
时间:2024-03-28 02:56:31编辑:优化君


effectiveness_百度翻译effectiveness英[ɪˌfek'tɪvnɪs]美[əˈfɛktɪvnɪs]n.有效,有力;有效性;效益;效用[例句]He has focused on pioneering innovation effectiveness methods for three decades.三十年来,他始终致力于开创有效的创新方法。您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢


effectiveness是一个名词。一、翻译effectiveness意思是有效性、效果、成效。二、词根effectiveness一词的词根是effect。三、同义词1、Efficiency:Staying abreast of technology standards is often associated with organizational efficiency.(与技术标准保持一致常常有助于提高组织的效率。)四、反义词Ineffectiveness:The interpretation of the law and ineffectiveness of the revised law are continually mentioned by bloggers.(部落客持续讨论法律的诠释与新修广播法的无效。)四、相关词组1、improve effectiveness.(提高效率、提升效能。)2、enhance effectiveness.(增强有效性、提升成效。)3、increase effectiveness.(增加有效性、提高效果。)4、measure effectiveness.(评估有效性、衡量成效。)5、test effectiveness.(测试有效性、检验成效。)effectiveness例句:1、The effectiveness of the new treatment for cancer is still being evaluated.(这种新的癌症治疗方法的有效性仍在评估中。)2、The company's training program has been praised for its effectiveness in improving employee productivity.(该公司的培训计划因其提高员工生产力的有效性而受到赞扬。)3、The effectiveness of the marketing campaign will depend on how well it reaches the target audience.(市场营销活动的有效性将取决于它在多大程度上能够触及目标受众。)4、The company's IT department is constantly looking for ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its systems.(该公司的信息技术部门不断寻找提高系统效益和效率的方法。)5、The study found that the effectiveness of the medication varied depending on the patient's age and medical history.(研究发现,药物的有效性因患者的年龄和病史而异。)

effectiveness是什么意思 effectiveness的中文意思

英音 [i'fektivnis] ;,美音 [i'fektivnis] ;, 不可数名词: 有效,有力,名称 effectiveness,effectivity,capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects,power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect,effectiveness auditing 【经】 效果审计有效性审计 ,program effectiveness 方案成效 ,legal effectiveness 【法】 法律效用 ,parative effectiveness 比较效果 ,economic effectiveness 经济效率,经济效率 ,thermal effectiveness 热处理效果 ,shield effectiveness 屏蔽效率 ,precipitation effectiveness 有效降水 ,effectiveness measure 效果量度 ,effectiveness theory 能行性理论 ,effectiveness n.[U] 有效,有力,cost/effectiveness 【计】 效能价格比, 性能价格比,cost effectiveness 成本效率衡量一个系统或一个产品的性能,或其有效程序与成本间的关系的指示。n. 成本高效益,花费的有效性


人文,是人类文化的简称,是人站在自身或者其它的角度,用自己或别人提出的方法对世界中已知或未知存在的客观事物或现象进行理性的思考而总结出来的符合世界发展规律的又能被大众接受的属于个人主观的知识点。  2008年北京奥运会要提出"科技奥运,人文奥运,绿色奥运"的口号。科技奥运是说:08年奥运会有含有高科技含量的建筑。人文奥运是说:中国有五千年的历史文化遗产。绿色奥运是说:中国将走环保路线在奥运期间和未来。扩展资料:人文就是人类文化中的先进部分和核心部分,即先进的价值观及其规范。其集中体现是:重视人,尊重人,关心人,爱护人。简而言之,人文,即重视人的文化。人文,是一个动态的概念。《辞海》中这样写道:“人文指人类社会的各种文化现象”。我们知道,文化是人类或者一个民族、一个人群共同具有的符号、价值观及其规范。符号是文化的基础,价值观是文化的核心,而规范,包括习惯规范、道德规范和法律规范则是文化的主要内容。人文是指人类文化中的先进的、科学的、优秀的、健康的部分。广义讲,泛指文化;狭义讲,专指哲学,特别是美学范畴。人文分类:文化、艺术、美学、教育、哲学、国学、历史、法律(俗称规矩)。20世纪,又发生一场新的革命:信息化、知识化、民主化、全球化。人在社会中的地位以及社会本身都在发生根本的改变。人从过去的工具人,经济人,发展到现代的社会人,文化人。人的价值得到充分承认,人与人的相互交流与认同得到更好的实现,自信、平等和价值感等现代国民素质得到更广泛的提升。参考资料来源:百度百科-人文


人文就是人类文化中的先进部分和核心部分,即先进的价值观及其规范。其集中体现是:重视人,尊重人,关心人,爱护人,即重视人的文化。人文,是一个动态的概念。《辞海》中这样写道:“人文指人类社会的各种文化现象”。我们知道,文化是人类或者一个民族、一个人群共同具有的符号、价值观及其规范。符号是文化的基础,价值观是文化的核心,而规范,包括习惯规范、道德规范和法律规范则是文化的主要内容。人文是指人类文化中的先进的、科学的、优秀的、健康的部分。广义讲,泛指文化;狭义讲,专指哲学,特别是美学范畴。人文分类:文化、艺术、美学、教育、哲学、国学、历史、法律(俗称规矩)。引证解释1、指礼乐教化。《易·贲》:“观乎天文以察时变,观乎人文以化成天下。” 孔颖达疏:“言圣人观察人文,则诗书礼乐之谓,当法此教而化成天下也。”《北齐书·文苑传序》:“圣达立言,化成天下,人文也。”唐·皎然 《读张曲江集》诗:“相公乃天盖,人文佐生成。”2、泛指各种文化现象。孙中山《民权初步自序》:“会此世运进化之时,人文发达之际,犹未能先我东邻而改造一富强之国家者,其故何也?”3、人事。指人世间事。《后汉书·公孙瓒传论》:“舍诸天运,徵乎人文,则古之休烈,何远之有!” 李贤注:“人文犹人事也。”4、习俗,人情。郭沫若《我的童年》第一篇:“大约就是因为山水比较清秀的原故罢,一般的人文风尚比起邻近的村镇也觉稍有不同。


同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  业绩,绩效Performance   这一术语通常用于评估实体在一段时期中所开展的部分或全部行为或各项作业活动的情况,通常会参照某一标准。   马上就要2015年下半年CMA资格考试了,在这里祝大家好好考试,每个人都超常发挥,取得好成绩!   希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。   再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。    高顿祝您生活愉快!


effectiveness:n.效率(果,力,用,能,应);有效性;强调结果。 efficiency:n.效率;效能;功效;提高功效的方法;功率;复数: efficiencies; 强调过程。 扩展资料   The spa is the last word in luxury and efficiency.   这家矿泉疗养浴场极尽奢华,功效极高。   Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.   随着自动化程度和效率的不断提高,对管理人员的.技能要求可能会大大降低。   There's solid evidence that there are huge differences in the effectiveness of teachers.   有确凿的证据表明教师的教学成果存在巨大的差异。

efficiency and effectiveness是什么意思

efficiency and effectiveness

1. 效率和效能

The education system has widespread problems with efficiency and effectiveness.

A common adage in the management consulting business is that efficiency andeffectiveness are completely different measurements.











  Whether can the rolling mill bearing operating performance use effectively, the quite great degree is decided by the lubrication situation, the lubricant is been called “the bearing's fifth big spare part”. The rolling mill bearing's damage reason above 40% is the insufficient lubrication creates, must therefore reduce the rolling mill bearing consumption, must select is suitable in the exploitation conditions lubrication method and the quality lubricant, but must design the installment to prevent foreign matter invasion and so on water and oxide skin reliable packing assemblies. the present rolling mill bearing mainly uses the fat lubrication and the oil gas lubrication. Presently mostly the factory uses the easy to do fat lubrication way lubrication, if has the possibility to adopt the oil gas lubrication technology, may cause the rolling mill bearing to be under the quite ideal lubrication condition to work, will reduce the bearing consumption large scale.
  1 The fat lubricates the fat lubrication the method to have easy and feasible, the roller replacement convenient characteristic, the application is very widespread. Should according to the rolling mill bearing operating temperature, the rotational speed, the roll force as well as the seal waterproofing performance, the impact vibration size, supplies situation choice being suitable and so on fat method lubricants. Must select, the viscosity to be strong thermostablly, the ep performance good as well as the anti-water drenches the performance high regular factory the lubricant. Should choose according to the rolling mill bearing's operating feature contains EP chemical additive 2#, 3#, the lithium base fat or the polyuria fat. although the high performance lubricant procurement cost is high, but the amount used has been short, the bearing life is long, the total comprehensive cost reduced. Moreover the lubricant packing quantity wants certainly right amount and fills the arriving, the different trademark's lubricant cannot mix uses, to cause the rolling mill bearing active face to be at the lubricant film normal state throughout.
  2nd, the sufficient fat measures when the primary packing lubricant the bearing inner space stuff then, must fill up and down the enough quantity lubricant regarding the vertical roll or in the web roll each bearing seat lid. After each time roll changing, must inspect the lubricant whether to harden the nigrescence, whether by impurity pollution, whether to oxidize the emulsification. If has the above situation to replace the lubricant thoroughly and to inspect the seal and the seal structure prompt replacement or the improvement; If after situation Shang Haoke supplemented the new fat, continued to use.
  3, the oil gas lubricate the oil gas lubrication are the bearing ideal lubrication way, the bearing compress the spatial gas range middle the work to lubricate the oil dripping once in a while to enter in the bearing, the lubricating oil keeps in the bearing, the air carries off bearing movement in quantity of heat, simultaneously prevents the exterior impurity water vapor to plunge in the bearing. The oil has not been atomized the pollution of the environment.
  4th, packing assembly the bearing's seal is must maintain the internal good lubrication condition, and prevents the cooling water, to oxidize the iron sheet, the impurity to plunge the active face to lengthen bearing's service life. As a result of the rolling mill bearing enclosure question, the bearing failure most is approaches the body of roll side the spot, the bearing is frequently because of the lubricant pollution, the outflow, causes the components active face to wear, flaking even to disrupt, specially cold belt rolling mill's emulsion permeating, causes the lubricant to expire is quicker
  Bearing's seal divides into the bringing seal and the outside seal two kinds. The outside seal mainly uses the design which the labyrinth type and the contact type unify. The labyrinth level are more (is not lower than two-pole) the gap smaller seal effect to be better. Labyrinth gap basis bearing size size way chosen to one-sided 0.6~1.5mm; Axial 4~6mm.
  Contact skeleton oil seal: It applies on the rolling mill is quite widespread, to increase the effect to be possible 2-3 compound uses. The oil seal has the directivity, cannot install instead. The hot-rolling mill general attire two oil seals, two oil seal lip mouth must to the bearing seat outside, prevent the outside contamination to plunge. The cold belt rolling mill general attire three oil seals approach a bearing's oil seal lip mouth to inward, with prevents the lubricant overflow influence to roll over the material quality quantity. Uses when the oil seal must be careful, avoids installs when the roller colliding and damaging the lip mouth, affects the seal effect.
  RBR packing ring: This is one kind of rolling mill bearing special-purpose rubber lip type packing ring, widely is applied in recent years. The RBR packing ring uses the axial seal the way, his/her the lip mouth pastes in gland's basic plane, the influence which beats the roller, the bearing interior's old fat may not overflow, the exterior cooling water, oxidizes the iron sheet, the impurity to enter by the lip mouth impediment, has the good seal effect. When easy to operate, roll changing the roller loads the bearing seat not any influence.


世界油外型2007 年
介绍由Mohamed Hamel, 头, 能量先生学习部门, 对新闻招待会发射"World 油外型07", 在石油输出国组织秘书处在维也纳, 奥地利, 2007 年9月13 日。
女士们和先生们, 早晨好。
它给予我巨大乐趣今天提出对您2007 石油输出国组织世界油外型。
允许我转向直接一些主要take-aways 从这出版物。
首先, 它是确切, 能源需求被设置增长在可预见的将来。而且, 油被预计坚守它主导的阵地在能量混合。
需求增长是强的在发展中国家在期间过程中; 但是, 石油使用人均将依然是很好在那经济合作与发展组织国家之下。
在适应这个需要, 资源基础清楚地是充足的, 并且石油输出国组织粗暴和其它源泉的石油供应将增加。但是, 有也许在将来影响对石油输出国组织油的需求的可观的不确定性。这符号化投资风险的重的负担和关于未来石油输出国组织成员国的大不确定性’ 与油相关的出口收支。
在我们的评估, 我们大概今天和在将来并且辨认顺流作为是重要为市场稳定, 比从前。
外型并且突出对矿物燃料的那个增加的用途能使与环境保护兼容, 特别是通过对更加干净的矿物燃料技术的用途, 譬如碳捕获和存贮。
终于, 从这个评估涌现的其它特点是增长的能量和经济相互依赖性在国家之间, 是受欢迎的发展, 因为相互依赖是方式今后为改进的能源供给和需求安全。
这张图表显示怎么, 在参考事例, 能源需求增加由1.7% 的每年平均率, 上升超过50% 由2030 与2005 年比较。
矿物燃料将继续提供超过90% 世界’s 总商业能源需求。
油将保留主导的能源, 用它当前的份额少许下降在下二十年期间。
气体被预计继续增长以快速的速度, 平稳地接近煤炭在它的重要性在能量混合, 虽然煤炭看了印象深刻的最近成长。
