经济腹地是一个与经济中心或中心城市相对应的概念。其内涵是经济中心的吸收和辐射能力能够达到并能促进其经济发展的地域范围。如果没有经济腹地,经济中心也就失去了赖以存在的基础,而没有经济腹地,也就无所谓经济中心。以上海为例,其狭域经济腹地是上海市域,而其广域经济腹地则是整个长江三角洲地区。经济腹地是产业链赖以形成的基础,二者唇齿相依。 例如:珠江三角洲,其经济腹地狭小就成了经济发展的限制性因素。
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求 关于 美国 新奥尔良 的 英文 简介
New Orleans is a major United States port city and historically the largest city in the U.S. state of Louisiana. It is in southeastern Louisiana along the Mississippi River, just south of Lake Pontchartrain, and is coextensive with Orleans Parish. New Orleans is named after the historical Duke of Orléans, Regent of France, and is one of the oldest and most historic cities in the United States.
New Orleans is a Southern city known for its multicultural heritage (especially French, Spanish and African American influences) as well as its music and cuisine. It is a world-famous tourist destination thanks to its many festivals and celebrations; the most noteworthy annual events are Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday"), Jazz Fest, Essence Festival (moved to Houston, Texas for 2006), Voodoo Fest, Southern Decadence, and college football's Bayou Classic (moved to Houston, Texas for 2005) and Sugar Bowl (moved to Atlanta, Georgia for 2006).
The most recent U.S. census put New Orleans' population at 484,674 and the population of Greater New Orleans at 1,337,726. Since Hurricane Katrina devastated the city in August 2005, the population has been significantly lower, due to the majority of surviving residents either taking temporary shelter elsewhere or relocating indefinitely. A survey conducted by the city's Emergency Operations Center in January 2006, estimated the population at between 160,000 and 202,000 residents in the city.[1] Projections of the city's eventual population following reconstruction are highly speculative.
As of mid-March 2006, efforts continue to aid survivors, clean up debris, and restore infrastructure. While most of the city has reopened to residents, and areas which suffered moderate damage have substantially resumed functioning, the parts of town most severely damaged - such as some neighborhoods of the lower 9th Ward - are open only during daylight hours for residents to salvage items from their formerly flooded homes.
New Orleans remains a major port city due to its location near the Gulf of Mexico and along the Mississippi River, making it a hub for goods which travel to and from Latin America. The petroleum industry is also of great importance to the New Orleans economy; many oil rigs are located in the Gulf. The Port of New Orleans is the largest U.S. port for several major commodities including rubber, cement and coffee.[citation needed] The Port of South Louisiana is based in the New Orleans metropolitan area and has been ranked the fifth largest port in the world in terms of raw tonnage, and among the largest U.S. ports for exporting grain. The two ports together would be the fourth largest port in the world.[citation needed]
New Orleans was founded by the French in 1718 and has played an important role in the history of the United States. The city was named in honor of Philip II, Duke of Orléans, who was regent and ruler of France when the city was founded (much as New York was named in honor of James, Duke of York, heir to the throne of England).
The city's several nicknames describe various characteristics of the city, including the "Crescent City" (describing its shape around the Mississippi River), "The Big Easy" (a reference by musicians to the relative ease of finding work in the city) and "The City that Care Forgot" (associated with the easy going, carefree nature of many of the local residents). The city's unofficial motto, "Laissez les bons temps rouler" ("Let the good times roll") describes the party-like attitude of many residents.
The city's name is often abbreviated NOLA. Residents of the city are referred to as New Orleanians.