
时间:2024-05-14 17:43:44编辑:优化君


版画 Woodcut (printmaking)

Woodcut, a type of relief print, is the earliest printmaking technique, and the only one traditionally used in the Far East.

The artist draws a design on a plank of wood, or on paper which is transferred to the wood. Traditionally the artist then handed the work to a specialist cutter, who then uses sharp tools to carve away the parts of the block that will not receive ink.



Copperplate Gothic是Frederic W. Goudy于1901年所创造的字型。虽然它归类为无衬线字体,不过在笔划的尾端有微小的衬线装饰。Copperplate Gothic的特色除了尾端有小衬线外,其小写字母采用小型大写字母的设计,即使用大写的写法,只是尺寸略小。其小写字母的字高约为大写字母的4分之3。这种设计让Copperplate Gothic看起来相当坚实,很适合做为标题字体使用。Copperplate Gothic起初设计为信纸印刷之用,现在则广泛应用在许多商业印刷上,例如名片、律师事务所的毛玻璃门上。


英文书法大致分为点尖和平尖es.er均属于cop铜板印刷体,比较好练,这一种字体肯定要求使用点尖蘸水笔一笔一划写的,一笔写成的有Business Penmanship,用普通的笔就能写,但是姿势非常难练,我已经练bp将近一年可是还是比够熟练(๑•ี_เ•ี๑)快速能写成的还有OP和斯宾塞,也是非常难练的望采纳







1. Helvetica - (U: LT Pro and Com)
2. Garamond - (A: Adobe Garamond Pro)
3. Frutiger - (U: LT COM; A: Frutiger Serif LT Pro, Frutiger Next T1)
4. Bodoni -
5. Futura - (A: URW Futura TOT/POT version with smallcaps and oldstyle figures)
6. Times - (A: Times Europa LT, TimeNewRoman MT)
7. Akzidenz Grotesk -
8. Officina -
9. Gill Sans - (U: MT Pro version)
10. Univers -
11. Optima - (A: Nova Pro Regular, Nova 2.0 HMO version)
12. Franklin Gothic - (U: LT Com version)
13. Bembo - (U: MT Pro)
14. Interstate - (U: Digitally signed TTF)
15. Thesis - (U: Grundfos TheSans, HMO family)
16. Rockwell -
17. Walbaum - (U: Storm Text Pro, URW TOT)
18. Meta -
19. Trinité - (U: T1 version, anything better?)
20. Din - (A: Parachute Pro version)
21. Matrix - (Originality Unknown)
22. OCR -
23. Avant Garde - (U: ITC Pro)
24. Lucida -
25. Sabon - (A: Sabon Next GNU 2007 HMO version)
26. Zapfino -
27. Letter Gothic -
28. Stone -
29. Arnhem -
30. Minion -
31. Myriad -
32. Rotis -
33. Eurostile - (A: Next LT Pro)
34. Scala - (U: Scala sans Pro, missing a decent Scale serif)
35. Syntax -
36. Joanna -
37. Fleishmann -
38. Palatino - (Missing Palatino Nova, still a pity)
39. Baskerville - (A: ITC NewBaskerville)
40. Fedra - (U: Sans and Serif Pro)
41. Gotham -
42. Lexicon -
43. Hands -
44. Metro - (A: Metro Office, Metro #2)
45. Didot -
46. Formata - (U: Pro)
47. Caslon -
48. Cooper Black - (A: Bitstream Cooper Light, Medium)
49. Peignot - (A: URW DOT version)
50. Bell Gothic -
51. Antique Olive -
52. Wilhelm Klngspor Gotisch -
53. Info -
54. Dax - (A: Dax Pro)
55. Proforma - (I only have converted version)
56. Today Sans -
57. Prokyon -
58. Trade Gothic - (U: LT Com)
59. Swift - (Still kept HMO Version)
60. Copperplate Gothic - (A: Copperplate modern)
61. Blur -
62. Base - (I only have converted version)
63. Bell Centennial -
64. News Gothic -
65. Avenir - (A: Avenir Next LT Pro)
66. Bernhard Modern -
67. Amplitude -
68. Trixie -
69. Quadraat -
70. Neutraface - (A: Neutraface No.2)
71. Nobel -
72. Industria -
73. Bickham Script -
74. Bank Gothic -
75. Corporate ASE -
76. Fago - (I only have converted version)
77. Trajan -
78. Kabel - (A: ITC Kabel as it's also widely used)
79. House Gothic 23 - (Dubious originality)
80. Kosmik -
81. Caecilia -
82. Mrs Eaves -
83. Corpid - (U: Opentype version and Corpid Office)
84. Miller - (U: Miller Text OT)
85. Souvenir -
86. Instant Types -
87. Clarendon -
88. Triplex - (U: HMO version)
89. Benguiat -
90. Zapf Renaissance -
91. Filosofia -
92. Chalet -
93. Quay Sans -
94. Cézanne -
95. Reporter -
96. Legacy -
97. Agenda -
98. Bello -
99. Dalliance -
100. Mistral


这类字体需要使用斜头笔杆和弹性笔尖。斜头笔杆一般常用的是speedball的塑料杆,因为便宜。笔尖选择比较多,常见的有Gillot 303, Gillot 404, Hunt 101, Principal EF等。其中Gillot 404和Hunt 101比较适合新手练习,因为用起来比较持久,但是不如其他两种笔尖细。

如果楼主真的非常想学 那目前也许只能自己摸索了
这个网站不错 比较有针对性
还可以看下Washington Calligraphers Guild的官网
虽然是英文的 但是里面的内容啊 图片确实是比较丰富的 会有帮助的
慢慢耐心看看 研究下吧


