
时间:2024-04-08 16:00:44编辑:优化君


[英][ˌeksɪˈbɪʃənɪst][美][ ˌɛksəˈbɪʃənɪst]
n.好自我表现者; 有裸露癖者,露阴癖者;


Jarvis himself is a bit of an exhibitionist.

The only thing I can not get the exhibitionist.


学习外语好处很多,可以和外国人自由交流,获得工作的机会,也是出国留学必不可少的条件。 我从小学三年级就开始学习英语,虽然一直还算比较认真,但是因为疏于持续性练习,缺乏语感和语言环境,所以一直坚持到大学考了四六级证书之后,就没有再继续深入学习了,感觉非常的遗憾,但是我始终认为学习外语的作用非常巨大。有成就感 能够熟练的掌握一门外语,尤其是能够和外国人熟练的交流,是非常让自己有满足和成就感的。 读高中的时候,我们县城有对外国夫妻来旅游,他们两个的中文也很差(估计和我当时的英语水平差不多),因为不熟悉路线就在路边询问,结果一堆人都不能帮忙。我和几个同学从那里经过,因为穿着校服,结果路边热心的大爷就给老外指着我们,说那些学生懂英语,你可以问他们。幸好当时我们的英语教材已经学习了基本的问路和回答,所以配合着蹩脚的英语和简单的手势,好歹给外国友人指好了路。末了,那个男的还竖起大拇指说:very good!也不知道是在夸奖我们的英语,还是感谢我们帮他俩解决了问题,反正我们当时是挺有成就感的,感觉总算是对得起自己学生的身份了。就业的机会 现在很多公司,特别是涉外的以及外国的分公司,在招聘的时候都很重视英语口语,当然你能熟练的掌握其他外语也可以,所以掌握外语意味着你能够获得更多的就业机会,获得更好的平台和薪资待遇。 我老婆去亚马逊应聘报关员的时候,对英语的要求就很高,要求熟练掌握口语和能用英语发邮件,我老婆的英语水平也就一般,本来过不了的,幸好有个领导是前公司跳槽的,在她帮助下才顺利的过关。要是真的要考英语,我老婆这份工作就没戏了,可见掌握一门外语有多重要。出国留学 我们都知道,要去欧美出国留学需要考雅思和托福,对英语要求很高,所以如果大家想去深造,那么学好外语是必备的。虽然我学习的专业就注定了不用出国(汉语言文学专业),但还是希望自己的孩子以后有机会出去闯一闯,所以我现在要求他必须要把外语学好。 无论在任何时候,能够熟练的掌握外语,对我们的好处都是非常多的,希望大家要重视外语的学习,如果自己没有机会了,也要让孩子努力学好。

get on;get off;get up;get to有什么区别?

get on:
1.上(车船等);eg.Where did you get on?
2.进展情况,(健康,生活等)情况和get along意思相近;eg.How are you getting on?
3.相处得好;eg.How are you getting on with your friend.
get off;
1.下车;They got off the bus and walked away.
2.(飞机)起飞;The plane got off on time.
get up;
get to;to是介词,后接动名词
Lying in bed, I got to thinking how nice I would start a new life .

get on ,get off, get out区别

get on:
1.上(车船等);eg.Where did you get on?
2.进展情况,(健康,生活等)情况和get along意思相近;eg.How are you getting on?
3.相处得好;eg.How are you getting on with your friend.
get off;
1.下车;They got off the bus and walked away.
2.(飞机)起飞;The plane got off on time.
get out
1. 泄漏
If the news gets out, there'll be trouble.
2. 出版
Will they get out the book?


孔雀的中文:peafowl;peacockpeacock 读法 英 ['piːkɒk] 美 ['piːkɑːk]    1、n. (雄)孔雀;爱炫耀的人2、v. 炫耀短语1、peacock blue孔雀蓝2、peacock stone孔雀石3、peacock coal辉煤4、peacock copper斑铜矿5、peacock ore孔雀铜矿扩展资料peacock 相关词语 beautiful词语用法1、beautiful的意思是“美丽的”“悦目的”,含有使人产生美感和愉快印象之义。侧重从客观上表明接近理想状态的美,语气很强。修饰人时主要修饰妇女和儿童,修饰男人时含有“无大丈夫气概”的贬义。2、beautiful还可作“很好”“好极了”“恰到好处”解。3、beautiful在句中可以作定语,修饰人或物; 也可以作表语表示特征; 还可用作宾语补足语。4、beautiful加定冠词the可用作名词,无论表示抽象概念还是具体东西,但都作单数看待。词汇搭配1、harmoniously beautiful和谐的美2、imposingly beautiful壮观的美3、ineffably beautiful难以形容的美4、infinitely beautiful无限的美5、innocently beautiful天真无邪的美


The Peacock Information
Page: All About Peacocks!
with Lisa Johnson -- Gazette peacock specialist!
(Editor's note: A male peacock in full plumage is surely among the most beautiful and spectacular pheasants in the world, particularly the green peacock which we receive a lot of questions about at the Gazette magazine. This gorgeous peacock is a larger, higher standing, and brighter bird with a long, straight crest, altogether more striking than the common peacock. Click here to see beautiful pair of Green peafowl featured in the Game Bird Gazette magazine. Each issue of the Game Bird Gazette magazine has great information on how to care for, feed, and breed peafowl with reliable and reputable sources for those who might be interested in keeping them (they are quite easy to keep and breed!). Listings are found in the Gazette for the common India Blue Peacock, Green Peacock, and there are many mutations and breeds that have become incredibly popular. Peafowl producers usually ship eggs and chicks by U. S. postal service priority mail and older birds by express mail. You'll find information on how to acquire and ship peacocks in every issue of the magazine. For information on subscribing to the magazine, please go to our main page.The upcoming edition is one of the most informative magazines ever for people interested in peacocks!

Because of their gorgeous appearance, the peacock has long been famous outside of its native countries of Southern Asia and Malaysia, and was kept for centuries by people first in China and then in Europe. The Phoenicians brought the peacock to Egypt more than three thousand years ago. Historical records indicate that Solomon kept several peacock species, among other pheasants, with the India Blue being his favorite peacock. Peafowl were extensively raised by the Romans for the table as well as for ornamental purposes, and medieval Europe carried on this practice as well. It is only after the XVI Century, when turkeys were imported from Mexico, that the peacock was discarded as a table bird for the more fleshy American birds. Peafowl were also considered a delicacy in these cultures for centuries. Fortunately, few of peacock speciesare used for food today, except in some of the more remote and less civilized places where they are found in nature. See the printed magazine for more information on man's long held fascination and cultural aspects of the peacock.

There are but two naturally occuring peacock species, the Indian peafowl Pavo cristatus from India, often called Blue peafowl (shown on the cover of the Game Bird Breeders Gazette magazine and child with feathers, upper left), and the Green peafowl Pavo muticus which lives farther east in Burma, Thailand, Indo China, Malaya and Java. It is curiously absent from Sumatra and Borneo. The latter peafowl has three subspecies: Spicifer in Western Burma, a duller, bluer race; Imperator in Eastern Burma, Thailand and Indo China, much brighter wid greener: and muticus in Java, which is still more brilliant. The last two are usually kept in America at present, and probably mixed, but for practical purposes they are just the same, the differences being noticeable only on close examination. There are many mutations and breeds that have been developed and are commonly available from peacock breeders.

The India Blue Peacock is commonly kept and bred in captivity by people across America and around the world. They are not expensive and thousands of them are bought and sold each year (see classified ad section of the GAZETTE). They are hearty and easy to keep, even in cold districts. The Green species is not bred as often as the India Blue and is therefore more expensive. You can see that the tail of the green peacock is exceptionally beautiful! The Green is more susceptible to cold and needs to receive adequate protection from the cold. Peafowl can be quite sociable and often display their feathers right in front of you in the springtime. Many also live and breed in parks and gardens. The male peacock in the spring not only displays his gorgeous tail feathers, but also utters its famous call which is always a delight to hear!

Peacock feathers are popularly used in unique crafts and decorations.

You can feed a peacock the same as any other pheasant. The diet provided by many people includes mixed grains, game bird crumbles (such as Mazuri available at many feed stores), and a variety of greens. The birds hardly ever become sick and we have a record of one peacock that lived to be 40 years old!

When raised on the game farm and are well settled, many people find that peafowl don't stray far from home. They can, of course, also be kept in covered pens if you want to make sure they don't wander away, and they live and breed well in pens. There is some terrific information from one of the nation's leading peacock producers in the next issue of the GAZETTE on how house and general care for the peacock.

Peahens are excellent mothers, but peachicks can be reared just as well in a brooder. They are among the easiest birds to raise. One thing to be careful about is to give them good shelters in the autumn and winter following their birth, as they are not fully grown before eight or ten months.

The Indian Blue Peacock has produced several mutations in captivity. These include the Black-shouldered, in which the male has the wings blue, green and black, the female being very pale; the White; and the Pied, in which the normal plumage of the Indian Blue is irregularly marked with white. The so-called 'Spalding' variey is a hybrid between the Indian and the Green species (one of the green peacock races shown in picture at left). It is very beautiful bird, intermediate between the two parents in colors, in hardiness and in temperament.

