merge()是C++标准库的函数,主要实现函数的排序和合并,不仅仅是合并,具体要求参照标准库。#include"stdafx.h"#include#include#include#includeusingnamespacestd;boolcomp(constinti,constintj){returni>j;}intmain(void){/*自定义谓词*/std::arrayai1={1,3,4,5};std::listlsti1;for(constauto&i:ai1)lsti1.push_front(i);//从大到小std::arrayai2={2,6,7,8};std::listlsti2;for(constauto&i:ai2)lsti2.push_front(i);lsti1.merge(lsti2,comp);std::cout):";for(constauto&i:lsti1)std::cout<<i<<"";std::cout<<std::endl;/*默认谓词*/std::arrayai1d={1,3,4,5};std::listlsti1d;for(constauto&i:ai1d)lsti1d.push_back(i);//从小到大std::arrayai2d={2,6,7,8};std::listlsti2d;for(constauto&i:ai2d)lsti2d.push_back(i);lsti1d.merge(lsti2d);std::cout<<"merge(<):";for(constauto&i:lsti1d)std::cout<<i<<"";std::cout<<std::endl;return0;}扩展资料Merge算法的两种接口,把两个有序的数组合并到另一个数组中:void Merge(int *A, int f, int m, int e){int temp[e-f+1];int i,first=f,last=m+1;for(i=0;i<(e-first+1)&&f<=m&&last<=e;i++){if(A[f]<=A[last]) {temp[i]=A[f];f++;}else {temp[i]=A[last];last++;}}while(f>m&&last<=e){temp[i]=A[last];i++;last++;}while(fe){temp[i]=A[f];i++;f++;}for(i=0;first<=e;i++,first++){A[first]=temp[i];}}参考资料来源:百度百科—c语言
Bertrand Russell 伯特兰·罗素
新概念四册有一篇文章是罗素的,其中有一段话非常经典,很多人都会背:An individual human existence should be like a river -- small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.
An individual human existence should be like a river,一个人的存在就应该像是一条河,这是非常优美的表达方式,small at first就象征着人类的童年,narrowly contained within its banks,这里的bank指的是什么呢?既然河流象征人的一生,bank也一定有它的象征意义,值得是社会和家庭,因为这时候人还没有自己生存的能力。and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. 这象征的是人类的青年时代,rushing,冲,怎么样的冲呢,他用了一个副词修饰,passionately,激情地,我们的学习方法叫做激情联想法,人生一定不能少了激情,少了激情人生就无法迈向成功,即使你可能很有能力,没有激情也很可能时常陷入一种迷茫当中。因为你的人生是不可能一帆风顺,boulders石头,指人生的困难。Waterfalls瀑布,象征着人生遇到的困难。人生难免遇到困难和挫折,应该怎么办呢?我们要充满激情的越过这些困难和挫折,越过了所有的障碍之后怎么样呢?Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly。象征着人类的老年阶段,阅历丰富,人生变得广阔,没有什么可以限制他们了。in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.融入到普遍的生命当中,就是死亡,消失了个体的存在。他认为这是毫无痛苦的。这是进入一个更加广阔的生命群体里面。这对于人生的思考有着非常深的启迪。
Python_merge file
# File :
def lines_starts_with(f, s):
____"""Return a list containing the lines of the given open file that start with
____the given str. Exclude leading and trailing whitespace.
____- `f`: the file
____- `s`: str at the beginning of the line
____result = []
____for line in f:
________if line.startswith(s):
____return result
def file_to_dictionary(f, s):
____"""Given an open file that contains a unique string followed by a given
____string delimiter and more text on each line, return a dictionary that
____contains an entry for each line in the file: the unique string as the key
____and the rest of the text as the value (excluding the delimiter, and leading
____and trailing whitespace).
____- `f`: the file
____- `s`: the delimiter str
____result = {}
____for line in f:
________k, _, v = line.partition(s)
________result[k.strip()] = v.strip()
____return result
def merge_dictionaries(d1, d2):
____"""Return a dictionary that is the result of merging the two given
____dictionaries. In the new dictionary, the values should be lists. If a key is
____in both of the given dictionaries, the value in the new dictionary should
____contain both of the values from the given dictionaries, even if they are the
____merge_dictionaries({ 1 : 'a', 2 : 9, -8 : 'w'}, {2 : 7, 'x' : 3, 1 : 'a'})
____should return {1 : ['a', 'a'], 2 : [9, 7], -8 : ['w'], 'x' : [3]}
____- `d1`, 'd2': dicts to be merged
____result = {}
____for key in d1:
________if key in d2:
____________result[key] = [d1[key], d2[key]]
____________result[key] = [d1[key]]
____for key in d2:
________if not key in result:
____________result[key] = [d2[key]]
____return result
# File
from warmup import *
def count_sequences(f):
____"""Return the number of FASTA sequences in the given open file. Each
____sequence begins with a single line that starts with >.
____- `f`: the file
____return len(lines_starts_with(f, '>'))
def get_sequence_list(f):
____"""Return a nested list where each element is a 2-element list containing a
____FASTA header and a FASTA sequence from the given open file (both strs).
____- `f`: the file
____result = []
____current_key = ''
____current_data = ''
____for line in f:
________if line.startswith('>'):
____________if current_data:
________________result.append([current_key, current_data])
________________current_data = ''
____________current_key = line.strip()
____________current_data+= line.strip()
____result.append([current_key, current_data])
____return result
def merge_files(f1, f2):
____"""Return a nested list containing every unique FASTA header and sequence
____pair from the two open input files. Each element of the list to be returned
____is a 2-element list containing a FASTA header and a FASTA sequence.
____- `f1`, 'f2': The File
____seq = get_sequence_list(f1) + get_sequence_list(f2)
____seq = list( set(seq) )
____return seq
def get_codons(s):
____"""Return a list of strings containing the codons in the given DNA sequence.
____- `s`: DNA sequence, divied by 3
____return [s[3*i : 3*(i+1)] for i in xrange(len(s)/3)]
def get_amino_name_dict(f):
____"""Return a dictionary constructed from the given open file, where the keys
____are amino acid codes and the values are the amino acid names.
____- `f`: the file, like amino_names.txt
____return file_to_dictionary(f, ' ')
def get_codon_amino_dict(f):
____"""Return a dictionary where the keys are codons and the values are amino
____acid codes from the given open file.
____- `f`: the file, like codon_aminos.txt
____return file_to_dictionary(f, ':')
def translate(s, d):
____"""Return the given DNA sequence (the str parameter) translated into its
____amino acid codes, according to the given dictionary where the keys are
____codons and the values are amino acid codes. You may assume that the length
____of the string is divisible by 3.
____- `s`: given DNA sequence
____- `d`: given dictionary
____codons = get_codons(s)
____result = []
____for i in codes:
____return result
def codon_to_name(s, d1, d2):
____"""Return the name of the amino acid for the given codon (the str
____- `s`: given codon
____- `d1`: codons for keys and amino acid codes for values
____- `d2`: amino acid codes for keys and name for values
____return d2[d1[s]]
2 除了单纯的名词复合的,带点动词,形容词变形类的大多加连字符。这就分好多类型了。什么a three-cornered hat、a snow-white wall、 a long-distance call,等等,加了词变形的大多加连字符
3 长短语构成的,需要用连字符的,为了换行好看用的。这一类的用连字符。a life-and-death struggle;a face-to-face talk;a difficult-to-operate machine etc.
amalgamate 与 combine 的区别
combine可做动词,指使结合,指如果你使不同的东西,主意等等结合起来后,他们就会出现一个整体,或者可以一起工作;也可作名词,表示联盟,联合体。或同样表“联合”,如combine harvester联合收割机。
join by
were join ed by marriage 因婚姻而缔结
join by credit card 加入信用卡,参加由信用卡,通过信用卡加入
join by interweaving strands 接合
英 [mɜːdʒ]
美 [mɝdʒ]
vt. 合并;使合并;吞没
vi. 合并;融合
n. (Merge)人名;(意)梅尔杰
Merge 合并,归并,语句
Merge Visible 合并可见图层,合并所有可见层,归并可见图层
Merge Tool 合并工具,合成工具,兼并工具