一、着装适宜防受凉 春天乍寒乍暖,气候变化无常,加之人体皮肤腠理逐渐舒展,容易感受外邪,引起疾病。因此,天气稍热也不宜急于脱掉衣服,以防外邪侵袭,减少疾病的发生。 初春养生应适当.“春捂” 保健专家认为,初春顺应自然规律,适当“春捂”,调整起居饮食并增加户外运动,少去公共场所,能起到很好的养生防病效果。 专家介绍,民间历来有“春捂”的说法,从中医理论讲,“春捂”既是顺应阳气生发的养生需要,也是预防疾病的自我保健。“春捂”易让人忽视的是腿和脚,其实人体下半身的血液循环较差,易遭风寒侵袭,尤其是抵抗力弱的老人和儿童,受寒后伤肺,易引发感冒、哮喘等疾病。 二、万物复苏防瘟疫 冬去春来,阳气升发,往往会引起旧病复发和各种病毒、细菌的传播,如流感、流脑、百日咳、麻疹、白喉、流行性腮腺炎等。所以,要适应气候的变化,注意防寒和身体锻炼,以增强抵抗疾病的能力。 要做到: (1).保持生活、工作环境的空气流通,定时打开门窗换气。 (2).少去拥挤的公共场所。 (3).注意个人卫生,勤洗手,并根据天气变化,注意防寒保暖,注意个人营养和适当休息,增强免疫能力,防止各种疾病的发生。 (4).发现感冒、发烧、咳嗽等病状及时上医院看病。非典型肺炎并不可怕,只要注意预防、及时治疗,是可以得到很好控制的。 三、适当增加活动量 春天,鸟语花香,生气盎然。经过冬三月的收藏季节,人们应多做户外活动,到山清水秀的郊外春游,能使人心情舒畅,心胸开阔,对健康十分有利。专家提醒,春季锻炼要多去户外,但早春时节,身体各器官功能还处在较低水平,此时不宜进行激烈、长时间运动。一些节奏较慢且运动量不大的户外活动更适于早春,如慢跑、步行、放风筝等。锻炼结束后要立即擦干汗液,以防着凉。 春季运动要有度 春天的运动和其他季节不同,需要走进大自然,从舒缓的运动开始,重在养护。 散步的时候最好选在日出之后或日落之时,不拘于形式,不要太快,顺其自然、不疲劳就好。边散步边做深呼吸,能振奋精神、兴奋大脑,使下肢矫健有力,特别适合体质比较好的中老年人和年轻人。 慢跑是春天最普遍而实用的运动,对于改善心肺功能、降低血脂、提高身体代谢能力和增强机体免疫力、延缓衰老都有良好的作用。 四、饮食调养更重要 中医文献记载:当春之时,食味宜减酸益甘,以养脾气。饮酒不可过多,以免伤脾胃。所以人们的饮食宜甘甜少酸。老人、小孩尤宜多吃易消化食品,以利健康。 专家建议多食韭菜和菠菜 春季是肝旺之时,要少食荤菜和牛羊肉等燥性食物,否则会使肝火更旺,伤及脾胃。
Judas Priest的《Jawbreaker》 歌词
歌曲名:Jawbreaker歌手:Judas Priest专辑:Original Album ClassicsThe Dead Weather - JawbreakerI run so far away from youDon't matter where I've beenRun around the world from youAnd here you are againYou're a real jawbreakerA real crook, obsceneI'd call you a heartbreakerBut I reserve that for prettier thingsI tried to kill the memory(????)You must get a psychic sting (?)But I reserve that for nicer thingsIt don't matter where I've beenI run around the world from youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7519221
Judas Priest 歌词
歌曲名:Judas Priest歌手:Anthrax专辑:Worship Music武汉大学:Lye、耶律蠢材、の、炀帝珞盟推荐金属群:66032164Making my time on the lineFilthy with the knowledge I’mPlanting seeds, spreading diseaseRip away, tear up the beamsRavaged, it’s all so damagedYou’re lockedDisinter the ancient waysDeaf to all that dare to prayRavaged, never as savageAnd that’s the price you payOpen the doorFind the monsterStart the warI’m bound to, bow down toI am become Death, destroyer of worldsA menial place in this infinite swirlYour pitiful lives and none more the wiseThe human condition is dropping like fliesUnleashed is the beast, the worst of the leastFrom sheer depraved evil like Judas PriestHaving his way, my canvas unfurledI am become Death, destroyer of worldsReign, reignThe ending of yours has begunThe ending of yours has begunWho will stand with me in victory?Chose to trust me better stillYou gave your eyes your own freewillInvulnerable, your boil conceitI’m leaving you stunned in defeatRavaged, so bloody ravagedYou take this brutal beating at my handsUncivilized my victory standsRavaged, never as savageAnd that’s the price you payOpen the doorFind the monsterStart the warI’m bound to, bow down toI am become Death, destroyer of worldsA menial place in this infinite swirlYour pitiful lives and none more the wiseThe human condition is dropping like fliesUnleashed is the beast, the worst of the leastFrom sheer depraved evil like Judas PriestHaving his way, my canvas unfurledI am become Death, destroyer of worldsReign, reignThe ending of yours has begunThe ending of yours has begunWho will stand with me in victory?Screaming, rapid fire genocideScreaming, saints in hell are running wildRage, the prelude has begunNow your epitaph is sungPounding, monolithic fists of stonePounding, on the sinner to atoneRage, the prelude has begunNow your epitaph is sungI am become Death, destroyer of worldsA menial place in this infinite swirlYour pitiful lives, and none more the wiseThe human condition is dropping like fliesUnleashed is the beast, the worst of the leastFrom sheer depraved evil like Judas PriestHaving his way, my canvas unfurledI am become Death, destroyer of worldsReign, reignThe ending of yours has begunThe ending of yours has begunReign, reignIf you look for a monster you’ll find oneThe ending for all has begunhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18001054