1.Team spirit, the team frame structure, the production department, customer department, the creativity design department, the market place investigation department, brand hatch a plot department,
2. The brand hatch a plot process: Recognize brand, the marketing examine a patient, the market place investigation, data analyse, the market place fixed position, plan dispensation, the market place practice, revising scheme, overture,
3.The Yi King reckons specializer team, the hatch a plot fixed position specializer team, reputation, the integration serve
4.Can make with rival in the meantime from six health conditions of aspect examination brands of the brand horizontal than
5.The brand scan, the propagation challenge, fixed position, the brand claim, the brand world, the brand protrait, brand examination
6.Marketing expansion the resort product roll, dealer communication, the interaction sell, brand identification, the enterprise inner part communication, set plumb effect sell, the loyalty sell, telemarketing, the regranting promote sales, network, experience sell
一般来说市场调研就是指为了提高产品的销售决策质量、解决存在于产品销售中的问题或寻找机会等而系统地、客观地识别、收集、分析和传播营销信息的工作。 2.通常市场调研常用的调查方法都有 一般分为定性调查和定量调查。 而定性调查包括:小组座谈会、深度访谈、专家意见法、投影技法、观察调查。 而定量调查包括:电话调查、神秘顾客、入户访问、拦截访问、邮寄调查、网上调查。3.市场调研思路就是一个令很多中小企业营销管理者感到迷茫的问题:人力上,既没有专职的市调人员,更没有独立的市场部门;财力上,请不起专业的市场调研公司……而市场调研工作又不能不做,不做就不知道你要讨好的对象是谁,他在想什么,做什么;不做就不知道自己的竞争对手是怎么做或将要怎么做。所以市场调研思路包含不同的分类方向,在方法属性分类中,包括定量研究、定性研究,在研究领域中,可分为渠道研究或零售研究、媒介和广告研究、产品研究;在行业属性中,可分为商业和工业研究;以及针对少数民族和特殊群体的研究、民意调查以及桌面(案面)研究等相对独立的研究。
Therefore, our group after discussion , ready to develop a new APP, the Shanghai dialect learning and development from the line to the network, spread through the network , saving a lot of manpower and resources for our goods , less the cost of the venue , but also saves learners to spend time and effort on the road , so that they realize the freedom of choice to spend your time to enhance their abilities , but also to the country on the Shanghai dialect who are interested can learn Shanghai dialect , has multiple purposes .
First, we conducted market research. 86 people participated in the online survey , of which 51% are small locals settled in Shanghai , 20 to 30 year-olds , 61 %, 10 to 20 years old was 23 %, 30 to 40 years , 8% ; which students accounted for 59% of white-collar workers accounted for 19% , 15% for other occupations ; grasp the situation on the Shanghai dialect , will be very fluent in speaking, would that roughly understand, will not have to listen to people who do not understand distribution were 40 %, 24 %, 36% , showing that not all Shanghai locals can speak fluent Shanghai dialect ; 35% of people will live , work, frequent exposure to Shanghai , then 37% of human contact not a lot , mostly speak Mandarin , and the rest is completely no contact ; impact on daily life in Shanghai dialect areas , 45% said no impact , Mandarin is the main language of communication , 19 percent of respondents expressed some impact, but there will not be too much inconvenience , people around Mandarin interpretation ; learn Shanghai dialect areas , 70 percent of respondents prefer using self-study, namely the use of television networks and other learning , 12% of people want to be able to language training institutions learning . Here, I think our group's original plan was to offer language learning institutions in the vicinity of Shanghai 's business district offering small classes, weekend nights , please use the standard will speak Shanghai dialect skilled teachers to teach , so conducive to the exchange of students between the formation of a atmosphere, but also timely to correct their mistakes in pronunciation , we will introduce Shanghai 's history and culture , etc., from a holistic perspective to understand learning Shanghai dialect Shanghai . But given the present development accelerated pace of life , online media and other very rapidly , the application software on the mobile phone, tablet PC people can stay at home to survive, we have to give up the open class and, instead, to consider the development of new APP to online teaching , so that people who want to learn to decide for themselves the progress , extent, greatly improve the flexibility and efficiency of learning mobility . In the survey, we also found that 42 % of people hope that if there is a learning organization , the standard fee is 50 yuan, 45 percent of people think that a more reasonable 50 to 100 , 11% of people can accept 100 ~ 200 yuan .
System on the whole language learning software applications market is not much, but the Shanghai dialect learning software number is 0 . Our target market focused on white-collar -based, student supplement. White-collar workers in their daily life and work, if you can speak fluent Shanghai dialect is useful. Although modern quality is much higher compared to the past , not because of your foreign accent will be obvious discrimination , but my heart will be with you widen the distance. In contrast, the Shanghai dialect can communicate with the same people who speak Shanghai dialect , invisible to narrow the distance between people , reducing the zoning . Student's learning ability is relatively strong, early start learning to speak Shanghai dialect , the ability to accept high to make it easier for them to easily learn the standard Shanghai dialect . According to the survey , though few in number, but our team through the analysis to understand the Shanghai dialect study of this market is still very large .
Do not need to go out, just using a mobile phone can go to a teacher , to carry. Individualized, can decide their favorite projects, regulate their own time and place . Mobile phones, tablet PCs these tools greatly improve the efficiency of the work of people's lives . We borrow from the APP on the platform line. Our software is all free primary tutorials , and this can attract groups about our software, but if you are really want to learn through our software to the standard comprehensive Shanghai dialect only need to pay a small fee to . Our software will create a lot of sectors , such as: Shanghai Daily a voice saying , Shanghai dialect slang , Shanghai dialect history, etc. , designed to give learners practical comprehensive learning Shanghai dialect,
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