
时间:2024-08-12 02:12:05编辑:优化君


Canada is a very beautiful country, which is the second largest country in the world.Ottawa is the capital city of Canada, which sprawls along the southern side of the Ottawa River. Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal etc are also very famous cities in this country. Canada is a typical emigrant country and it has two main languages ( French and English). In Canada, it is cold and snowy in winter. Canada is a very nice country, which has a lot of fun sightseeing places. I like Canada's Banff National Park which is one of three famous national park; I like The Butchart Gardens which is one of the top tourist attractions in Victoria.


Canada (English/French: Canada), located in the northernmost part of North America, is one of the Commonwealth countries. It is known as the "Maple Leaf Country" and its capital is Ottawa.加拿大(英语/法语:Canada),位于北美洲最北端,英联邦国家之一,素有“枫叶之国”的美誉,首都是渥太华。The Canadian political system is federalism and parliamentary monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is the head of state and national symbol, and appoints the Queen Governor to be stationed.加拿大政治体制为联邦制和议会制君主立宪制,英国女王伊丽莎白二世为国家元首及国家象征,并任命女王总督派驻。Canada was originally the home of Indians and Inuits. After the 16th century, British and French colonists invaded successively, and became British colonies in 1763. It became a British dominion in 1867. In 1926, Britain recognized its "equal status" and gained diplomatic independence. 加拿大原为印第安人与因纽特人的居住地。16世纪后,英国和法国殖民者先后侵入;1763年沦为英国殖民地。1867年成为英国自治领。1926年英国承认其"平等地位",获得外交独立权。In 1931, it became a member of the Commonwealth, and its Parliament also gained the same legislative power as the British Parliament. In 1982, the Queen of England signed the Canadian Constitution Act, and the Canadian Parliament gained the full rights of constitutionalism and constitutional amendment.1931年成为英联邦成员国,其议会也获得了同英国议会同等的立法权,1982年,英国女王签署《加拿大宪法法案》,加拿大议会获得立宪、修宪的全部权利。扩展资料Canada来自于圣劳伦斯易洛魁语中的Kanata一词,意思解作“村”或“聚居地”。1535年,居住在现今魁北克市的原住民将法国探险者雅克·卡蒂埃带到斯塔达科纳,并称该地为Kanata。后来雅克·卡蒂埃便用Canada指多纳科纳(即斯塔达科纳的首领)统治的地区。1545年,欧洲的书籍和地图都开始用Canada代表这片区域。在17世纪和18世纪早期,Canada指新法兰西的圣劳伦斯河流域的地区。为了应对十三个殖民地居民的反英活动,英国政府在1774年颁布魁北克法案,这法案把加拿大的范围扩展至五大湖南部的地区,远及俄亥俄河。这些土地大部分在1783年被移交给新生的美国,但五大湖以北的土地,即现今安大略省的大部分地区,被英国保留下来。在新法兰西被英国占领后,加拿大被分为两部分,即上加拿大和下加拿大。1841年,上下加拿大又合并为加拿大省。1867年,加拿大省与新不伦瑞克和新斯科舍组成加拿大自治领。随着加拿大逐渐脱离英国,其政府也逐渐在官方文件和条约中使用加拿大这一简称。1982年,加拿大国庆日的官方名称从自治领日改为加拿大日参考资料来源:百度百科-加拿大

