Scent of a Woman
Review by James Berardinelli
Scent of a Woman is about Charles Simms (Chris O;Donnell), a Boston prep school senior, and the Thanksgiving weekend he spends working as the aide and companion of Lt. Colonel Frank Slade (Al Pacino), an embittered, lonely, blind veteran. The job, which begins as an onerous task performed principally for money, becomes a tour of self-discovery when Slade decides to make an unexpected visit to New York City. There, amidst all the holiday hoopla, the lieutenants actions force Charlie into making an emotionally painful - and potentially physically dangerous - decision.
There are certain actors that, when they appear in a film, are almost invariably indicators that the production is of high quality. They are an elite few, with names like Nicholson, Hoffman, Hackman, and Pacino. Considering some of the roles that Al Pacino has played during his celebrated career (in The Godfather trilogy, for example), it would be hyperbole to say that he gives the "performance of a lifetime" in Scent of a Woman...or would it? For two hours, he brings Frank Slade to life in a way that few others in Hollywood could. As portrayed by Pacino, there;s far more to this man that a rancorous outlook on life and a couple of hearty "hoo-ha"s.
Chris O;Donnell, a fresh-but-not-unknown face, is solid, if somewhat obscured in the more experienced man;s shadow. Although the role of Charlie is understated by O;Donnell, he nevertheless manages to fashion a rapport with the audience. This is necessary for the film to succeed, since its through his eyes that the story unfolds.
In essence, Scent of a Woman is another in a never-ending series of bonding pictures where each person has something unique to offer to the other. If there;s anything special about the film, its that on this occasion, the emotional realism of the characters, especially Slade, is heartwrenchingly believable. His relationship with Charlie works because Pacino won;t let it fail.
There are numerous dynamic scenes in Scent of a Woman, along with a surprising amount of comedy. Director/Producer Martin Brest knows how to blend humor with drama to good effect. His mix is nearly flawless, and he manages to do almost (and I emphasize almost) the entire film without resorting to manipulative tricks. Pacinos tango scene with Gabrielle Anwar is one such magical moment - unfettered, unforced, and highly enjoyable.
Unfortunately, considering how sound the bulk of the picture is, the final moments, with their overt pandering to a Hollywood-style ending, are a severe liability. Certainly, such "triumphs" are fun to watch, but they cheapen Scent of a Woman. Would it have cost the production team that much to inject a little realism into the films last reel?
The movie is as long as its storyline demands. It doesnt seem like two and one-half hours, and less time with these characters would have cheated the audience. Aided by an emotive score from Thomas Newman, the picture has opportunities to soar. Hampered by the script limitations, however, Scent of a Woman falls short of being a masterful production
Scent of a Woman
Review by James Berardinelli
Scent of a Woman is about Charles Simms (Chris O'Donnell), a Boston prep school senior, and the Thanksgiving weekend he spends working as the aide and companion of Lt. Colonel Frank Slade (Al Pacino), an embittered, lonely, blind veteran. The job, which begins as an onerous task performed principally for money, becomes a tour of self-discovery when Slade decides to make an unexpected visit to New York City. There, amidst all the holiday hoopla, the lieutenant's actions force Charlie into making an emotionally painful - and potentially physically dangerous - decision.
There are certain actors that, when they appear in a film, are almost invariably indicators that the production is of high quality. They are an elite few, with names like Nicholson, Hoffman, Hackman, and Pacino. Considering some of the roles that Al Pacino has played during his celebrated career (in The Godfather trilogy, for example), it would be hyperbole to say that he gives the "performance of a lifetime" in Scent of a Woman...or would it? For two hours, he brings Frank Slade to life in a way that few others in Hollywood could. As portrayed by Pacino, there's far more to this man that a rancorous outlook on life and a couple of hearty "hoo-ha"s.
Chris O'Donnell, a fresh-but-not-unknown face, is solid, if somewhat obscured in the more experienced man's shadow. Although the role of Charlie is understated by O'Donnell, he nevertheless manages to fashion a rapport with the audience. This is necessary for the film to succeed, since it's through his eyes that the story unfolds.
In essence, Scent of a Woman is another in a never-ending series of bonding pictures where each person has something unique to offer to the other. If there's anything special about the film, it's that on this occasion, the emotional realism of the characters, especially Slade, is heartwrenchingly believable. His relationship with Charlie works because Pacino won't let it fail.
There are numerous dynamic scenes in Scent of a Woman, along with a surprising amount of comedy. Director/Producer Martin Brest knows how to blend humor with drama to good effect. His mix is nearly flawless, and he manages to do almost (and I emphasize almost) the entire film without resorting to manipulative tricks. Pacino's tango scene with Gabrielle Anwar is one such magical moment - unfettered, unforced, and highly enjoyable.
Unfortunately, considering how sound the bulk of the picture is, the final moments, with their overt pandering to a Hollywood-style ending, are a severe liability. Certainly, such "triumphs" are fun to watch, but they cheapen Scent of a Woman. Would it have cost the production team that much to inject a little realism into the film's last reel?
The movie is as long as its storyline demands. It doesn't seem like two and one-half hours, and less time with these characters would have cheated the audience. Aided by an emotive score from Thomas Newman, the picture has opportunities to soar. Hampered by the script's limitations, however, Scent of a Woman falls short of being a masterful production.
1.美国往事《美国往事》是一部由瑟吉欧·莱昂执导,罗伯特·德尼罗、詹姆斯·伍兹、伊丽莎白·麦戈文、塔斯黛·韦尔德等人主演的剧情片。影片以纽约的犹太社区为背景,讲述了主人公“面条”从懵懂少年成长为黑帮大佬的历程,同时也展现了美国从20世纪20年代到60年代的黑帮史。1984年2月,该片在美国上映。1985年,该片获得了第8届日本电影学院奖最佳外语片等奖项看完这部电影闷得我喘不过气来。 价值与时间,成长与背叛。 还是难得这么有力量的片子。2.天堂电影院《天堂电影院》由意大利导演朱塞佩·托纳多雷执导,菲利浦·诺瓦雷、萨瓦特利·卡西欧的故事片,该片讲述了由萨瓦特利·卡西欧扮演的多多,喜欢看放映师艾佛特放电影,在胶片中找到了童年生活的乐趣。非常好看的一部电影,忘年交 青春 爱情 ,几十年的时间你会习惯多少事情又会忘记多少感动,回忆是美丽的因为你再也回不到过去所以才更加可贵 怀念,关于少年时代的一大堆美好的回忆,那些单纯又美好的日子,那一抹掠过嘴角的微笑,那一滴流过眼角的泪水,都令你无比怀念。爱佛特说:离开这个城市,你在这个城市呆久了,你会觉得这里是世界的中心。虽然说生活不是电影,但这部电影真的是深深的感动了我。3.活着《活着》是作家余华的代表作之一,讲诉了在大时代背景下,随着内战、三反五反,大跃进,文化大革命等社会变革,徐福贵的人生和家庭不断经受着苦难,到了最后所有亲人都先后离他而去,仅剩下年老的他和一头老牛相依为命。一个时代有一个时代的悲哀和可笑,你能在别人心酸的故事中读出些许温情,也能从自己的平凡中领会些许荡气回肠。电影少了原著的惨烈,但那种好死不如赖活着的悲凉还是存在的。4.勇敢的心《勇敢的心》是派拉蒙影业公司出品的战争片,由梅尔·吉布森执导,梅尔·吉布森、苏菲·玛索、凯瑟琳·麦克马克等主演。影片以13-14世纪英格兰的宫廷政治为背景,以战争为核心,讲述了苏格兰起义领袖威廉·华莱士与英格兰统治者不屈不挠斗争的故事。1995年5月该片在美国上映。1996年,该片在第68届奥斯卡金像奖上获得最佳影片、最佳导演等5项奖项这是一部我记忆极深刻的电影,当男主死前喊出“自由”的时候,我的心悸动,我的热血上涌,胸被一种闷闷的感觉压抑,然后看到反抗组织冲锋、奋战,我热血沸腾,满满的感动。5.楚门的世界《楚门的世界》是派拉蒙影业公司于1998年出品的一部电影。由彼得·威尔执导,金·凯瑞、劳拉·琳妮、诺亚·艾默里奇、艾德·哈里斯等联袂主演。该片于1998年6月1日在美国上映。影片讲述了楚门是一档热门肥皂剧的主人公,他身边的所有事情都是虚假的,他的亲人和朋友全都是演员,但他本人对此一无所知。最终楚门不惜一切代价走出了这个虚拟的世界 。很多人在看完《楚门的世界》之后陷入了一种“被窥探”的恐慌,大可不必。没有人会是楚门,而假想自己是楚门的,也大多是杯弓蛇影。不需要360°无死角跟拍的镜头,不需要敷衍设计好的朋友亲人,也不需要既定的轨道人生,既然你早已画地为牢,也就大可不必自怨自艾。无论怎样,请记住,能束缚你的梦想和自由的人,只有自己。
1.《致命魔术》(The Prestige):这是一部关于竞争和欺骗的电影。它讲述了两个魔术师之间的竞争,他们相互欺骗,不断地超越对方,而观众也在其中产生了角度和思考,并反复思考这种欺骗到底是疯狂还是创造。
2.《推销员之死》(Death of a Salesman):这是一部根据戏剧改编的电影,讲述了一个追求美国梦的推销员的心路历程,反映出现代社会的荒谬和迷茫。这部电影引人深思,使观众思考自己的价值观和人生目标。
3.《楚门的世界》(The Truman Show):这是一部关于现代社会媒体的电影。它讲述了一个男人生活在一个舞台上,整个生命都被拍摄作为真人秀节目播出。这部电影引人深思,使观众思考现代社会的虚假性和真实性。
4.《旅行者》(The Traveler):这是一部玄学科幻电影。它讲述了一个时间旅行者回到过去,试图阻止一场恐怖袭击的故事。该电影引人深思,使观众思考时间和历史的奥秘。
5.《第六感》(The Sixth Sense):这是一部关于幽灵和生死的电影。它讲述了一个小男孩遇到幽灵的故事,而他所遇到的幽灵都有一个共同点。这部电影引人深思,使观众思考关于生死之间的身心分离。