single boy

时间:2025-02-04 20:04:59编辑:优化君



歌曲《Boom Boom Pow》

Gotta get that
Gotta get that
Gotta get that
Gotta get that that that, that that
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Yeah)
Boom boom boom (Yeah)
Boom boom boom
Boom boom boom
I got the hit that beat the block
You can get that bass overload
I got the that rock and roll
That future flow
That digital spit
Next level visual shit
I got that (Boom boom boom)
How the beat bang (Boom boom boom)
I like that boom boom pow
Them chicken jackin' my style
They try copy my swagger
I'm on that next shit now
I'm so 3008
You so 2000 and late
I got that boom boom boom
That future boom boom boom
Let me get it now
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Yeah)
Boom boom boom (Yeah)
Boom boom boom
Boom boom boom
I'm on the supersonic boom
Y'all hear the space shit zoom
When when I step inside the room
Them girls go apeshit, uh
Y'all stuck on super A-shit
They're no fast stupid a bit
I'm on that HD flat
This beat go boom boom pow
I'm a beast when you turn me on
Into the future cybertron
Harder, faster, better, stronger
Sexy ladies extra longer, cuz
We got the beat that bounce
We got the beat that pow
We got the beat that 808
That the boom boom in your town
People in the place
If you wanna get down
Put your hands in the air drop the beat now
Yep yep
I be rockin' the beats (Yep, yep)
I be rockin' the beats (Yep yep yep, yep)
Here we go, here we go
Satellite radio
Y'all getting hit with (Boom boom)
Beats so big I'm steppin on leprechauns
Shitin' on y'all you with the (Boom boom)
Shitin' on y'all you with the (Boom boom)
Shitin' on y'all you with the..
This beat be bumpin' bumpin'
This beat go boom boom
Let the beat rock
Let the beat rock
Let the beat r...
This beat be bumpin' bumpin'
This beat go boom boom
I like that boom boom pow
Them chicken jackin' my style
They try copy my swagger
I'm on that next shit now
I'm so 3008
You so 2000 and late
I got that boom boom boom
That future boom boom boom
Let me get it now
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)
Boom boom boom (Yeah)
Boom boom boom (Yeah)
Boom boom boom
Boom boom boom
Let the beat rock (Let the beat rock)
Let the beat rock (Let the beat...)
Let the beat r... (Let the beat rock, rock, rock, rock)


搞笑的句子 让人笑喷

让人笑喷搞笑的句子如下:1、小时候外婆经常给我吃一种洋咖啡,长大了才知道那是板蓝根。2、枯藤老树昏鸦,空调WiFi西瓜,葛优同款沙发,夕阳西下,我就搁那一趴。3、梦想还是要有的,不然哪天喝多了你跟人聊啥。4、高三去银行办卡,柜台给我一张单子,我填的证件类型是:长方形。5、工资就像大姨妈,一个月一次,一周左右就没了。6、我可以陪你熬夜,也会劝你早睡,但最好的状态是我们一起睡。7、你突然不回我消息的时候,我总是安慰自己,没事,你大概是死了。8、在这个薄情年代,要想别人对你念念不忘,最好的办法就是欠钱不还。9、都说我脾气不好,笑话,长得好看,脾气还好,那还得了。10、回想这半辈子,当过最大的官也就是QQ群管理员了。11、别人都是笑起来很好看,但是你却不一样,你是看起来很好笑。12、老婆总爱用一哭,二闹,三上吊的招数警告我不准找情人,这让我很生气,因为她从来不使出第三招。13、手相大师:你的手掌很大,你一定很孤单。我:啊?这都能看出来,为什么呢?手相大师:因为,越掌大越孤单。14、睡得晚,早上起来会困,睡得早,早上起来还是困,结论就是:我不适合起床。15、阻碍我国年轻人富起来的最大原因就是:总想犒劳一下自己。16、小区楼下,我拿着马克笔在一辆吉利小轿车上乱画,结果被车主撞见了。车主:“你涂啥呢?”我:“没啥,就图个吉利。”17、 一百斤的石头我可能提不起来,但如果是一百斤人民币,我保证拎起来就跑。18、刚才做了一个风险非常大的投资,要是成功了,一下就能挣几个亿,要是失败了,我这两块钱就打了水漂了。19、我觉得,我这辈子最灿烂的笑容,大概都奉献给我手机和电脑屏幕了。20、回想这半辈子,当过最大的官也就是qq群管理员了。


1; Loney
2: dj-西瓜太郎
6:Tu vivi Nell Aria
7:this is my dj
8:sound of my dream
10:Just about enough
11:the magic key
12:norazo happy song
13:its ok
15:lavita e
16:just dance
18:missy bebe hero tonight
20:Dooh Dooh
22:Feel Free
23:dj carpi -the garden
24:disco -mne uzhe
25:come baby 女生club版
26:Everytime we touch
28:basshunter -dota
30:if you come to me
31:a teens -floorfiller
32:Let's Go party
33:lollipop -batte forte

