account for 和 count for的 区别
二者都有占、占有的意思。account for(在数量、比例上)占 count for 有价值, 有重要性。他们具体的意思是:①account for:对…负有责任,说明(原因、理由等),导致,引起,在数量、比例上占的意思。例句:His illness accounts for his absence. 他因为生病, 所以才缺席。 ②count for :有价值,起作用例句:Your 10 best tournament results during a season will countfor the final ranking.你的10个最好的联赛成绩将会成为你赛季后的排名。扩展资料:accountn.计算, 帐目, 说明, 估计, 理由;vi.说明, 总计有, 认为, 得分;vt.认为。另有会计术语,意为计账户。count是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和动词,可以翻译为总数、数数,等等。参考资料:百度百科词条-account百度翻译-count for
求下句翻译.尤其是amount to在这儿怎么翻译呢?
短语 A amount to B,它的中心意思是,A和B的效果一样。细致点说,有两层意思(但其实殊途同归,都可以总结为"A等于B")(1) if figures, sums etc amount to a particular total, they equal that total when they are added together. 就是“总计,合计”;(2)if an attitude, remark, situation etc amounts to something, it has the same effect. 可以理解为“相当于、意味着”。比如:Her words amount to a refusal.她的话等于拒绝。这句话里用的是第(2)个意思。Yet the correlation alone amounts to scant evidence of the claimed cause-and-effect relationship.逻辑就是:correlation alone = scant evidence of cause-and-effect relationship通俗的说就是:要证明“因果关系”,却只拿“相关关系”说事,就跟没说一样。感觉是在做argument吧……翻译:仅用此相关关系,并不能为所谓的"因果关系"提供充足的证据。