
时间:2024-05-25 01:29:02编辑:优化君




书法的英文有三个,分别是penmanship; calligraphy; handwriting。扩展资料:一、penmanship1、读音:英 [ˈpɛnmənʃɪp]美 [ˈpɛnmənˌʃɪp]2、音译:n.书写;书法3、例句:1)My father taught me the skills in penmanship.我父亲教我书法的技巧。2)Young Wu Liangxing often practiced penmanship under guidance of his father.幼年的吴良行时常在父亲的教导下习字。3)The strength of the penmanship is vigorous and muscular字势雄劲4)I began to get sloppy in my spelling and grammar, and my penmanship deteriorated.我开始忽略了拼写和语法的正确性,我的字也很潦草。二、calligraphy1、读音:英 [kə'lɪɡrəfi]     美 [kə'lɪɡrəfi] 2、音译:n. 书法3、例句:1)His calligraphy has reached the acme of perfection.他的书法已达到出神入化的境界。2)You can find books about calligraphy on that stack.您可以在那个书架上找到有关书法的书。三、handwriting1、读音:英 ['hændraɪtɪŋ]     美 ['hændraɪtɪŋ] 2、音译:n. 笔迹;书法3、例句:1)The handwriting on both cheques is identical.两张支票上的笔迹完全相同。2)It's always a problem deciphering his handwriting.辨认他的笔迹有困难。3)My handwriting cannot compete with his.我的书法不及他。4)There is need for improvement in your handwriting.你的书法需要改进。





由此可见,在其他国家(至少,English-speaking country 和日本)是有书法的!!!甚至可以称为艺术!!!


早期日耳曼人四支部落(盎格鲁族、撒克逊族、朱特族和弗里西族)移民到英格兰,英语就是从他们的语言中变化继承下来。据《盎格鲁撒克逊编年史》记载,公元449年左右,大不列颠群岛国王伏提庚(Vortigern)邀请“盎格鲁亲戚们”来帮助他对抗皮克特人,于是他赐予盎格鲁族东南部的领土作为回报。随后他又进一步寻求支援,撒克逊族、盎格鲁族与朱特族人便纷纷前来。《编年史》记载,最终这些“移民”建立了七个王国:诺森伯利亚、麦西亚、东盎格利亚、肯特、埃塞克斯、苏塞克斯、威塞克斯。   日尔曼人入侵后,统治了当地的凯尔特语民族。本地语言主要于苏格兰、威尔士、康瓦耳与爱尔兰存活了下来。这些入侵者的语言逐渐形成了“古英语”,与近代弗里西语极为相像。English(英格兰人、英语)、England(英格兰)和East Anglia(东盎格利亚)这三个词是分别从描绘盎格鲁族的词汇发展而来:Englisc、 Angelcynn、Englaland。
古英语时期共有四种主要方言:   (1)诺森伯里亚方言——洪伯河(the Humber)以北的方言;   (2)梅尔西亚方言——界乎洪伯河与泰晤士河之间的英国中部地区的方言;   (3)肯特(Kentish)方言——居住在英国东南部地区的朱待人的方言;   (4)西撤克逊方言——泰晤士河以南的方言。诺森伯里亚和悔尔西亚这两种方言又合称盎格里亚方言,即盎格鲁人居住地区的方言。   二、中古英语时期——公元1100年至1500年   三、现代英语(Modern English,Mod E.)时期——公元1500年至今;   现代英语时期又细分为:   (1)早期现代英语时期Early ModernEnglish period——公元1500年至1700年;   (2)后期现代英语时期LateModernEnglish period——公元1700年至当前。


英语中有书法,包括Copperplate,圆体,哥特体等。1、Copperplate来源于早期铜板印刷( engraved copies)。顾名思义,是铜板或者铜板印刷。Copperplate是英文书法字体的一种。因为它最早是用墨水在纸上写完之后,把纸贴在金属板上雕刻,然后复制印刷的。其笔画线条优美,圆润,粗细交替分明,是一种非常好看,也是最常见的一种英文书法字体。分为Engrosser’s script(ES)与English Roundhand(ER)。2、圆体国内常指代的圆体英文书法包括有 手写印刷体、意大利体(或者意大利斜体、斜体)、圆体(国产圆体)。(1)手写印刷体:这种字体简单易懂,写出来很好,是现在国内外常用的日常手写字体。(2)意大利体:有一定的斜度和笔画的线条的粗细变化,需要稍微粗一点儿的钢笔书写,也是市场上常见的字帖一类的教材的标准字体。(3)圆体(国圆):含有国外copperplate(铜板印刷体)等的一些结构特点,以及笔画的衔接,普通的钢笔即可书写,较为快速、圆滑。3、哥特体装饰性很强的字体,比较重视线条,花纹的变化也采用了植物做装饰。扩展资料:英文书法发展史:1、最早的字母表诞生于公元前1200年的腓尼基(叙利亚古国),并在公元前8世纪被希腊人改编。后来,伊特鲁利亚人和罗马人借鉴了这种字体,并在漫长的时光中发展为种类繁多的西方字体。2、最重要的时间应该就是罗马人对伊特鲁利亚字体的使用,他们先发展了大写字母,用于手写字、书面协议以及雕刻;然后再发展了小写字母。基督教也在一定程度上推动了西方书法的发展,因为抄写圣经这类的活动非常盛行。3、美丽的字体给人极大的精神享受,在英国和欧美都出现了各类美妙的手写体,泥金装饰手抄本也开始进去全盛时期。直到15世纪约翰·古腾堡发明活字印刷术,手写渐渐被抛弃。因为现在人们都有了电脑手机,手写越来越少见,西方书法也渐渐变成了电脑中各类字体。参考资料来源:百度百科-Copperplate参考资料来源:百度百科-圆体英文参考资料来源:百度百科-哥特式字体


Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy (Brush calligraphy) is an art unique to Asian cultures. Shu (calligraphy), Hua (painting), Qin (a string musical instrument), and Qi (a strategic boardgame) are the four basic skills and disciplines of the Chinese literati.

Regarded as the most abstract and sublime form of art in Chinese culture, "Shu Fa" (calligraphy) is often thought to be most revealing of one's personality. During the imperial era, calligraphy was used as an important criterion for selection of executives to the Imperial court. Unlike other visual art techniques, all calligraphy strokes are permanent and incorrigible, demanding careful planning and confident execution. Such are the skills required for an administrator / executive. While one has to conform to the defined structure of words, the expression can be extremely creative. To exercise humanistic imagination and touch under the faceless laws and regulations is also a virtue well appreciated.

By controlling the concentration of ink, the thickness and adsorptivity of the paper, and the flexibility of the brush, the artist is free to produce an infinite variety of styles and forms. In contrast to western calligraphy, diffusing ink blots and dry brush strokes are viewed as a natural impromptu expression rather than a fault. While western calligraphy often pursue font-like uniformity, homogeneity of characters in one size is only a craft. To the artist, calligraphy is a mental exercise that coordinates the mind and the body to choose the best styling in expressing the content of the passage. It is a most relaxing yet highly disciplined exercise indeed for one's physical and spiritual well being. Historically, many calligraphy artists were well-known for their longevity.

Brush calligraphy is not only loved and practiced by Chinese. Koreans and Japanese equally adore calligraphy as an important treasure of their heritage. Many Japanese schools still have the tradition of having a student contest of writing big characters during beginning of a new school year. A biannual gathering commemorating the Lanting Xu by Wang Xi Zhi (The most famous Chinese calligrapher in Jin dynasty, ) is said to be held ceremonially in Japan. There is a national award of Wang Xi Zhi prize for the best calligraphy artist. Not too long ago, Korean government officials were required to excel in calligraphy. The office of Okinawa governor still displays a large screen of Chinese calligraphy as a dominating decor.

In the West, Picasso and Matisse are two artists who openly declared the influence by Chinese calligraphy on their works.


The art of calligraphy is widely practiced and revered in the East Asian civilizations that use Chinese characters. These include China, Japan, Korea, and formerly Vietnam[1].In addition to being an artform in its own right, calligraphy has also influenced ink and wash painting, which is accomplished using similar tools and techniques. The East Asian tradition of calligraphy originated and developed from China, specifically the ink and brush writing of Chinese characters. There is a general standardization of the various styles of calligraphy in the East Asian tradition. Calligraphy has also led to the development of many other forms of art in East Asia, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones.


  Introduction to Chinese calligraphy

  Chinese calligraphy is an art unique to Asian cultures. Shu (calligraphy),hua(painting),qin(a string musical instrument),and qi(a strategic boardgame) are the four basic skills and disciplines of the Chinese literature.

  Regarded as the most abstract and sublime form of art in Chinese culture ,”shu fa”(calligraphy) is often thought to be the most revealing character of one’s personalityDuring the imperial era,calligraphy was used as an important criteria for selection of executives to the imperial court.Unlike other visual art techniques,all calligraphy strokes are permanent and incorrigible,demanding careful planning and confident execution,like the skills required for an administrator executive.While one has to conform to the defined structure of words,the expression can be extremely creative.

  Being one of the world's oldest continuously used and active writing systems, Chinese characters can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC-1046 BC). Over thousands of years, the writing of Chinese characters has been evolved into a highly regarded art form, which is often called Chinese calligraphy.

  Calligraphy is considered as a treasured artistic form of Chinese culture. It is not merely a practical technique for writing Chinese characters or a tool for written communication, but also, more importantly, a unique expression of the spiritual world of the calligrapher.

  Calligraphy conveys the emotions, esthetic feelings, moral integrity and character of the calligrapher. Appreciators of calligraphy can even tell the character, temper or the change of the calligrapher’s social situation by appreciating his/her work.

  The ink stick, ink stone, writing brush and paper are the four essential implements of calligraphy. They are known together as the Four Treasures of the Study. These four "tools" have been employed by artists throughout China’s history, from ancient to modern times. Seals are stylized carvings of the artist's name, and it is customary for an artist to use both his/her signature and personal seal on finished paintings, poetry, calligraphy, documents and letters.


  Chinese traditional calligraphy mainly falls into 6 categories: Seal Characters, Official Script, Formal Script, Running Script, Formal Script, Running Script, and Cursive Hand.

  Seal Characters 篆书 (zhuan shu)

  Dragon (龙) as a Seal Character

  It can be divided into Big Seal Characters and Small Seal Characters. The former appeared in the Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC-256 BC) and evolved from oracle bone inscriptions. The neat structure of oracle bone inscriptions laid the foundation for the form of modern Chinese characters. The latter is more simple in form and more standardized in structure than the former. Small Seal Characters, known as Qin Seal Characters, were collected, compiled and prescribed by Li Si after the unification of China by the Qin Empire. Seal Characters are very elegant in style and are widely favored by people today in the creation of calligraphy works.

  Official Script 隶书 (li shu)

  Dragon (龙) in Official Script

  It originated from the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). The rise of official script is another reform in Chinese characters, ushering in a new stage of the development of Chinese calligraphy. In fact, it is a transition period in the history of Chinese character development, laying a solid foundation for formal script. Official script features a flat, neat and refined structure. When the Eastern Han Dynasty began, the left-falling stroke and the right-falling stroke bent upwards. Other strokes were characterized by variations considered beautiful in calligraphy. The style of official script features diversification and it has high value for study.

  Formal Script 楷书 (kai shu)

  Dragon (龙) in Formal Script

  It is also known as Zhengshu Script, and evolved from seal characters. It is simpler in structure and square in shape. To be specific, it is more standardized horizontally and vertically. The integral feature of formal script is neatness and orderliness, for which reason it is widely used and favored today.

  Running Script 行书 (xing shu)

  Dragon (龙) in Running Script

  It is the cursive form of formal script. When carefully written with distinguishable strokes, running script characters look more like formal script, while when swiftly written, they look more like cursive hand. It was created during the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD). In general, it is convenient and highly practical for writing.

  Cursive Hand 草书 (cao shu)

  Dragon (龙) in Cursive Hand

  Cursive hand is characterized by simplified and sketchy forms of characters. It was formed around the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD) and became prevalent in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). It has concise structures with borrowed components. Although it looks irregular, cursive hand has high artistic value beyond its practical worthiness.

  Chinese Calligraphy

  The Chinese Brush Calligraphy is one of the traditional four arts which was once an important critical standard for the Chinese literati in the imperial era and now prevails not only in China but also worldwide as a unique branch of art.

  Calligraphy is so abstract and sublime that in Chinese culture it is universally regarded to be the most revealing power of a person. While one has conformed to the defined structure of words, the expression can be displayed with great creativity by individuals.

  To become an artist or expert in calligraphy, one has to practice word by word and stroke by stroke until the spirit of the practice gets into one's mind. Just as Chinese Qi Gong, the Chinese brush calligraphy can temper a person into a state in which one can apply subconsciousness got from the daily practice to control the concentration of ink and the compatibility of font and size of each piece or word.

  In contrast to the Western calligraphy, diffusing ink blots and dry brush strokes are viewed as a natural and free impromptu expression. All the varieties of the operation depend on the mental exercise that coordinates the mind and the body to perform the proper sense to choose the proper way in expressing the content of the passage.

  Calligraphy is considered as an active way of keeping one fit and health for the practice is either relaxing or self-entertaining. Historically, many calligraphy artists both in China and Japan were well known for their longevity.



Easier - Calligraphy is the art of making beautiful or elegant handwriting. It is a fine art of skilled penmanship.

Harder - The word calligraphy literally means beautiful writing. Before the invention of the printing press some 500 years ago, it was the way books were made. Each copy was handwritten out by a scribe working in a scriptorium. The hand writing was done with quill and ink onto materials like vellum or parchment. The lettering style applied was one of the period bookhands like rustic, carolingian, blackletter, etc.

Today, there are three main types or styles of calligraphy: (1) Western or Roman, (2) Arabic, and (3) Chinese or Oriental. This project focuses mainly on Western calligraphy with a glimpse at the other two styles.

上一篇:深圳 书法
