
时间:2024-06-16 06:13:25编辑:优化君


他之所以叫Tiger是因为曾经在越南一个叫做Tiger的人对他的父亲有过救命之恩,父亲为了让自己的孩子能记住这个恩人,所以取名叫Tiger WOODS 泰格·伍兹泰格·伍兹的父亲是美国人,母亲是泰国人,而他是黑色皮肤。至成名之后,人们习惯上称他为“老虎”,因为“泰格”在英文中是“老虎”的意思,“伍兹”的意思是“树林”。可见他的父母当初给他起名字时也是颇动了一番脑筋,林中的老虎自然是如鱼得水般地潇洒自在。就如咱们中国的刘翔,他们的名字好像从一开始产生便寓意着某种结果。《欧洲商业》杂志评论说:“距离1997年发下的职业生涯10亿美金誓言,老虎最多还需要五年时间。” 从1996年底转入职业以来,伍兹在第一个年头挣了650万美金,最高的2003年超过1亿2000万。加上今年的收入,伍兹的PGA(美国职业高尔夫)巡回赛奖金总额超过4500万,为历史上最高的选手。当然这对于伍兹的收入来说实在是九牛一毛。与耐克的五年一亿合同将为伍兹带来每年2500万美金,迪斯尼每年600万,豪雅表每年200万。除了这些长期合约,经纪公司IMG为他操作的单笔广告不下十种。   虽然伍兹已经宣称“为了尽快生儿育女,将在今年减少三分之一的比赛”,但这不会对“赚钱机器”的运转造成太大影响。除了美巡赛,其它小型赛事如果想邀请“老虎”参加必须付出高昂的代价。例如日本凤凰城巡回赛03和04年开出的价码是150万美金,迪拜邀请赛为200万美金,2001年伍兹的深圳观澜湖二日游则进账270万美金,光是个人所得税就缴了490万人民币!如果某位富豪或名人想与顶尖球手来场友谊赛,那是明码标价。去年的美国公开赛冠军古森应邀在北京与汇丰亚洲区总裁对局,代价是50万。伍兹作为现代高尔夫运动当仁不让的形象代言人,他的身价是每洞75万美金!

Tiger Woods effect是什么意思

Tiger Woods effect
They have called this phenomenon the Tiger Woods Effect afteranalysing the performances of golfers from 1999 to 2010 whileWoods was far and away the world number one.

介绍中国春节的英语短文 80词左右

The Spring Festival
Everyone, young and old, rich and poor, looks forward to celebrating the noisiest, most joyous and longest festival of the year. Chinese New Year is not celebrated at a hotel or supper club with revelers donning silly paper hats, drinking liquor and champagne, eating sumptuously, blowing whistles, twirling noisy rattles and throwing confetti while singing "Auld Lang syne" and dancing until the wee hours of the morning. In China, New Year's Day is a solemn occasion. Every family performs religious rites at the family altar. This is the time for a family reunion. All family quarrels have been amiably settled and forgotten.

Before the eve of the New Year, everyone tries to come back home from every corner of the country to join the entire family, just like Americans' practice for Christmas, to greet the New Year. A New Year big dinner is served. After the meal, the table is cleared, dishes washed and put away. Then it is time to undertake final preparations to meet the New Year.

英文 青奥会作文介绍南京 80词左右

Nanjing is located in Chinese east , the bank of the Yangtze River, Jiangsu provincial capital. It has a long history , the famous place for scenery or historical relics is a lot of. Lining change is very big on 30 , the high building stands in great numbers , traffic is convenient and rapid. On 2005, it holds national games fairly successfully , Nanjing amicable fervency of resident of a city , Nanjing are an open modernized city and.

