出来,让每一个人都感到快乐。我们为这个 足球 和团结庆典深感自豪。   We are not afraid to sing and dance, spreading our joy and including everyonewhen we are happy. We are proud of this great celebration of football and unity.   “我不明白,”女人结结巴巴地说,“昨天我在这的时候,还是一片 高尔夫球 场,还有乡村俱乐部,我们还吃了龙虾,唱歌跳舞,非常快乐。   “I don’t understand, ” stammered the woman, “yesterday I was here and there wasa golf course and a country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had agreat time.   但是,女性艺术家在男性观众面前唱歌跳舞这种事仍然是一项大忌。   But the idea of female artists singing or dancing in front of male audiences is stillcompletely taboo.   人们唱歌跳舞,举杯畅欢。   People sang and danced and drank.   最后一步,将是需要他做一点电视表演,——最理想的就是做场高聚焦的慈善演唱会——,以向世界证明他依然可以唱歌跳舞。   The final step would be for him to stage some kind of televised performance --ideally in the context of a high-profile charity concert -- to prove to the world thathe can still sing and dance.   艾米:吃完饭,我们将会去唱歌跳舞。   Amy: After lunch, we're going to sing and dance.   她往行李箱里一看,里面有很多她爸爸在众人面前唱歌跳舞的黑白照片,甚至还有她爸爸跟她一样年纪时的照片。   As she looked into his trunk, there were old black and white pictures of her Daddydancing and singing in front of people. There were even pictures of her Daddywhen he was little around her age.   正如前天晚上一样,他发现小人们又在唱歌跳舞,老人又给他剃了个光头,让他带走一些煤块。   As had happened the night before, he found the little people dancing andsinging.The old man shaved him smooth once again, and indicated that he shouldtake some coal.   我们宰杀山羊与鸡,饮酒,唱歌跳舞。   We slaughter goats and chickens, drink liquor, sing songs and dance.   我的童年时代大多都在唱歌跳舞,可就是没机会进行专业尝试。   I spent most of mychildhood singing and dancing and just never had the chanceto do itprofessionally.   当时,身着黑套装白衬衫的普京被主持人叫到台上,他说:"如同大多数人,我不会唱歌跳舞,但我很喜欢这么做。"   Called onto the stage by the hostess, Mr Putin said: "Like an overwhelming majority of people, I can neither sing nor play, but I very much like doing it.   孩子们看到同龄的两个美国女孩来访问,都雀跃起来,你一句我一句的询问能不能为他们唱歌跳舞。   The children, so animated by the visit of two American girls of similar age, askedwhether they could sing and dance for us, which they did with tender voices and impressive drumming on the lali.   只见由数十个乐师形成的队伍正吹着喇叭、长笛,敲着鼓在城堡外盘旋着,“看见没,这是属于你自己的乐队,你可以尽情地唱歌跳舞打响指②。”   Your own band. They’ll play music, and you can sing and dance and snap your fingers to your heart’s content.   我不想唱歌跳舞!   I don’t want to sing and dance!   女人们唱歌跳舞6,甚至靠说唱来获得理想职位。   Women sang, danced and even rapped to get a shot at their ideal job.   当投票结果出来后,国大党政府举行了庆祝仪式,唱歌跳舞,并在党领导SoniaGandhi在Delhi的家门前燃放烟花。   There were Congress celebrations when victory became clear, with dancingsupporters cheering, clapping and letting off firecrackers in front of party leaderSonia Gandhi's house in Delhi.


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