
时间:2025-01-21 08:22:58编辑:优化君


疯狂动物城: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ta7tFIACO135pxUQDpDWfw?pwd=869a 提取码:869a故事发生在一个所有哺乳类动物和谐共存的美好世界中,兔子朱迪(金妮弗·古德温 Ginnifer Goodwin 配音)从小就梦想着能够成为一名惩恶扬善的刑警,凭借着智慧和努力,朱迪成功的从警校中毕业进入了疯狂动物城警察局,殊不知这里是大型肉食类动物的领地,作为第一只,也是唯一的小型食草类动物。


1、Judy Hopps(朱迪·霍普斯)A vivacious person who is optimistic, outgoing and even a little impatient. Became the first rabbit police officer in the modern animal city. Her fellow police officers always looked down upon her.In order to prove herself, she grabbed a missing case from the hands of bison police chief, discovered the conspiracy behind the case by dint of extraordinary courage, and then forced the fox Nick and himself to embark on an adventure.译文:乐观外向甚至有点急性子的活泼主义者。通过自己的奋斗成为现代动物都市的第一个兔子警官。警察局的同僚总是瞧不起她。为了证明自己,她从野牛警察局长手中抢到了一个失踪案,凭借过人胆识发现了案件背后的阴谋,然后迫使狐狸尼克与自己踏上了冒险旅程。2、Nick Wilde(尼克·王尔德)A fox in the city of animals to cheat and kidnap for a living, childhood discrimination and prejudice hurt, gave up their ideals. Set up by Judy, forced to cooperate with her on the case, and involved in an unexpected conspiracy.一只在动物城里以坑蒙拐骗为生的狐狸,儿时受到歧视与偏见伤害,放弃了自己的理想。被朱迪设下圈套,被迫与她合作查案,而卷入意想不到的阴谋。影片评价迪斯尼的故事总是充满了对真善美的传递和描述,也许有人觉得这些故事简单幼稚,但有心人也可以看到他们对“新世界”寄予的期望和信任。在该片中,编剧用动物世界构建他的乌托邦,而没有直接用在充满弱肉强食、竞争、分裂、排斥、不信任的人类社会。

上一篇:2012 方舟
