The Internet World
I have no idea by whom the internet was invented. But I am sure what a great revolution it brings after it came to the world. Just take a look at the real life, and you will find out how deeply it is affecting our daily life.
First of all, it creates a new means to share the information, which is very important in today’s IT (information and technology) World. With the fast changing and developing pace, the traditional ways of getting the information can no longer satisfy us. Faster speed and easier means are greatly demanded. So when the internet was invented and introduced, it is accepted soon and develops at a great speed ever since. Today, you don’t have to waste your valuable time and money to check and buy the sources of materials from newspapers and magazines. Simply go on-line, and the information you want will be available in seconds. What’s more, you can also share the information you have by creating your own webpages and uploading them to the internet or giving your commence on the BBS and so on. By this means, different kinds of webs are weaved and linked together forming a vast and endless ocean, on which people surf and have fun.
Furthermore, the internet is now playing an essential role in the interpersonal connection and communication. Letters, telephone calls, telexes, faxes, etc. are no longer the only ways to communicate. Instead, one can have contact with others by e-mail, net chat, BBS, IRC, MAVEN, CU-SeeMe and so on with the help of the internet. For example, during the period of SARS, students in Beijing had to be sent away from school. As a result, their school education was forced to be cut off. However, a new flavor helped solve the problem. Do you know how? Thanks to the internet, a new system called “Education On-line” was being carried out. With their PCs at home, students cruised around their school websites merely by inputting the IP addresses. Here, sufficient lectures, materials, exercises and homework are available on-line. After listening to the lectures, students could also teach themselves by reading books and materials, taking notes, doing exercises and finishing their assignment that was required to be submitted later on-line. See the benefits the internet offers?
Besides all of these, there are also some other new flavors you can enjoy in the internet world, such as banking, shopping, flash, movies, and music on-line. Take banking and shopping on-line for instances. You must have once experienced how time-consuming it is for one to wait in a long queue in the bank. Nowadays, the choice is alternative. Sitting comfortably in your chair at home or in the office, you can still visit the bank and do the banking on-line. So why do we keep wasting our precious time on all those dull things? Why not let the banking system on the internet do them for you? With a small charge, you can hire an excellent banking assistant to finish all your work in a very short time with the maximum profits. Shopping is gaining more and more popularity in the modern society. And again, the internet can make it more efficient and convenient. Go to the shopping websites, and a long list of products’ items with specific information will be at hand instantly, including a brief introduction and vivid picture of the purchase, its material, price, manufacturer, and how to order it, etc., only to name a few. In this way, you are able to compare a variety of items at one time and choose your favorite one by filling a form and paying a little delivery charge. Soon, your chosen product will be sent to your house.
Such is the internet world, the revolution it brings about since this new flavor came into our life. Try to experience this wonderland. And I believe you will surely enjoy it and get tremendous fun in it.
东北七鳃鳗的做法主料:鳗鱼1500克。调料:食盐3克,酱油75克,醋10克,葱1克,姜15克,葱白10克,黄酒15克,白砂糖3克,菜籽油100克。做法步骤:1.将鳗鱼从头部下刀剖至尾部,挖出内脏,洗净,放在砧板上,斩去头、尾,再从背上下刀,剖成两片;2.把鳗鱼劈(片)去背脊骨,切成5厘米见方的块;3.姜切片,葱白切段备用;4. 将菜油放入炒锅里,在旺火上烧至六成热,下鳗块煸炒一下,随即放入酒、糖、醋、姜片和葱白段,用水沿锅边徐徐浇入;5.煮沸后,将炒锅移至中火上烧5分钟,下盐、酱油,再烧3分钟,待汤汁收浓时放入葱段,盛入盘中。
威廉 坎万巴出生在马拉维,一个对现代科学一无所知的非洲国家,他也是一块儿干旱和饥饿的土地,所以它是一个很难找到希望和机会的地方。但14岁的威廉并不这样认为,威廉喜欢读书,他读了一本有关风车的书,书名叫“利用能量”。自那时起,他就有了一个梦想:建设一个能把电和水带到他的村庄并改变他的以及他周围的人们的(风车)。他的先是邻居嘲笑他并认为他疯了。尽管威廉的父母无法负担他的教育,并在他家的小农场里饿了5个月后,他仍然拒绝放弃他的梦想。威廉开始从他父亲坏掉的自行车到他母亲缝衣线中收集材料。用这些材料,威廉建造了一个简单的风车,它能够为4盏灯供电并从地下抽出干净的水。尽管电和水很普通,但只有2%的马拉维人负担得起,现在,威廉的发明既能够提供饮用水,也可以提供灌溉用水。23,威廉要在整个马拉维,没准儿也在马拉维以外建造风车。风车不光意味着电能,它也意味着自由。