
时间:2024-05-01 01:49:34编辑:优化君


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1. [C] statement or anaction that shows one's strong dispproval or disagreement抗议; 抗议书; 抗议活动: enter/lodge/make/register a protest about/against sth 对某事物提出抗议 * Loud protests were heard when the decision was announced. 这决定一经宣布, 抗议之声不绝於耳. * stage a protest (ieorganize a demonstration) against management's handling of the dispute 举行抗议活动(组织示威游行)以反对资方对争端的处理办法.
[U] strong disapproval or disagreement that is expressed by a statement or an action 抗议; 异议; 反对: The minister resigned in protest against the decision. 这位部长为反对那项决策而辞职. *[attrib 作定语] a protest demonstration, march, movement, etc, ie one organized by people who disagree with official policy 抗议示威、 游行、 运动等.
(idm 习语) under `protest unwillingly and after making protests (经抗议后)心有不甘地: She paid the fine under protest. 她争执一番后, 无可奈何地缴纳了罚金.
2. v [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (about/against/at sth) express strong disagreement or disapproval about (sth) 抗议, 反对(某事物); 对(某事物)提出异议: She protested strongly at being called a snob. 她极力反对别人说她势利眼. * Demonstrators protested outside the country's embassies all over Europe. 该国驻欧洲各国的大使馆外都有群众进行示威抗议. * They are holding a rally to protest against the government's defence policy. 他们正举行集会以抗议政府的防务政策. * (US) A demonstration was planned to protest the mistreatment of prisoners. 为抗议虐待犯人已计画好进行示威活动.
[Tn, Tf] declare (sth) solemnly or firmly, esp in reply to an accusation 严正地或坚决地申明(某事物); (尤指)声辩: He protested his innocence. 他坚决声辩自己无罪. * She protested that she had never seen the accused man before. 她坚持说她以前从未见过这一被指控的男子.
(idm 习语) pro`test too much affirm or deny sth so strongly that one's sincerity is doubted 对某事物肯定或否定过激而失实; 过犹不及.
> protester n person who protests 抗议者; 反对者: A group of protesters gathered outside the firm's office. 有些抗议的人聚集在这家商行的办公室外面.
protestingly adv: They denied the claim protestingly. 他们拒不承认对方提出的事.


你可以用三个月时间,每天最好一到二小时,至少半小时,大声朗读英语(读的材料不要太难,太长,依你自己的程度选择文章)。读的时候不用有意去记忆,这段时间天天坚持,一天也不能间断,这样经过三个月左右,你会明显感觉自己记忆有了很大的改善。这是因为每天专心、但又无意识的朗读刺激了你的右脑,因为重复信息能够经由浅层记忆回路到达海马中的深层记忆回路,而加强了记忆能力(解释一下,这里说的无意识并不是小和尚念经有口无心,是指不要有意识的去理解去背记,因为有意识的记忆是使用的左脑,效果差,且持续时间短)。 而且语感也会大大改善。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a请一定注意:背诵和脱口而出是完全不同的,背诵是用大脑记忆完成,背诵能力强的读10遍就能背了,但容忘得也快;而脱口而出仅是朗读,只有把材料读烂了才能实现嘴比脑快,英语只有实现嘴比脑快才能算是真正的掌握。这个我自己也过做实验:选一篇课文《A PUMA AT LARGE》(新概念英语3)反复读,什么也不想地只管读,大概读了5、6百遍(共读了2天),读得非常顺溜,记得也特别牢,每回再次重读时都能非常流畅地顺下来,感觉很愉快;另再选一篇《THIRTEEN EQUALS ONE》,边读边背,背了10几遍,居然也背下来了,可第二、三天再复习时老忘记或混淆一些小词如介词和代词,而且有的句子并没有真正记牢,只是靠自己的英语基础硬说出来的。 \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a注意一点,选背的材料不要太长,不要求完全懂得它的意思,积累多了,时间长了,就能理解了,语感和记忆将得到极大的提高。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a另外,根据人的记忆特点来背。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a人的记忆周期分为短期记忆和长期记忆两种。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a第一个记忆周期是5分钟。 \x0d\x0a第二个记忆周期是30分钟 \x0d\x0a第三个记忆周期是12个小时 \x0d\x0a这三个记忆周期属于短期记忆的范畴。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a然后 \x0d\x0a第四个记忆周期是1 天 \x0d\x0a第五个记忆周期是2 天 \x0d\x0a第六个记忆周期是4 天 \x0d\x0a第七个记忆周期是7 天 \x0d\x0a第八个记忆周期是15天 \x0d\x0a以上的8个周期被应用于背词法,作为一个大的背词的循环的8个复习点,可以最大程度的提高背单词的效率,做到长久不忘。 \x0d\x0a就是背完单词(第一次只是很快看一下,混个脸熟)5分钟后就要复习第一遍,然后是30分钟。。。这样去复习和记忆。效果非常好。

踢毽子 英语

kicking shuttlecock 是泛指
kicking the shuttlecock 是指踢那种/那个

She likes kicking shuttlecock.

She likes kicking the shuttlecock.
说这话时,刚介绍过shuttlecock,所以可以用the shuttlecock,有特指之意。
Chinese shuttlecock is an ancient sport which dates back to the Tang dynasty. This game has since passed down and is still popular. She likes kicking the shuttlecock.
Shuttlecock are usually made up of chicken feathers. She likes kicking the shuttlecock.

