
时间:2024-05-09 18:34:59编辑:优化君

请高手帮忙回答一下,在这个情况下EXPRESS 与CONVEY 的区别,谢谢!


1.to show or make known a feeling, an opinion, etc. by words, looks or actions:
[VN] Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing. ◆ His views have been expressed in numerous speeches.
◆ to express fears / doubts / reservations
◆ to express interest / regret / surprise
◆ [V wh-] Words cannot express how pleased I am.

2. ~ yourself to speak, write or communicate in some other way what you think or feel:
[VN] Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves.
◆ Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well.
◆ She expresses herself most fully in her paintings.
◆ (formal) [VN-ADJ] They expressed themselves delighted.


~ sth (to sb) to make ideas, feelings, etc. known to sb
[VN] Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength.
◆ (formal) Please convey my apologies to your wife.
◆ [V wh-] He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.
◆ [V that] She did not wish to convey that they were all at fault.


express 和 convey有什么区别

一、词义:expressn.快车;快递;专使adj.明确的;急速的;直接的adv.用快递vt.表达;表示;挤压出;快递conveyn.(名词)让与v.(动词)运送,搬运,转运 ,运输,运载,输送;传导;通知,通报,告诉;表达(意义);偷;秘密带走,偷偷地拿走;传达,转达;传递;传送二、用法:convey:(vt.传达;运输;让与)只有动词词性。express:(n.快车,快递,专使;捷运公司vt.表达;快递adj.明确的;迅速的;专门的)有名词动词和形容词词性。convey指运输大得多的东西,express则侧重快递,速度。三、例句:用作名词(n.)The express is as swift as an arrow.快车似箭一般地飞驶。We have to change here for an express.我们必须在这里换乘快车。I sent the letter by express.我这封信寄的是快递。Important documents will be sent by express.重要文件会以快递寄出。I find it hard to convey my feelings in word.我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。Word will suffice to convey his grief.他的悲伤足以用言辞表达。A vibrating membrane in the ear helps to convey sounds to the brain.耳膜的振动帮助声音传送到大脑。This train conveys both passengers and goods.这趟列车客货均载。They asked me to convey their sincere apology to you and promised to replace these rollers by new ones.他们请我向你们转移他们真诚的歉意,他们还保证用新滚筒替换这些滚筒。扩展资料:一、常用短语:用作动词(v.) express as (v.+prep.)表示为 give sth a form as sth愤怒常以暴力的形式发泄出来。express from (v.+prep.)express in (v.+prep.)用作名词(n.)by express把…传达给(某人) make (sth) known to (sb)This train conveys passengers to London.这次列车把旅客运往伦敦。The firm conveys goods to all parts of the country.这个公司向全国各地发送货物。convey sth to sbThe ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the king.大使将总统的口信亲自转达给国王。The house will not be conveyed to you until the agreement has been signed.协议签字后,这幢房子才能转让给你。二、词汇搭配:express a package to a place把包裹作为快件寄往某地 ;express anger表示生气express annoyance表现烦恼 ;express apples榨苹果express best wishes表达良好的祝愿 ;express deep regret表示十分遗憾express equality代表相等 ;express letter以快递邮寄信 express merchandise to sb把货物快运给某convey coal运煤 ;convey electricity输送电流convey emotions(ideas) 传达感情(思想) ;convey baggage运行李convey thank to向…转达谢意 ;convey by plane用飞机运货convey from house to the station从家运到火车站 ;convey sth in a boat用船运送某物 convey in words用言语表达 ;convey sth on a camel用骆驼运送某物


一、表达意思不同1、转告:转达告诉;把一方的话传达给另一方。2、转达:指中间人而进行传递或传达转达问候。二、出处不同1、转告:出自明末小说家冯梦龙的《东周列国志》第七十八回,“季斯以为然,转告于孟、叔二氏。”翻译:季斯认为是对的,所以向孟、叔二人转达告诉。2、转达:出自宋代著名文学家苏轼的《与参寥子书》之十九,“今有一书与之,告专一人与转达。”翻译:今天有一份书函给你,告诉专门的中间人进行转达。扩展资料:“转达”的近义词:传达1、读音:chuán dá2、表达意思:传告,使知道;向别人转述。3、出处:出自现代文学家沈从文《失业》:“衙门的事更不好办,接慢了,那县公署传达会打官腔说你‘延误公事’。”参见“ 传达室 ”。4、例句:机关、学校、工厂的门口担任传达工作的人。他是我们单位的老传达。5、用法:在句中作谓语、作宾语。


communications means of communicating, eg roads, railways, telephone and telegraph lines between places, or radio and TV 交流的方式方法或工具(如公路、 铁路、 电话及两地间的电报线路或无线电、 电视等)

communication表示传递; 传播; 交流; 交换; 传达; 表达; 传意; 通信; 通讯; 联络这些意思时是不可数的。




以单词 talk 举例:She did not talk to me yesterday(她昨天没有跟我讲话). 与助动词 did 组成谓语 talk 必然是动词。She will jion our talk on global warming later. (她过会儿将参与我们关于全球气候变暖问题的座谈。)做为动词 join 的宾语,talk 必然是名词。


“给我发电子邮件到…”用英文说是:E-mail me to...重点词汇mail英 [meɪl] 美 [mel] n. 邮件;邮政,邮递;盔甲vt. 邮寄;给…穿盔甲vi. 邮寄;寄出词组短语by mail 邮寄;通过写信,通过邮递;按信件daily mail 每日邮报(英国伦敦的报刊)voice mail 语音邮件express mail 快信send mail 发送邮件扩展资料同近义词1、armour英 ['ɑːmə] 美 ['ɑmɚ] n. 盔甲;装甲;护面短语Armour plate 装甲板 ; 装甲用板 ; 护板Golden Armour 黄金铠甲 ; 黄金甲Stone Armour 石化盔甲2、posten. 邮政,邮局短语grencl poste 上手榴弹casccl poste 级联Skcl poste 斯卡娣Jcl poste 翡翠

