世界上已灭绝的植物种类:1、中华古果:1、45亿年前盛开在中国辽西地区的“世界最早的花”,新近被确认属于迄今最古老的被子植物新类群“古果科”。2、种子蕨:已绝灭的裸子植物。可能起源于前裸子植物,始现于晚泥盆世,石炭二叠纪极盛,中生代逐渐衰退,灭绝于白垩纪。3、本内苏铁:古植物,苏铁纲的一目。直接起源于髓木类种子蕨植物。茎有的粗而短,为叶柄残存的叶基所包被;有的细而分枝,表面平滑,生存于三叠纪到渐新世。4、芦木:芦木是一种古植物,属木贼纲,叶线形或披针形,具单脉,轮生于节上。茎中间有一很大的髓部。生存于早石炭世至晚二叠世。5、星木:星木,可能为一种最原始的石松纲植物。高约0.5米。 拟根茎部分及其向下伸出的假根或根托都城二歧式分枝,向上生长的则发育成为致力的气生茎,起生茎四周长着一些二歧式分叉的侧枝。
I am efficient and can finish any task given by my superiors in a given time; I am organized and have created my own outline of things to do based on importance; I am a good learner and am able to constantly discover, raise, and solve problems, and learn from them. It's my understanding that a young man can perfect himself with learning and prove himself with experience. I believe that my healthy habits and eagerness to delve into problems will quickly make me competent in my job.
我尽量翻译得简单一点 ~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、
1. I have 4 years of smaller companies operating in China's experience, there is a certain degree of market analysis. I can communicate and business partners to gain the initiative and guide each other down my mind consider.
2. Insist that I can make one thing very durable and has good physical condition can guarantee a long period of continuous work. Be good at my ability to use a different person, and can integrate them into a team.
3. I am at my homeland at IT aspects of the city has good connections, because the students all over the world, appeared in the latest electronic products can be the first time into my home city.
4. My friends think that my biggest feature is the unexpected can happen to think rationally and rational allocation of tasks and use of existing resources.
5. I need more prospective study also knowledge, because in business there are many I do not know the professional way, I also consider the need to update and management, learning more advanced ways of thinking and operating experience.
6. I need to avoid impulsive, and sometimes heart Too heavy gambling. At enormous temptation before the selection is often aggressive, a lot of time at a loss. I also need to avoid dictatorship, not willing to listen to the views of others so that the loss of a lot of opportunities.
7. Arbitrary, arbitrary, too risky.
8. Good opportunities are now have the opportunity to enter the University in Europe, the development of Chinese per capita consumption continue to improve at the individual for the pursuit of fashion and technology, more and more willing to spend money.
9. Put more of the world's newest low-cost electronic products into China is my goal, but also the needs of the consumers.
10.IT industry saturation, operators are too many to lower profits, cost rising.
11. Choose a career change or an opportunity for one-time investment to do gambling.
12.IT industry is becoming increasingly difficult, the current economic crisis also affected the purchasing power of consumers.
13. Substantial reduction in turnover, the capital flow problems. Operating family, a serious human problem.
14. I am in urgent need of change management consider good access to the new path, and thus fundamentally solve the problem.