奇数和偶数用英文表示为:1、奇数用英文表示为:odd,odd的英式发音[ɒd],美式发音[ɑ:d] 。2、偶数用英文表示为:even,even的英式发音[ˈi:vn],美式发音[ˈivən] 。拓展资料odd1. He smiled, an odd, dreamy smile that sent chills up my back. 他笑了,笑容古怪迷离,叫我后背发凉。2. How odd life was, how unfathomable, how profoundly unjust. 生活多么离奇,多么莫测,多么不公啊!3. These odd assertions were interpolated into the manuscript some time after 1400. 这些奇怪的论断是于1400年后的某个时间被加入手稿的。4. Her Irish accent, after thirty-odd years in London, is undiluted. 她在伦敦呆了30多年,爱尔兰口音仍很浓重。5. He was definitely a bit of an odd bod. 他这人确实有点怪。6. Some would call these odd pieces of iron and wood "antiques" 有些人会把这些奇怪的铁片与木块称作“古董”。7. What an odd coincidence that he should have known your family. 他居然认识你的家人,真是太巧了。8. One of the waitresses arrived with a very odd-looking dish. 一位女招待端来一道样子相当古怪的菜。9. He had various odd cleaning jobs around the place. 他在这附近干过各种零碎的保洁工作。even1. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost. 友情是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。即使不联系,感情依然在。2. He once told an interviewer that he didn't even like rock music. 他曾告诉一位采访者,他甚至都不喜欢摇滚乐。3. Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate. 一些女孩的第一次排卵甚至可能出现在初潮之前。4. His inspiration to fly came even before he joined the Army. 他想开飞机的念头在参军之前就有了。5. I even began to exploit him in subtle ways. 我甚至开始巧妙地利用他。6. They can't believe you can even hold a conversation. 他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。7. This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths. 这种外科手术甚至可以用来切除癌性肿瘤。8. I still love you even though I'd like to wring your neck. 虽然我想掐死你,但我还是爱你的。
奇数(英文:odd),又称单数, 整数中,能被2整除的数是偶数,不能被2整除的数是奇数,奇数的个位为1,3,5,7,9。偶数可用2k表示,奇数可用2k+1表示,这里k就是整数。