英语书面表达 假如你是新华中学的高一学生李华,你的美国朋友Tom给你发电子邮件,询问你对高中生活的
Dear Tom,
I’m glad to receive your email, and I am sorry I couldn’t reply in time since I have been preparing for the final exam recently. In your email, you asked me about my plan of the summer holidays. If it comes to a choice, I prefer to go travelling.
First, I would spend a couple of days in Japan not only to enjoy the delicious food, but to learn about people from a different cultural background. Second, walking through a well-known national park is another must on my list, where I can appreciate the creations of nature and relax myself. Finally, I would visit some museums which should not be missed to broaden my horizon as well as enriching my knowledge.
All in all, travelling is the best choice to recharge ourselves and get ready for the new challenges. Let’s just pack our suitcases and start our trip!
Best wishes.
Li Hua
Dear wangping,
How's everything going with you ? it's 2years since I left for studying abroad in England.
I was told that you would like to further your study in Britain and I'd like to introduce the situation here ,which will be helpful for you .
on the one hand , you must improve language skill ,othrerwise there would be difficulities in communication. on the other hand , you may not be used to the western food at first .However there are chinatowns. certainly you weill be very homesick for a certain while .but take it easy ,I will accompany you on weekends .
expecting to see you soon and i am willing to give you a hand .
best regards .
潍坊新华中学位于潍坊市奎文区民生东街80号,地处潍坊市的政治、经济、文化中心,是一所义务教育初级中学。 学校建于1998年,占地面积28668平方米,建筑面积13175平方米,运动场地8750平方米;现有教学班48个,在校学生3400余人。 学校设备先进。配置高标准的实验室、智能机器人实验室、网络教室等;篮球场、排球场、网球场、环形跑道等学生活动场地全部塑胶化,宽带进入校内局域网,教师人手一机,引入“释锐校园信息化应用软件”并开发投入使用,构建了校园信息化管理平台,实现了学校的无纸化、数字化、信息化管理。 学校环境优美。绿化覆盖率52.9%,绿地率37.6%,达到了校园环境园林化、校内道路林荫化、活动场地塑胶化、校园生活温馨化,名花名木遍地,实现了春有花、夏有荫、秋有果、冬有青。 学校师资一流。学校有一支职业道德好、教学理念先进、业务水平高的教师队伍,在岗教职工193人,专任教师160人,其中省、市、区级教学能手109人,占专任教师数的68.13%。 学校以“给未来一份责任”为办学理念,坚持以质量树品牌,以改革促发展,以创新写未来,以特色创名校。以发展教师、成就学生、服务社会为目标,贯彻“稳定中求发展、发展中创特色、以特色促腾飞”的发展思路,营造“激发灵性,让师生的光彩点亮生命的课堂;优化个性,让和谐的教育创造诗意的生活;陶冶品行,让人文的气度濡染文化的校园;珍爱生命,让绿色的生机充盈成长的历程”氛围,努力把学校办成一所政府信任、学术认可、学生喜欢、家长满意和社会依赖度、知名度和美誉度高的品牌学校。 学校教育教学质量高,各类竞赛成绩辉煌,课题研究硕果累累。荣获全国创新教育实验学校、山东省规范化学校、山东省教学示范学校、山东省科普示范学校、山东省心理健康教育先进校、山东省绿色学校、山东省依法治校先进学校、山东省卫生先进单位、潍坊市首批个性化学校、潍坊市现代教育技术示范学校、潍坊市青年文明号、潍坊市朝阳读书“十佳”学校、潍坊市科普示范校、潍坊市中小学电脑制作活动特色学校、潍坊市初级中学个性发展50强学校、潍坊市文明单位等多项荣誉称号。